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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. Where has he 'clearly stated' this....show a direct quote from Putin himself
  2. Well if he did that not very presidential is it... but I expect that's ok with you because he said it to Trump and Vance
  3. Because theyre all loud mouth keyboard warriors, cheer on a war from the safety of 1000's of miles distance. Total cowards
  4. 🤡🤡🤡Amazing how you're attacking someone that actively trying to end a war
  5. When has America ever actually done something for the people of a country, there is always financial inventive, Clinton said in the beginning drawing out the war as long as possible would be a good why to ruin Russias ecomony.Biden inc threw billions aid to indebt Ukraine so they could take the minerals as payment,Lindsey Graham said thelat they don't want the minerals (12t) going to Putin or China. Trump has just brought the while thing into the open
  6. Will you be changing you virtue signalling profile to a Taiwanese flag after Ukraine is over?
  7. Well if he is that bad and got the popular vote it doenst say much for your side does it
  8. Because most of the crybabies here use the term maga in a derogatory manner, meaning a cap wearing redneck.
  9. You don't speak for the world, you speak for yourself only.
  10. You shouldnt assume everyone that supports Trump is maga!.
  11. How has Putin force NATO to expand? Paranoid actions? Do tell o'wise one
  12. BS if he travelled 12hours by train, so the Ukrainian President doesn't have acess to helicopters or planes while surrounded by military ...how gullible are you.
  13. Yawn, pretty sure the removal of illegall immigrants, exposeong fraud, corruption and government waste is more important. To those that voted. You didn't care about eggs until he took office..
  14. Yep, and the sheep here ignore anything pre 2022. The MSM used to report on Azof and call Ukraine corrupt before then too, but now Ukraine is the Darling of the warmongerers.
  15. What a load of nonsense, they have carried on drinking as normal
  16. Because there are enouth DTDS thready thelat have to endure. 10 fold actually
  17. You lied purposely, not all of Ukraine at all stop lying and spreading misinformation from your cult media
  18. What so Ukraine is done and switch to the next thing the news tells you queue Taiwanese flag profile changes by the sheep
  19. The last Rogan where elon talk about SS was very informative, did you actually listen tobin in full or an edited versoin
  20. Only with the hysterical DDTS sufferers
  21. You don't know anything, and that is quite clear, you know what youre by the likes of the BBC
  22. The fascists got stopped by Trump.
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