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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. ok, so you prefer the ladyboy caberet shows
  2. great retort.....so. i am well under 50 and can still get western chicks, on Tao they are the majority similar to phangan and even samui.., you are well passed 50, so you are limited to broken english conversations with Thai bar girls.... unless you know some 'real' thai girls
  3. yeah, having good English and pool skills is a give away!๐Ÿ˜Ž
  4. nope, not married to a Thai and it's certainly not regarding my life, i live where there are many westerners so no need for Bar girls..unless for a nights fun. there isn't anything wrong with a bar girl either, but its the stereotypical scenario , unless you're posted here for work and work with Thais the chances are you wont be meeting many others type of girls.
  5. i would hazard a guess the majority here married or are with ex bar girls, so most of your list is out the window from the start!
  6. as i said, the war could have ended back in April 2022, but the UK and US stopped the peace negotiations that had been arranged, i believe to be held in Turkey. the US,UK do not want peace. clinton is on record saying the war should be dragged outr as long as poss to drain putins economy! Mitch McConnell said 'Ukraine will fight to the last Ukranian' (something along those lines) the US have no interest in peace, the hostility toward Russia. is decade old! the blood of the dead since April 22 are oin the UK and UK hands. Putin and lavrof have repeatedly said they are will to talk, perhaps change your new channels to something outside the MIC funded msm. Ukraine has lost more men than russian has.
  7. stealing millions in fraudulent property valuations...you mean getting loans he paid back? and that the banks were happy, there was no victim!
  8. i means i didn't post in capitals or large font which you said meant shouting.
  9. you know that if this were a 'maga cultist' claims that you disagreed with, you would be calling them conspiracy loons, etc etc and that tic tok was not credible..strange how things change depending what you believe aye!!
  10. how do you 'just not go'? so basically, you admine anyone that decided they didnt want to go for what ever reason or how..just not Trump, thats basically it. you are a trump derangement sufferer, in rhe most gigantic of cases.
  11. so what are you saying, there was more than 1 shooter, but the media are coving it up? is that not a 'conspiracy' as you guys are so quick to accuse maga of? what are you trying to say, more than 1 shooter...and whats the rest?
  12. exactly, why fight or die for some politicians st=itting safely in their big houses...its only now how obvious it is
  13. wait a minute, are you stealing JingThing word 'fascist'... i hop not, he will sue for copyright infringement
  14. are you referring to the 'deep state'?? the very same Trump was lambasted about for years?
  15. well, as things have come top light, i think the diverse equality has shown itself to be a failure or perhaps it was the intentional?๐Ÿคจ, i wonder how things would be now if trump had in fact died.. i haven't seen any rioting or trouble in the streets over this, would the tolerant left/antifa/blm crew have been so calm? i dont think so.
  16. a gay rent boy attack is not equivalent to a political assassination attempt
  17. no, you would just go on quoting MSM/ Dem biased media outlets and figures
  18. thats because all the 'fact checkers' are left bias, goto any of their 'staff/about us' lists, you will see where most were/are employed. political leaning. but you wont
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