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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. i don't, i wish America would keep their nose out of everyone business, the world would be a better place!
  2. no, i very much doubt it would be possible, but i didn't take it literally like others. in what capacity could Trump go there now to negotiate with Zelensky? so i doubt that is even true. Trumps in Putins pocket..blah blah, change the record. i give that zero credibility and the same for people that post it. a ceasefire would help, then negotiation well, face facts, nato expanded East, it wasn't supposed to , this is (IMO) mostly the yanks doing, the overthrow of the Ukrainian Gov, rememeber Nulands phone call. there are other issues since 2014. Putin was provoked, should he have gone in, well....thats a matter of opinion, there were clear warnings. the west don't really have a leg to stand on when it comes to 'invading countries' do they!
  3. Trump intends to try to force Ukraine into giving genocidal war criminal dictator everything he wants! He's expliciitly pro Russia. show me where Trumps has said the above
  4. ok, so he hasn't said anything of the sort has he, its just your anti Trump imagination again.!
  5. normally quick to post links to prove points, guess no links for what Trumps about ending the war?
  6. where has Trump said this? what is wrong with building bridges and better relations with other countries.... or do you need an enemy? we all know the arms industy need war to make money, the amount the 'donate' to politicians it's clear to see why there are continuing wars
  7. not personal, just a question. i see many hungry for war when safely 1000's of milers away, thier opinions fed to them by lying politicians and media. so when Trump said he have the war stopped in 24hours thats a bad thing? just to clarify, you think stopping people dying in a war for politicians is wrong?
  8. Volunteer yourself or you family to go n fight, or just egg it on from your arm chair?
  9. so you like wars and people dying then? what about some peace negotiations? how about countries spend billions on their own people in need or infrastructure rather than sending it to corrupt Ukraine
  10. seems you did hear something different to 99.5% of people on this thread!
  11. you see it through delusional eyes, similar to how you see the orange man! war brought on by the events in 2014 and since, agreements broken and nato expansion,(which lets face it, is the US) he doesn't have any to expand the Russian empire peace talks were on the table back in April 22, UK stopped it, deaths from then on are on the UK and allies!
  12. yep, i am not a gullible and manipulated by the dishonest media like yourself, you despise El Trumpo so much you are happy to believe everything you read about him. it's funny how you guys call others stupid or low IQ when it's really a reflection of yourselves.
  13. no, just believe everything you read with out hesitation.! why would you not seek to double check the information you are given? how many times have the western media been proved wrong or to be lying during this war?
  14. 2.4g....wow, they caught Escobar in the making there didnt they
  15. you've seen the dictionary definitions for bloodbath right posted here already right? yet you still refusing to accept it
  16. hahaha, still holding on the the 'bloodbath' thing, despite being offered dictionary references, every other media channel showing the context. half the pages here proving otherwise.... and you have the gaul to say "as he brainwash his followers" you need to see a counsellor ! hahahah
  17. well, there is your problem to start with, refusing to watch, read or listen to something. personally i don't watch fox for my news, but i did see this, and it highlights what the left media says and explains why you guys get hysterical over Trump, read what i wrote, check it from the 5-9 minute mark, i don't care about the rest, although there is an interested clip of Pelosi near the beginning basically admitting how the Dems smear campaigns work!
  18. poisoning the blood of our country...not sure, i haven't sat down and watched the full thing yet..(have you) but at a guerss the criminal element that is entering and then mixing with the population. people coming in with disease..well, think back to covid, remember that bothered you so much, blamed Trump for all those deaths and his 'slack' response.... although not plastered over the news now, covid is still out there, have those entering been vacced? so who's to say another more deadly variant of covid couldn't be brought in someone entering illegally? you'd be quick to blame if it were Trumpo in charge..and did '“We will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country... thats self explanatory surely. route out those breaking the law, rioting, like those BLM, antifia, etc, what is your interpretation? from your posts i am going to assume something similar to whats said in the section of video i highlighted above.
  19. so, she is a Russian yoga instructor....is there any proof of this, videos? you know, just to confirm things!!😎
  20. back in the day we used to read the lonely planet, it told you the 'do's & don't's when in Thailand, and some cultural things, shame the FB generation don't read these things
  21. so, weed was illegal until very recently, whats your stance on people selling weed now, from shops..... it's the same drug, just legal?
  22. i can see why the anti Trumpers get so hysterical now over the smallest things ...FF to 5:12-8:0, talking about trump will kill his opposition, rule with brutality, send every one to gtmo, no wonder the anti Trumpers get so frothy at the mouth on these threads. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/XNFe3xRLKv8DP1j2/?mibextid=oFDknk
  23. so the whole 20yr wasn't a disaster in the first place, just the trumps order, that Biden could have cancelled if he so wished. hang on, do i bring up something from WW11 now?
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