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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. oh, that nothing burger, very similar to the collision hoax, what was it again, some targeted facebook adverts
  2. thats probably due to the channels you watched being Biden bias
  3. wow, the silk road guy, yeah, proper menace to society isnt he, equal to Jeffery Dhamer!
  4. i was being facetious, but its not a conspiracy really, those high up on the Dems side don't get held accountable...or rarely
  5. you still clinging onto the russian collusion hoax. started and paid for by Killton herself and the fake steele dossier. yawn!
  6. there there, don't worry, i found it. adjudged by who, people like yourself?
  7. i didn't see or hear any groveling. perhaps thats just how you want to perceive it! P.S. American foreign policy is 'do as we say'
  8. believe all women, until one accuses Biden..then don't believe them!😎
  9. oh poor diddums was feeling sick, and didnt know what she was saying, awe she made a stupid comment that came back to bite her!
  10. Trump trump trump.....you got that TDS bad! 'Enemy'...jeez, thats Murica all over, you're still in the cold war mindset! what is wrong with making good relations with other countries, or do you have to have the bogeyman for the ever wars to continue? all the saber rattling toward Putin has just pushed 2 of you 'enemies' closer together. i seem to remember obumma caught on a hot mic groveling to Putin.
  11. absolutely spot on!! thats the most factual post i've seen written in any of these Russia bad, China bad, West is best, threads. i expect the confused emoji is from a member that has never watched anything but their home countries news in their entire life, and think what you wrote is in a foreign language!
  12. are you American by any chance? Which country has 800 army bases around the world? which country has been involved in a war, miles from their shore for the last 50years?
  13. seems like you just brush off the US interference and focus on the end result..which was caused by the US interference.
  14. yes, bob, and deflection on your part, just admit it, you made it up! so was Ukraine in the top 5 for corruption before 2020 or during trump? https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/19/world/europe/ukraine-corruption-military.html you propagandised sheep bob, perhaps your login should be woolybob
  15. i'm not twisting anything, i was questioning what you posted earlier and proving that you'd made it up in your head and tried to post as facts
  16. as opposed to the US regime that invades and destroys countries 1000's of miles from their shores, kills 100000's of civilians, since when do you care about Ukranians? let me guess..feb 2022? remember under Trump Ukraine was the 3rd or 4th on the world list for corruption, that swiftly changed didnt it, now the received billions in aid. you guys just flip flop back n dforth as the media tells you to...... 🐑🐑🐑
  17. debunked by who, you TDS tards on here? are you saying Boris Johnson did not fly out from the Uk and put a stop to the peace talks that were in the pipeline? because google will prove you wrong. you basically invented a scenario in you head that falls in line with your Trump bad, Putin bad hysteria, that never happened, what a whopper!
  18. the talks didn't happen because BoJo flew from the UK and put a stop to it, so no negotiations were done, meaning you invented that whole scenario!
  19. so, i don't know what i'm talking about, but then you proceed to and invent a version of something that never happened?🤡 lying Russians? humm, now.... wasn't there an agreement back in 97 to not expand nato Eastward?, who went back on that? lets take a guess. other countries are wising up and seeing the US for what it is, they are making firmer ties elsewhere for themselves. good on them didn't Saudi make huge deals with China rather than the US?
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