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Everything posted by chilli42

  1. I admit to being overly fond of dogs and have lived around wild animals most of my life. Sadly, once any animal has crossed the threshold and attacked humans in this way, it can never be trusted again. There are few options going forward the kindest being to put Pepo down. Hope they do the right thing … or count on a repeat performance in the future.
  2. So why expect that the ‘unimportant people’ would follow the rules of the road if a police captain is not willing to do so?
  3. How about when you get to zero points you have to buy ‘first class’ insurance?
  4. Has anyone considered the massive capacity increase in the electric grid that would need to be invested for to enable electric car charging on a large scale? Last time I looked, Thailand burns fossil fuel to produce electricity. Is there something special about those fossil fuels that does not pollute?
  5. I completely agree with you. That said, it’s the same as the gun problem (guns don’t kill people, people kill people) and many other societal problems. It’s easier to police/regulate people than to take action to solve the problem.
  6. Thailand has always been very clear … they want foreign money they don’t want foreigners.
  7. One is tempted to come to the conclusion that Thai business lacks the capability to compete on a level playing field. The constant protection of industry assures that the talent pool will never develop the skills and competencies that would allow them to compete in an open market. The protectionism is bad for everyone other than the wealthy incumbents
  8. Reading the comment here, we seem to be forgetting who pulls the strings of the military. Might that individual have a motivation to make a change? I have no idea but we will see
  9. Agree but in situations like this I am reminded of the admonishment “Vengeance is mine, and recompense …”
  10. Nobody seems to be asking why all of this is happening. It’s not happening by accident or coincidence. Who has an interest in destabilizing the US and global economy? What is the outcome(s) that they are trying to achieve. If you take a broader perspective I think you will find that the price of petrol is not such a big worry as the avalanche of s$&# that is rushing toward us.
  11. I am sure you know by now that nothing bad that ever happens is the fault of a Thai person
  12. That is true. It will be interesting to see what will happen now that the Yen is devaluing so quickly
  13. No need for concern. The outcomes are very clear. Increase interest rates or see the Baht devalue …. which will increase the cost of imported goods and elevate inflation. Japanese Yen a good example of this scenario. Lower interest rates will support a hoped for economic recovery but also elevate inflation. What is difficult is the decision and the choice is between bad and worse.
  14. This kind of thing happens in Canada every day. It’s proven to be the most effective way of resolving differences of opinion with banks.
  15. Next pandemic can we just drop “Follow the science” a just follow Sweden.
  16. It’s too bad that the Thai authorities were not as diligent with extradition in the pursuit of the Boss/Red Bull case. They st least fid their job this time.
  17. There is no room in society for rape. It should never be tolerated. I am not seeing where the people involved here are minors (or women). Seems most of the groping was of adult males. Now I agree completely that the behavior is inappropriate. Legal action seems ridiculous and smacks of a money grab. I was out with the Mrs (a Thai) last night and some of her business associates. There was an Italian gent in the group that got too deep in his cups. He started to grope various women in the group. When he did the same to the Mrs she grabbed his crotch, squeezed hard and said that’s enough of that. He was sufficiently chastised (and a bit terrified) to be as quiet as a lamb for the rest of the night. My point is that matters such as this don’t need to be settled in court there are other ways to resolve.
  18. Now if you thought the Chinese were ‘thrifty’ …. I lived in India for two years and there are many wonderful things about the country but Indians are the very soul of ‘kee neeow’. Not a bad thing in itself but not good news for those out for a money grab.
  19. Wow, what morons. First they are so out of touch with people and reality that they not only build something extravagant like this they actually do a press tour to demonstrate for all to see their insensitivity. Then they turn around, almost the next day, and delegate Chuan Leekpai (as nobody else will associate their name with this debacle) to tear it all down. Clearly an indefensible project but at least try and explain to voters why the decision was made to build it. No brains and no balls
  20. I notice when I am driving in my home country that people don’t even look up from their telephones or around them when crossing at a cross walk or intersection. I am not saying that is what has happened here but it seems to me that people in certain kinds of countries have become so accustomed to drivers behaving in a responsible and predictable way that they have completely let down their guard. I still have the habits drilled into me as a youngster “Look both ways before crossing” …. maybe add to that in Thailand “… and run like hell”. Such a sad way to go, way too young RIP.
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