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Posts posted by nonthaburial


    I have a Chinese friend, who has been here for four years and is very active in the sales of Ethanol Plants in Thailand, and shortly to expand into surrounding areas as well as the Philippines.

    Unfortunately, five months ago, her Thai business party did the dirty on her and her two Chinese sales managers, and did a runner taking all the company assets with him. This forced her to open a new company that is up and running.

    In the last 5 months she has done so well that she now has a long term exclusive sales rights in this area from her Chinese suppliers. However she realises that to be able to compete even stronger she has to be able to lower her prices and to be able to do that I have put her in touch with a very large metal fabrication company here in BKK, they are well known, have a good cash flow situation and employ over 200 people!

    They are now going to enter a JV together,where it is hoped, amongst other things, that she can make use of the local Thai company to gain the required work permits etc.

    Can you give any assistance in explaining how a JV should be set upand what documentation is required.

    I also understand that the company secretary has been in touch with Sunbelt in the view of using your services for the future

  2. I have been reading all these reviews over the last 2 months and if reading is believing then I will admit I was a little concerned about using this new airport for the first time.

    Last Saturday off I went with fears upon fears, got to the airport, taxi driver was unsure of where to go. "follow the signs dear chappie" and guess what found departure level very easily. Gulf Air to HK, easily found on check in TV monitor, Ok down to check in desk T from desk A was a bit of a walk but what the heck bit of exercise hurts no one. Check in smooth and through to immigration, very quickly dealt with by a very pleasant officer and through we went. Yes floor was sloped and slippery into the departure areas but signs everywhere warning of this. Yes duty free shops everywhere but no different to HK, Changi or every other major airport.

    Airport felt very comfortable and so far I could see no reasons for the heavy criticsms previously posted here.

    Yes there could be situations where it may be a long walk to the departure gate, but in a big airport that is to be expected and as they cannot park all aircraft on top of each other at one gate, again I cannot understand so many of the comments printed previously.

    I do however have one observation and that is the design, which is impressive, is not easy to keep clean, glass walls etc of that size a project will need a large crew working 365 days a year to keep it sparkling.

    The return in last evening at 6.30pm again went very smoothly and I thought that the large LCD at the baggage carousels was impressive. Luggage was quick and again so far no problems - all plain sailing. BUT WAIT now the big test, the dreaded arrivals hall where it is reported that every crook, gangster, thug and con man congregates to rip off arriving gullible passengers and all done in an atmosphere thats busier than Wembley Stadium on a cupfinal day (ok orCardiff).

    My god, am I at the right airport, I wasnt hindered at all and it certainly wasnt as congested as reported. Iam really unhappy now, it seems as if I have missed all these complaints and previous observations.

    Right the final test, up the moving walkways with trolley to the departure

    level, lets see if I can secure a taxi from there. Happy me yes I can , although whilst having a quick nicotine refill I looked down to the arrivals level to see many many taxis and no one waiting. Oh well another myth exploded in mid air!

    From touch down to getting to my final destination in Rama III a total of 70 minutes.

    Come on people wake up and smell the coffee, great airport here and certainly in my opinion not worth most of the bitchy comments read on here previously.

    I certainly have a complaint about HK airport my flight out to BKK was one hour late due to a huge thunderstorm over the runways. I will write to the HK Govt explaining that they built it in the wrong location and could they please relocate it to an area where there are no thunderstorms !!!!!!!

  3. Fires start for many reasons. In hotels and congested areas the dangers are multiplied by the inability of the Fire Services to get their heavily laden water tankers and pumpers into narrow congested streets to attack the fire. Couple this with the ghouls who stand around watching proceedings and the lack of operational fire equipment available to Fire fighters and a simple fire gets out of control with hellish consequences.

    Pattaya and Jomtien are a fire fighters nightmare, who can forget the Jomtien fire in 1999 (?) which resulted in severe loss of life. Bangkok had to use their high rise snorkels / ladders (60 metres height) Taking 4 hours to arrive. Due to the delay they attempted to use a helo which only made the flames worse due to its down draft.

    What is so worrying and frustrating is that those responsible for fire equipment purchase only appear to go for the big / heavy/ expensive models that may be totally unsuitable but the under table money is good. Then of coutrse we get to budgets for maintanence which disappear within days but the fire chief seems to have bought a new car recently !!!!

    The days of traditional pour water onto a fire are gone and new technology is available at a fraction of the price of huge fire trucks. They are manouverable and easily handled, yet use very little water.

    Very hard to sell though proven, as the costs are mimimum which means small tea money.


  4. After 30 years in various Asian countries, I am still amazed at how people can get totally sucked in and logic goes out of the window.

    I also get frustrated when someone tells a story asking for advice and then totally ignores what is given him ! as they say there are non so blind as those who will not see.

  5. Color, face, ears and big feet looks a lot like a Golden Retriever mix.post-17093-1162540756_thumb.jpg

    The dog I mentioned here is not mine but I have a GR of my own, and I am still not sure about the mix. This dog is pure cream coloured. I know that sometimes GR are light coloured but I have never seen a GR or Lab this colour before.

    As you can see mine is definately a Golden colour

  6. I first saw this guy about three months ago when he was about 2 months old. at that time he looked very much like a labrador, however, his legs were /still are huge and with big paws also, his body and snout seemed to be longer than that of a lab also.

    this picture was taken recently and he is growing into a lovely dog, he has the soft mouth of a retriever but as he is getting bigger his body length is increasing and so are the size of his legs and paws. As I say the nearest looking breed I can come up with is the Golden Lab, but I really do not think he is !

    It appears that he came from the Royal Thai Police kennels so his parents must have been working dogs. I am convinced that he is not a Heinz 57 or a Soi dog, in there somewhere is a breed, I am damned if I can see what it is.

    One final thing, his etes are jet black and his coat is extremely soft and silky !

    Any ideas ?


  7. For those who read these things, Korean Air's safety record hovers above the inland Chinese crews who fly WW2 vintage planes stuck together with old glue. Get ready to duck in your backgarden.

    You not getting Korean Air mixed up with China Airlines are you ?? searching deeply into my beer frazzled brain I can only remember two Korea Air blunders, one was many years ago when it was suspected the Russians shot one down and the other was when they parked one on a volcano site in Hawaii ???

    probably my turn to be shot down next :o

  8. Living close to Chaeng Wattana,in the goold old days it used to be common for departing aircraft to compete with each other to see who could leave the longest skid mark on my roof, especially those en route to europe bewtween midnight and 2am.

    After the opening of the new airport, it has been so depressingly quiet here that I actually missed the aircraft noise, but over the last 48 hours things have changed again.

    In the early hours of Sunday morning there was a large jet engined aircraft that seemed determined to take my roof off, others in the area also have commented on this incident, then yesterday and to a degree today there have been quite a lot of low flying aircraft in the vicinity.

    No these are not military aircraft, but large engined passenger aircraft.!!

    Have i missed something ? are we using Don Muang again or is it possible TG are still using it as a maintenance base or for landing / take off practices ??

  9. soju stop being pedantic :D Manila terminal 3 is a lovely looking building and to be fair to The Philippines its only been finished for 4-5 years so give them trime to get their act together :o

    by the way,the reports that the interior is suffering from building failures such as collapsing ceilings is neither here nor there :D

    Serious answers best airport Hk tied with Singapore. Worst, no contest Manila !!

  10. It appears that this lady is probably Chinese, the guy also seems to be of the same race, so if true, we are talking Chinese culture here, but difficult to come to a correct judgement when the OP uses such a provocitive avitar and acts in such a vindictive manner.

    Doesnt want to listen to advice and insists on revenge. Recipe for trouble big time

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