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Everything posted by chilli42

  1. Seems it matters who is doing the touching of marine life … .https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1978671/two-foreigners-arrested-for-taking-selfie-video-with-marine-animals
  2. Not necessary to make a choice. That would be foolish. Play both ends against the middle. Once a choice is made your negotiating position is gone.
  3. This is a foreshadowing of things to come around the world. There is a new sheriff in town. The Chinese have money and they spend it liberally. Aside from which, trust of the USA is at an all time low. For goodness sake, lies by politicians in the USA have become the standard form of communication with the electorate (to be fair not just the USA). If they are willing to treat their own people this way what is a foreigner left to expect?
  4. No s that you put the time in to share this. I am sure it will be helpful. Best wishes for the prosperity of your business
  5. It’s the Russians and Chinese. They pay whatever is asked, no questions. Rent always paid on time. My wife owns a large number of high end houses in Bangkok. The renters were all expat senior managers working for international companies. The houses are now mainly rented to Chinese at twice the price of what they were three years ago. Also, short term rentals have taken many properties out of the long term rental pool. The short term rental market generates even better returns. No surprised in bit with your story/situation.
  6. … LPG next? That would get some attention.
  7. Once burned shame on you, twice burned shame on me. It’s sad to see women like this who have such low esteem that they accept toxic behavior like this for so long.
  8. Well if he is successful in pulling together a coalition of the required number of votes he will need to sell his soul to the entrenched. Hopefully he can still make a bit of progress in a few key areas so he can build experience, trust and a track record in future elections. Don’t expect too much it is naive. He has a lot against him. He needs time.
  9. Well it’s the law and he is not above the law. If he is as smart as I think he is, he would know that this law has tripped up other politicians in the past and would have taken steps to be free and clear of this. If he did not then maybe he is not as smart as I had hoped he is. What ever the case, this will just be the first of many ongoing attempts to bring him down. So the first but definitely not the last. I wish him well, change is needed. Out with the dinosaurs and in with the new bucks.
  10. Well then, I look forward to the reduction in my electric bill in the coming months.
  11. Well I was thinking more along the lines that electricity prices are managed and don’t reflect global commodity pricing. That door swings both ways … electric prices were reduced during Covid but now over priced relative to LNG prices
  12. The information here is false. The global price of price of LNG in Asia has dropped from $37 per million BTU in Dec 2020 (2 months before the invasion of Ukraine) to $13 per million BTU today. Yes there was a temporary increase that peaked in August 2022 but the price has dropped precipitously since then. How can a journalist publish something like this without fact checking it? Beyond that, what does this tell you about the price of electricity in Thailand.
  13. You mean the China virus? What could possibly be causing this uptick in cases.
  14. I fully understand why the police ignored this case.
  15. I get that but it says her father is a music teacher in China … not a lucrative profession to be paying out kidnapping ransom
  16. Quite true but no way I am eating what the chef sends back after you have refused the dish.
  17. “… diverse entertainment …”. That about sums it up.
  18. Just ask to see his Thai ID card. The ID number is easily checked.
  19. ???????????????????????????????????????? The laughs never end in the land of smiles.
  20. Chuwit is no fool. Whatever he has on the people in power, you can be sure he is as safe as a baby in its mothers arms. Big Joke must be feeling the schadenfreude after being kicked to the curb by some of the same people a couple of years ago.
  21. With all the coverage of this there is no chance Mr Sky is in any danger. On his next trip to Thailand … well maybe he best leave Thailand off his travel list for a few years.
  22. I am impressed. One honest man and a dishonest man that has impressive organizational capability. Clearly, the right men for next Prime Minister and Deputy PM
  23. It’s payback time for Big Joke … som nom na (my best effort in the phonetic)
  24. These are the people running the country?
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