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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. the proof is the there for all to see, look at the court cases and charges!
  2. just as Biden /Dems have done to Trump, . this conviction is prof of that. the last one for the loans is another example. what goes around comes around. i look forward to it
  3. you know that writing 'convicted felon' does not bother me and i am guessing nobody that supports Trump... where as you guys get all frothy mouthed at Biden being called creepy, sniffy, sleepy amongst others
  4. so, no law enforcement officers died at the capital.
  5. i wouldn't have apologised, he should n't throw stones while living in a glass house
  6. i dont really have an opinion on him, but when someone is attacked and persecuted by the establishment & media they're doing something right
  7. fails to mention anything about the grooming gangs he exposed. from your 1st wiki post is shows you do not like him, or were you just using 'left wing' news outlets?
  8. so post correctly then. thats not what you said, or what was claimed in the link you posted.
  9. i dont support people dying, but you have to get the facts right if you're going to accuse other of not accepting facts, or maga lovers hate facts! chttps://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/
  10. there is proof? this article was written over 15 months ago. the fact are nobody was killed or died during trouble at the capitol, apart from Ashley Babbit
  11. no, you said apart from cheering about releasing a criminal it was just boos, which is factually incorrect, it's quite ironic when you a few minutes earlier said trumpers hate facts!
  12. i was referring to what Trumps said in his speech, which. walker was purposely omitting for his comments. no law enforcement died fighting then. 1 woman was shot by police.
  13. either you heard wrong, or one of us watched something that had been edited, i'm am unsure which side c-span id, but that is the version i watched, and it was definitely not boos throughout or booed off stage. oh, and to add, they invited Biden, but he didn't accept, probably because it was live event!
  14. the actual full version shows it in a different light. there were boos initially but soon faded, IMO there were far more cheers throughout the 40 minute speech, he certainly did not get booed off stage as that article implies.
  15. misinformation, you keep omitting the key word from Jan 6th, and that is PEACEFULLY. !!
  16. quite an important word though don't you think, especially given the context! it's not so 'hate filled' with the word peacefully being used. the hate is your interpretation it's common knowledge as to why, so i don't need to answer. did the metal detectors thing actually happen? because there isn't any fact check for it, unless you mean this https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/jan-6-panel-looks-trump-white-house-cassidy-hutchinson-testimony-rcna35550 no gun were used, were any even shown, were they even armed?
  17. once again you omitted 'peacefully' here is what was said.... https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-tell-supporters-storm/ there is nothing regarding 187 minutes, his speach started at noon, there are 2 tweets in the link that would suggest you are incorrect. so, who to believe, you or snopes fact checking ? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/national-guard-capitol-riots/
  18. go ahead, search away. former Presidents get secret service security, are they going to be in there with him? trump in an orange suit flanked by MIB?
  19. i have read it before, feel free to google it now, you will be bombarded with a media frenzy about Trump, i am not going to scroll through pages of sensationalised nonsense to provide you with a link. i'd recommend you skip the fist 5 pages to find a more rational down to earth article
  20. a former us president will not go to a jail, it will be house arrest if anything.
  21. how many politicians use the word 'fight' when speaking to their supporters?..... remember how many misinterpreted 'bloodbath' p.s talking of bloodbath, i see Biden has implemented a 100% tariff on Chinese EVs, exactly what Trumps said he'd do, funny that he didn't do it before, how many other Trump policies did Biden keep?
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