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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. so 5+ years of non stop 'Russia Russia Russia' didn't happen then?
  2. oh stop with the BS, the msm media, Killary, numerous politicians, talk show hosts, celebs, all claimed that Russia rigged the election and trump was in illegitimate president, and were alloowed to voice it any where they wanted, trump was banned from social media, and any discussion on the matter was also removed. STFU trying to argue over semantics. THEY BOTH CLAIMED THE ELECTION WAS RIGGED. Trump did not try and overturn the result, he questioned it, sought clarification, and rightly so. people like you are the cause of the division that happening today
  3. they are equivalencies, you can say they are false as much as you like, but facts are facts! the facts are.... they still claimed it was rigged..by Russian collusion...or are you forgetting the 5 years of nonstop media coverage of that? Trump voiced his concerns, youtube and facebook banned him instantly and any discussion on the subject was also censored.. where as the same didn't happen to any of left bias media , killton, dems and anyone else that claimed 2016 was rigged, practically everyday..DOUBLE STANDARDS, but you dont see that because it go in your favour.
  4. and of course there a no news channels websites, fb pages or twitter accounts attacking DT or anyone associated with him?
  5. was it early on a sunday morning..fully understand!
  6. as opposed the the dem owned court/jury that just found him guilty now!
  7. rig an election?..... i think your excitement on this result has got the better of you
  8. do you actually think a former President will actually go to a jail? they have 24 hours secret service security, so how will that work?
  9. apart from Ashley Babbit the rest were natural causes or suicide....there is your answer. and he didnt incite the attack, he said 'peacefully' or are you denying that?, the fact that twitter and facebook banned him in order to silence him any further
  10. this is the sort of situation when you would type 'whataboutery' .
  11. what was the outcome? any charges for insurrection ?
  12. yes, zilch, just the all the other things they threw at Trump. unfortunately the reps as not as aggressive, nasty and spiteful as the dems, and they don't have 90% of the media behind them.
  13. thats total MSM nonsense, 5 did not die. only 1 person did, ands she was shot by a cop.
  14. he didn't try to overthrow the election, so gtf with that crap. silenced from being able to speak by being removed from twitter & facebook. if the justice in the us was in fact equal, then Pelosi should have been done for insider trading, clinton would have been done for her server, biden and he documents, he wasn't even president.
  15. not at all, look at Biden and his papers, clinton server, the lack of coverage and scrutiny compared to DT and rep, mainly DT though. i hope Trumps wins even more now, that will putr all your noses out, i hope he then gets some payback
  16. they would have been doxxed had this been different side in the dock, thats what the sly, snake left do
  17. total BS, the Dems are above the law, especially the high ups like Killton & pelosi, you just don't see it because its the side you are on.
  18. are you talking about the c-span clip, or did you watch a different version? i'd be interested to see if there are any differences
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