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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. good, cant stand weasels that sit behind their keyboards gobbing off, rather than deal with issues directly, face to face
  2. personally don't mind weed, but its gone so OTT since becoming legal here. skinning up non stop at a bar is a teenager thing, not a 35-55 year old thing. grow up guys!
  3. they probably don't carry the older model as most appliances are upgraded in a year. you might be better searching high street shops.
  4. you are such a bore. i hope you spook stories are more interesting.. even if they a fiction!
  5. i keep forgetting the emojis to show when taking the piss! personally i couldn't care less if you were in the RAF, you chose to, thats up to you, i don't think anyone should be forced to join the forces or forced to goto war...well, apart from the politicians that want the wars, send them, their kids and other family members and lets see how peaceful the world becomes!! yes, Obumma was more 'presidential' he also dropped more bombs and started more wars that any previous president, how many innocents were killed in his 'drone strikes' ? and how many did he deport in his time? how about Abu Ghraib and the 'we tortured some folks' destruction of Libya for no reason .... but yeas, he oration was good, so lets forget about all that!
  6. so, she can put out tweets (and presumably the others involved in the case) attacking, slkagging off or whatever, while he has a gag order? sounds familier to jan6 when he got banned form social media so couldn't defend himself against all the 'insurrectrion' BS from the media, dems, etc etc
  7. where did you copy n paste that from. a college debate page. do you have pronouns and blue hair?
  8. and yours sits, filling up his adult diaper, waiting to be told what to mumble next by his handlers
  9. and you say maga is a cult..take a step back and look in the mirror Agent Smith!
  10. well, Killton won the popular vote apparently, so their 'micro targeting' 🤡 didnt work
  11. how have i changed my tune on stern? perhaps you misread my comment
  12. both stern & barrymore were brown nosing to the max, but DB clip was worse, momula, america needs a hug!..🤮
  13. i saw enough of the interview. i wonder if the fact checkers will be on the case.
  14. what a joke, howard stern calls biden the 'grandpa everyone needs...basically a demented ol fool... drew barrymore... calls cackilin kamila.. 'momula', no wonder Trumpo gets votes, you follow that <deleted>e you are part of the problem, walker, lancit & chomper..get a grip on reality, jeez!
  15. ? has anyone watched the howard stern cupping balls session with sleepy joe? where are the fact checkers whe. biden speaks...lies? you guys are so <deleted> hypocritical
  16. was that a kids fairy tale scenario or just words you happened to know ?
  17. so, in your head you are making a tongue in cheek comment into fact, similar to the 'bloodbath' comment when referring to the auto industry.
  18. job re-instated and economic growth after it was shut down due to the pandemic . lowering prescription n drug prices was a trump policy in fact how many Trump policies did biden keep? P.S, as it's been said before about Trumper calling other names..... look whos the fist to go.. as usual... Your comment is typical trumpian goober
  19. logic clearly isn't yours you're shown exactly what trump said and that it's always cherry picked, yet totally ignore it and double down on your TDS nonsense!
  20. so, when biden & dems compare DT to hitler it's not devisive, but Trump doing it is divisive ?
  21. how many times the biden, pelosi, dems or msm compared trump to hitler?
  22. the clue is 'company name', do you realise you contradicted your own conspiracy theory
  23. i think your imagination is running away with you it was moved by her, apparently, according to another poster, you like your 'suspious deathe' though dont you
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