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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. i think walker should change his profile photo to this though
  2. Yes, that is the down side to social media, people can post whatever they hear without any regard for next of kin or family, i just hope the usual 2 scumbags don't try and stick their noses in trying to claim foul play, as they have done previously. i originally heard this was a female and a wall fell on them.
  3. apart from the screaming liberals, it was!😎
  4. still a billionaire...and you are.....?
  5. 1997 is the most recent thing you can find...... so proving the point then...... it's politically motivated as all these Trump things are, Democrat abuse of power to politically attack the current adminst... REGIEMS opponent!
  6. wait right there...if i'm not back in 10 minutes just wait!
  7. there have been a few bike crash deaths that haven't been reported too. not everything needs to make the news, there are no media on the Island so who are the police or rescue going to tell? do you not think the families should be told before things are plastered over the press? the dude that got caught with drugs went to Samui court, thats why he was in the news.
  8. they csaid he's start WW3...seems that ol' sleepy in doing that, well, those actually in charge pulling his strings.
  9. oh, Jan 6th ...YAWN.....he had the right to question it, it was a show trial, no defense or evidence allowed, Trump banned from Twitter so he couldn't speak on it globally...has Trump been charged with insurrection or anything relating to j6? the Dems never accepted 2016, they and the corporate press were undermining Democracy every day by pushing the Russia hoax, impeaching Trump along with everything else they tried but failed to pin on him!
  10. there is if you have a sense of humour, some people should take the poles out their arses and lighten up! there isn't Democracy in the US, there is the Biden regime, look how they want to censor free speech, attacking anyone that speaks out against them, trying to remove Trumpo from the ballot, everything thing they accuse DJT of they are already doing. you just don't see it because you're part of it!
  11. *only on day 1 .is what he actually said, and it was tongue in cheek..however., seems the libs don't do humour! and take ecverthing he says as literal!
  12. surpressed, says who? if someone dies is it really anyones business but the families and British embassy to be contacted first or do you think it should be reported to Ian cockwood or the hippo Suzanna so they can try to spin into something it's not? from what i understand the dude fell in a storm water/drainage channel that goes behind a few businesses to the sea, this was after being on the pub crawl, unfortunately people can make bad judgements when intoxicated
  13. says the gammon that has a hissy fit over the mere mentions of trumps name
  14. can you not work that out for yourself.? who else has been given a gag order by a judge for a similar case?
  15. that wasnt what i asked, what others have been given a gag order through a similar situation as this....can't say i know of any.
  16. curious to know if a gag order has been issued to others before with similar situation?
  17. which are that? Tennis is the only one i can think of and 'mixed doubles' is specific section of the game. there are still mens & womnes, never men vs women
  18. they should compete in the para olympics, they are mentally disabled after all
  19. no, i blame the US, they have interfered in the whole Ukraine thing, they were responsible for the coup in 2014, leaked phone call by Victoria Nuland proves that. not saying what Putin has done is right or wrong, but it certainly was provoked by US & nato, Stoltenberg even said so recently. Peace talks were on the table in April 22, the UK put a stop to it, Clinton saying the war should be prolonged to crash Russian economy, same as sanctions which of which failed. The map proves how Israel have expanded illegally, they ignore evertyhing and nothing is done about it because they are backed by the US & UK. Golan Heights is owned by Syria, does it just so happen to be an oil & as rich area by any chance? last thing i read was something like that. so for all those pointing the finger at Putin for a 'land grab' really should look in their own direction, how about the US illegally occupying the oil fields in Syria? so much hypocrisy and double standards from the western side.
  20. yeah right. can you tell me when the russian/Ukranine thins started? also google the map of Israel.... how much have israel expanded since it's conception ?
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