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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. you are missing the point....if went from no cases, no sick people everywhere, no dead bodies piling up, no panic, life went on with pretty much as normal.....Introduction of testing kits, thousands of case everywhere, travel restrictions, 1000's in quarantine facilities, panicking.... so where was covid that 1st year?
  2. yeah, i have followed covid BS closely since the start, still don't know of 1 death in my area., Thailand didn't have any issues with deaths or cases for an entire year, then they introduced self testing kits, then it all blew up, cases through the roof daily, people in quarantine etc etc, then 14 days later...nothing! .8% mortality rate. more die on the roads each day, yet driving isn't banned!!
  3. yes, she is a TV host, but at the time actual doctors and virologists were being censored on social media as spreading 'misinformation' yet she (among others) was allowed to continue spreading with out any accountability. unfortunately not everyone looks further than their TV for their info.
  4. Biden and Racheal maddow are 2 that spring to mind, no apologies or retractions as of yet.... didnt see them get labelled as spreading 'misinformation'. the level of protection it gave is debatable, even from the cdc themselves. it went from 90 odd % then wained to 60, maybe less
  5. how about natural immunity? talk of that was practically banned
  6. YAWN...classic reply... i would bet you were one of those that also said 'look at Italy' if you were in a discussion about covid back in the beginning!! unless full details on those deaths given then there is no real way to know the 'actual' cause, it's widely known now the deaths were mainly the elderly age bracket, the actual mortality rates in the various age ranges was a fraction of what was told. the fear worked on people like yourself.... Thailand was the 1st country outside china to have a recorded death in Jan 13th 2020, we werent locked down for a further 2 months, what did covid do in that time, where were all the bead bodies?, seeing as it was such a deadly virus and all.. there was still only 92 deaths after the 1st year.! but you keep believing everything your told without question!
  7. and the'anti brigade' were correct weren't they..as now being proved!!!
  8. even Chris Whitty on the bbc back in April 2020 said this was a lot lower risk than first predicted, with a less than 1% mortality rate, yet we all had to suffer the BS for 2 years.
  9. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68401870
  10. not understanding people have differing opinions is the problem. do you need a safe space to process it?
  11. Putin is far greater leader than Biden and of the sellout western ones and even Trump!... Go Putin! try and arrest him and see what happens... how many countries would actually even follow through with the warrant....lets see the Hypocrite USA, biggest war crimes violators on the planet get arrested first.
  12. you were given quotes and links...even MSM used to call Azov that, until 2020.., feel free to go and check for yourself.
  13. you're the one that brought up the arrest warrant & ICC, not me...
  14. you have been given links and quotes and proved wrong...oh, so lets get back on topic now eh!! . anyone that calls cannabis 'whacky baccy' in this day and age has no credibility.
  15. when the US is held accountable for it's illegal actions then things might happen, but until then it's political BS
  16. pretty sure if you browse the lastest Trump threads here you will see it's the left/liberals that start throwing insults.
  17. hahahah,, ok, so did they issue arrest warrants for Bush, Blaire, Obuma? actually does the USA recognise the ICC ? how many countries will up hold the arrest warrant?
  18. do you need to hear a specific individual saying 'yes i am a nazi' ? they are a far right 'neo nazi' group, pretty self explanatory really, sporting nazi insignia... no, i guess they are just a group of substitute school teachers! https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/1/who-are-the-azov-regiment
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