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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. thats why more countries are signing up to BRICS, they see how untrustworthy the US is when it dishes out sanctions whenever they feel like it. countries can see the bullying tactics for what they are..... bye bye US. look forward to it
  2. 'military operations' on his border, brought on through nato expansion (that could have ended in April 22 if the UK didn't stop the peace agreement).....unlike natos illegal destruction of Libya, led by the US, oh and how about the illegal was in Iraq....quite hypocritical to say it about Putin when US has bombed so many countries illegally, but nothing is said
  3. TDS in full effect....fascist tyrant.... you are one sad man, you could kind of understand if you were writing from a collage campus somewhere in California.
  4. and i guess being a Lawyer in NY yourself and not an expat on a Thai forum, you know all about the inner workings!
  5. no, Trump will just be living rent free in your head for the rest of your life.
  6. i will laugh when this all goes tits up, i see the governor already told others not to worry.... oh why's that..politically motivated thats why, and this adds to the polarisation of the US of ARSE,
  7. nah, that just highlights your mentality and character, most motorists would warn others where the cameras/police were to help them out.
  8. he says while simultaneously deflecting form who killed Epstein and covering for the elites....and for the record...nothing 'indirectly ' about it, i support Putin 100%, he is a far greater leader than any of the current western ones.
  9. some classic headlines...... shame not so much interest at who killed Jeffery Epstein Alexei Navalny 'killed with KGB punch to the heart' after being forced to spend hours outside in freezing temperatures haha
  10. free speech when it suits..... twitter was great when it was left bias, now it's got more 'free speech' you all slag it as rightwing.
  11. it was nothing to do with getting news from social media, it was about collusion between the intelligence agencies, DNC etc and social media sites such as twirtter, FB, youtube etc to basically censor 1 side of the political spectrum. Guessing your goto news channels didn't cover it, it was held at Capital hill. the fact that a google search brings up 1 sided results about it actually proves the point further
  12. interesting how the 2 are viewed, and no mention of Gonzalo lira either who died in Ukranian prison
  13. haha, heard of the twitter files? Matt Taibbi had some interesting information on that
  14. no matter how many people were or weren't there, it's was still 1000x those of a biden live video
  15. no you dont, you just go with the msm narrative because it suits you
  16. of cousre he was, not actually looking into burisma..... but you jizz about 'the big guy' instead of reality
  17. nah, the US is divided due to the media, rational people can see it, maga trumpers and extreme leftists like you guys here cannot, i am neither.
  18. no. i just don't believe everything that comes from a left leaning media outlet and after following the Trump thing quite closely over the years i have been able to see the difference in reporting between left and right. the whole fact checking is BS too, all left leaning, rarely do we see them checking their own side. the US is one of the most propagandised countries on the planet, the media is all owned by a few, you can flick the channels and the outlets literally continue word for word, but you seem to believe everything you're told with out question.....
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