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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. 'rare' enough for it to be withdrawn totally. recognised early on, yet in many places still forced on people, and those that didn't want it or refused were all of a sudden right wing anti vax and demonised in the press, lets not brush over that part!
  2. like Astra Zeneca? just been pulled off the shelves worldwide after 'clotting' issues, some warned about that years ago and got attacked for it and labelled as conspiracy nutters. pfizer 'effectiveness' dropped from 90% to below 50%, but yeah, you keep getting your boosters if you are worried, leave the others out of it. ignorants dying...yeah ok then.
  3. i can't for the life of me understand why Putin doesn't want this in his country..... https://www.facebook.com/reel/1016459056532575
  4. Homosexuality is not illegal in Russia, but all the LGBTSRUCIAS crap isn't welcomed, good. look at the US now, with all the gender BS, an embarrassment for the country!. i dont see anything wrong with a country wanting 'traditional values, i also don't care if people are gay, do what you like, just don't bother others. dystopian .... yeah right, different countries, different cultures.
  5. you should learn the difference between insulting someone and taking the piss David!
  6. go back to a bit further to 2016.. start there and look at all the msm headlines from then on, demodrats talking etc etc.
  7. the division is coming mainly form the left, just have to look at the anger & hate and name calling spewed her by a certain few, and those same put the blame on the other side every time, totally blind to their words or actions
  8. yeah, you would be one of those here i would imagine would be saying it. a couple of others spring to mind too!
  9. in the beginning when Trump wanted to ban travel from Chy-na, quite a few of the Dems were attacking him over it and claiming the covid was no worse than the flu. they soon turn around on that when they realise they could blame deaths on him!! Trump had fauci and Brix as advisors, not sure what he didnt do.
  10. you would have been called an anti vax conspiracy theorist if you had sais that a year ago
  11. if you want to be a no-bianary pansexual, thats fine, you carry on, don't force me to play along.
  12. a country where there are only 2 genders, they seem to have it sussed!
  13. so a website that backs the opposition Nevalny is slagging the current Russia off...well i never, it's like cnn reporting onTrump!! but guess it must be true.🤡.... how has Putin or Russia effected your life whatsoever?
  14. propaganda is propaganda, doesn't just come from one side...
  15. pretty much yeah, you remember WMDs right, babies in incubators, assad gassing his people, all proved fake propaganda...
  16. i have many Russian friend outside Moscow and am half Russian myself..you are full of S***.
  17. yeah, clinton, obumma, sleepy joe and all congress got you best interests at heart!
  18. yeah, so Russian soldiers are so poor they dont have toilets in their homes, do you ever read what you write and expect people to believe you?
  19. you know that Putin was up for peace talks back in April 2022, but the US and UK stopped it...so the US,UK and nato continuing this war. answer my question, how has Putin effected your lif in any way whatsoever?
  20. wow, that is proof right there. case closed, Putin bad, cause your mate said so
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