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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. You mean people with a difference of opinion, not everyone watches the BBC and mainstream BS.
  2. Seeing as its 3rd hand info as best, would imagine some info gets lost in translation. Not every death is suspicious
  3. Yeah, doesn't say much for khao son does it.
  4. A coalition means nobody was good enough to have a defined win, or 2 partys join to stop another 'undesirables party winning, as happened in Austria last year.
  5. Only 25? I'd have thought the MSM woild have said 100's just to pull on the heart strings of the gullible like yourself. Trump said was going to stop the war, if the EU leaders got with the plan for peace this would be over by now, they're dragging this on giving Zman false hopes. P.s, do you hold Israel to the same standards as Russia?
  6. Live music would put me off, i want to eat in peace.
  7. Its well needed throughout the western political world
  8. And Why have Russia been an enemy? They lost more men then every other nation fighting Hitler and tet they do they get any gratitude from ••••s ? Go and watch Oliver stones 'history of the US', you see there why the hostility toward Russia exists, and spoiler... it wasnt Russia doing.
  9. IMO, the zman was being propped up with promises that were only effective under Biden Inc, he was their mouthpiece, and did as told, nobody expected Trump to win, but he did, and now the rug has been well n truely pulled from under his feet. Had Harris won or any other Replican, It would have continued same same, however, Trump isnt in the MIC's pocket like all the other politicians.
  10. A bit different to a condo wherebits a shared space, but the renters should put rules in place. Ie, no parties, no loud music after 10, etc etc, A friend manages a few villas, they have strict rules regarding noise extra guests, etc, so far since COVID no problems.
  11. All seems quite plausible, the dog got shipped back in a grate, cage, what ever, she died before opening it, Gene was that far gone he didnt realise she'd died, couldn't fend for himself. You'd have thought there were some cleaners or helpers employed, or even some family local. Sad ending for a great guy, the Superman films are part of history.
  12. Not sure why you had to add that. The situation was quite tragic by all accounts, doesnt need to be made political, i'd expect that from a democrat or DJTDS
  13. Have you ever listened to the various Jo Rogan podcast with him?, talking unscripted for hours, just talkng about all sorts of ramdom subjects, rather than pathetic edited MSM articles... actually, that was a stupid question, of course you havent, you would never look outside you MSM bubble. That's clear by your comments here. The guy is very interesting, you of course deny this due to you hatred of anything Trump.
  14. Why does there always have to be an 'enemy' with you old men, cold war is over, your American goverments have been provoking & funding wars and régime change since WW2 ended, how about a change of MO, negotiations, diplomacy, negotiations... leave that old mentality where it belongs.
  15. A rocket exploded..yes, on a test flight, but you are forgetting the fact he actually IS making rockets, taking satellites into space..He is literally a 'rocket scientist', Therebis that or a 'brain surgeon' 2 top professions the old saying goes. His boring company has dug 2.5 miles.... but he HAS a boring company You on the other hand are......?
  16. That's a word salad even Kamala would be envious of
  17. He's probably pocketted enough to buy a couple.
  18. I've never said Ukraine were winning, I knew they weren't, unlike you and the herd,🐑🐑🐑🐑
  19. Yes, and we've also been told Ukraine have been winning the war. So many lies been told,
  20. Did you even get the reference to the new car? A Bugatti apparently, when his country is at war, do you think is army outfit means he is on the front lines?
  21. Flouting the rules? There is only 1 letter between H&K, easy mistake if typing fast. Lets not forget there are plenty of names given to trump here that are no where near his actual name. I'm sure HC won't report me.
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