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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 15 minutes ago, Will B Good said:



    Fair point...as we do know who would....given the chance......pardon all the J6 rioters who tried to overturn a transparent and fair election.

    yes, many charged with obstruction...lock um up n throw away the key.


    wearing a buffalo hat, taking selfies with police and walking between guided routes...hang um!

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Will B Good said:




    And it is this sycophantic weakness of being too frightened to drop Trump that will be the undoing of the Republicans.....shame they didn't have the orbs to do anything about him.



    Trump is popular despite what you're told to think, and getting 11+ million extra votes the second time shows that.

    funnily enough he was liked by many dems from media, TV and film...right up until he won in 2016!

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  3. 1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

    He still lost to Biden by about 7 million more popular votes. Just his loyal supporters may not be enough for him to win considering the energy and massive funds that the Harris/Waltz team has. 

    He did received a warm reception at the fire station but outside  New Yorkers just gawk and were icy to him.


     'lost' ok then.

    who are their big donors ? that is a massive problem with US gov.


    1 hour ago, impulse said:


    Gosh.  Here's a novel thought.  Why don't Repubs let the voters decide?  Unlike the Dems.  Remind me, how many primary votes did Harris get?  You can add in 2020 primary votes if you'd like.


    yes, exactly, nobody voted for her, she was Thrust into the spotlight after Bidens cognitive decline was too obvious to hide,  it would have been a 'bloodbath' for the Dems if he stayed. so massive panic and scramble ensued...... Install Harris!


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  4. 4 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

    Furious Trump threatens ABC’s broadcast license after Kamala Harris debate

    that should be classed as fake news.  when did he threaten their license and when was he 'furious',

    20 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

    OMG.....could the msm be lying, wrong, inflating, looking for clickbait........not the msm.

    oh the irony

  5. 46 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    The moderators are certainly smarter than you. She had a narrow mission on the border to find out the root cause of the migration. He role was a diplomat role. She was not the border czar. 

    then why did all the msm call her that?

  6. 55 minutes ago, Digitalbanana said:

    If you are going to use Sky News Australia, the most obscenely biased news station on the planet, to get your POV across you've already lost the argument.

    as opposed to all the left bias news links provided by others?

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  7. 1 hour ago, bendejo said:


    All the best people?  Does this guy think the world is a Saturday Night Live skit?

    Gabbard couldn't handle Bill Maher when she was on his show a few months ago.  He showed her up for the buffoon she is.

    S. Miller is a very much a Hitler admirer.  He is to Jewish people what Clarence Thomas is to Black people.

    Gaetz is a joke.  And a punch line.



    who and how many on Kamalas team?

  8. 2 hours ago, LosLobo said:


    Trump, at the Helsinki summit in 2018, when asked about election interference, famously said, "I don’t see any reason why it would be Russia."


    Since then, Trump and many of his supporters continue to echo narratives that align with Russian disinformation. Putin, who has praised Kamala Harris while still clearly supporting Trump through election interference, thrives on creating confusion. This is classic propaganda — sending mixed signals to muddy the truth.


    The main goal of such tactics is to make it hard to discern fact from fiction. Sadly, this strategy seems to be working on those who accept these narratives without question, hook, line, and sinker.


    seems you have an over active imagination.

  9. 2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    I guess that's why the FBI is saying Putin's cybertrolls are working 24/7 to influence the election in Trump's favor.

    ahh, roll out the Russia Russia Russia hoax again.  what are they going to do...make some new memes for facebook?

  10. 26 minutes ago, bamnutsak said:


    Still in Denial, hang in there.


    Most have moved on to Anger.


    The 5 stages of grief, in order, are:


    you guys have had all 5 stuck in your heads since Nov 2016, and it doesn't look liker subsiding any time soon. Trump hasn't been President for 3.5 yr yet you still frothing at the mouth, throwing tantrums and been whaling non stop, every day since

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  11. 6 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

    how can the orange man say something like that, he will be betraying his besty Vlad

    Donald Trump Won’t Say He Wants Ukraine To Win Its War With Russia



    no, he said he wants people to stop dying, what on earth is wrong with that?? why does Ukraine or Russia have to "win'  such and outdated mentality. none of you on this thread have ever called for peace, i thought the left or liberals were anti war?

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