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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. haha, pretty much summed up 50% of AN members in 1. Pattaya is sleeze capital. full of OAPs that think they are legends in their flip flops
  2. you have nothing, thets why you lamely try to reverse the TDS,,, what a whopper, go on, give it your best shot....
  3. so, did trump get booed off stage as your mate claims, or not?...simple :yes or no" is all that is needed, can you do that earl?? you BBF danderman123, claimed trump got booed off, and we were all trumpansese for not accepting,it...can you back up your BS? because the clip i just watched yesterday showed otherwise... what is your version of the truth ??
  4. you know that trying to reverse TDS doess not work, it just amplifies that you have nothing of your own.
  5. seems we watched a different thing then because the c-span clip didn't look that way., so was it edited, what doesn ytour version show?? (ps, i saw a clip of lined streets of supporters outside the courthouse too, or was that faked?) you need to come to terms that, A = you have full blown TDS and it's clouding your judgement B = El' Trumpino is gaining support as people are seeing he is being politically persecuted by the Biden regime. C = A+B together!!😎 funny how Big bad biden challenged Trump to a debate then made a tonne of rules up to cover himself.....
  6. i did, seems you haven't if your claim is he was booed off stage
  7. are you talking about some facebook posts/adverets? what did this 'interference' actually interfere with and how? Killery still got the popular vote, so it clearly didn't help Trumpo in that respect. i think you'll find it's a nothing burger, you just have to eat humble pie
  8. no, Biden is aready close to. ww3 Putin stooge is just white noise.
  9. humm, there were boos, but not overwhelming, and there was cheering as heh left. he certainly wasnt booed off staged as another poster claimed.
  10. well well well, waddaya know.... so, i watched the whole c-span clip provided by Placeholder, there were boos and applause at the beginning, boos got drowned out. he didn't get booed off stage, rather El Orangio left to cheers and applause, i certainly didn't hear any boos at the end, nor did he stumble, stammer, fumble or lose his thoughts the entire 40 mins. would you put biden up to that? ,after he passed a drug test of course so, now surely you will have to admit your TDS level is at warp factor 7? if your TDS was a USS enterprise engine......
  11. not booed off stage yet, 9.30 mins in they are cheering 'we want Trump', i will keep watching, but perhaps your TDS got the better of you....again P.S, they invited Biden too, but he didn't show...wonder why...can't he put 3 words together live, off the cuff?? puk puk puk chicken PPS, 33 minutes in, still speaking, not booed off stage yet, and still no Biden!! ppps, how many votes did Biden get?
  12. a friend that was there, or edited msm clips...lets see what the truth turns out to be.
  13. i'd vote for any anitwar candidate, but lets be honest, that won't happen. US is basically the military ever war terrorist country, and won't be changing anytime soon
  14. is there a FULL un edited version available to watch?
  15. i haven't had time to look yet, but i am pretty sure there will be a difference between the maddows show and fox, so somewhere i the middle will be the truth. i really do not care about stormy daniels do you?
  16. you mean like Trump going to be a dictator, end of democracy, going to start ww3, putin stooge, blah blah..... what ever came of any of it?
  17. she's far from ugly. but, post up a pic, lets see how you look to be calling others ugly!
  18. Beacon of Democracy??...... really, maybe in brainwahsed americans eyes, outside the US, not so much! Killton, the dems and 90% of media didnt accept Trump as president, you wage wars under the guise of 'spreading democracy' yet dont accept it in your own. same goes for the UK over brexit!
  19. haha, Rachel Maddow show? are you for real. the russian collusion nut case and staunch anti trumper!
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