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Everything posted by chilli42

  1. I really hope that the Thai government and media tell China to get stuffed. I fear though that what will happen is the government will quietly tell the media not to cover Taiwan. Just look at the covert government interference in the USA among the social media companies during Covid. Why would we be surprised that the same thing would not happen in Thailand?
  2. So this means they are going full steam ahead and damn the torpedoes
  3. Why has this taken so long … just to get to the point of “proposes”.
  4. Well I do know a handful of people who did go back … perhaps unsurprisingly they were all Australian (I am not). As for myself, I have been in Thailand since 1990. I retired 12 years ago and spend half the year in Thailand and half in Canada. I thought Thailand was just fine when I was working full time. Once I retired I came to realize that it is in fact boring here. If it were not for my Thai wife I would have left years ago. I think it’s a personal thing. The things I like to do to engage in life are just not here. What little there is here that I enjoy doing is too limited.Then pile on the traffic and pollution. Just thinking about it is depressing 😏
  5. Most proper vacation/short term insurance companies offer medevac as a standard option (local Thailand insurance companies). I have gone on two modestly adventurous holidays in the past year. The tour operators would not accept your booking unless you had medevac insurance. All said though, I would not be eager to put the policy to the test. There is a huge price difference between the local medevac insurance policy and that purchased in the USA
  6. Are they not understanding that it’s the economic conditions in China that are having the biggest impact on tourism spending? Do they think that the Chinese public is focused on events in Thailand? I would be it would not even make the news
  7. When I see these kinds of things being advanced by the same old mischief makers it makes me think of how demoralizing it must be for Thai’s. It’s like deja vu once again. No matter what they do to bring change they are served up the same steaming plate of … They really deserve better than this.
  8. It was imbedded in a link on another site. I can’t find it now. Based on the video evidence available today I would have to say it was false.
  9. Does anyone even question why digital money is being implemented and who it benefits? Also, why now? No, they will take the money and spend it like lemmings. So will Thailand transition to digital currency … sure everyone wants more taxes and to be better controlled.
  10. People understand that they are just licensing his name … right?
  11. Maybe but my cynical side says it’s about the $$$.
  12. Seems the intention is for Thailand to operate the way most other countries do. I do think the intent is to go after the big fish and not pensioners (though pensioners will be caught in the net). If you are a tax resident of Thailand (I think that means being in Thailand more than 153 days in a calendar year). You will need to file Thai income tax with the intent being to declare your global income. Thailand has dual tax treaties in place with almost every country so any tax you paid in the home country will be deducted from tax owing in Thailand. How do Thai authorities find out what you earn? As many have already pointed out that will be seen by the money you transfer in. When your tax return is audited you will have some explaining to do if your money transferred in is much more than your claimed income. There is also the fact that there is a global agreement among tax authorities and banks where your income in the foreign country is reported to Thai tax authorities annually. Thailand is already a signatory to this agreement. So if this change to the tax code goes ahead (and its certain it will since it the way most countries do things) and they do end up taxing pension income, you are going to have to think long and hard about your story/explanation as there won't be much wiggle room should you be caught in an audit. If this all comes to pass they only way out is to not be in Thailand long enough in the year to qualify as a tax resident. Though you will have to claim a country as a tax residence perhaps it can be a country where low tax rates are the norm.
  13. “…felt numb all over their bodies and found it difficult to move their legs and arms.” Indeed, I have experienced these same symptoms on occasion. It’s quite unnerving. I always thought it was the magic mushrooms now I can know it was the jacuzzi that caused it. Where is my lawyer!
  14. Oh come on. These girls are not drug dealers (who are scum). They were used as mules … poor and desperate with no prospects. Maybe even in serious debt to the gangsters who put them in this situation.
  15. I am not suggesting this fellow was anything less than a giant pain. That said, the level of beating put on him is out of proportion to the behavior. Wouldn’t you normally cut a drunk a bit of slack? Is it my imagination or is this kind of thing happening more frequently now?
  16. Well, let’s not forget who wanted him out in the first place.
  17. This was the operating plan all along. FF provided an unwelcome surprise that has now been relegated to the dust bin. PT will put an acceptable face in the government while maintaining the status quo. Let’s see who gets the “power positions” in cabinet, speaker of the house etc.
  18. This coming from a country where lies from the government are seen as a viable and normal mode of communication is a joke. The pot calling the kettle black.
  19. I hear you. However, I don’t think it is up to foreigners to force what they think is right on Thailand. It is up to the Thai people to demand and do what ever is necessary to secure the way in which they wish to see the country governed. The people of Thailand in fact have the power to accomplish this end. If they sit by and do nothing … well that is on them.
  20. Yes, if you are lucky enough even to have a Dr who will see you.
  21. Goodness, that is quite a cuisine. Seems the Turks didn’t leave much behind when they passed through.
  22. The more things change, the more things stay the same. Meet the new boss, the same as the old boss … but with a more voracious appetite.
  23. Agree with the civil unrest. I assume that Pheu Thai will ask for the speakers seat and join the collation. Oh, and of course Taksin returns shortly thereafter.
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