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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 4 hours ago, JonnyF said:


    Totally agree.


    Credit as well to the Republican support base for not retaliating. It's strange how the side labelled as the "unhinged stupid rednecks" are the ones patiently waiting to cast their vote while the "grown up, smart people" are trying to take out their main political opponent. 

    yep, do you remember all the boarded up shops and businesses in the run up to 2020 elections, Biden was declared the winner, and yet nothing happened, no damage, no rioting, i wonder what would have happened had it been the other way round. i expect the dem backed rioters and antifa would have got the green light to kick off again.

    • Haha 2
  2. 29 minutes ago, snowgard said:

    Russia can stop it today. But PUTIN don't want do it!!! Point!!!
    That NO ONE CAN TRUST PUTIN him showed already!!! So how you can talk about peace with a <deleted> who isn't trustful? Him broke enough contracts & given words!!!

    Here you still can read the Russian statement which RIA.ru published on 26.02.2022 where they thought they WON already!!!

    You must use a translation tool.

    you mean untrustworthy like backing out of the minsk agreement and nato expanding east to 16 countries since agreeing not to in the 90's... Pesky Putin always double crossing!

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  3. 24 minutes ago, earlinclaifornia said:

    So true.

    Am i seeing a mariage with another MAGA finally realizing how a winner works things out?

    a winner that hides away from the press, such a strong look it puts across. if Trumps declined interviews you all be clucking headless saying he was too scared. the double standards and flip flopping you guys do is off the charts.
    she did 1 interview and that was proof enough, weak candidate that was 'se' lected for you and you don't even care. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Tug said:

    Gee I don’t know and I live very near the border all of my properties are within 20 miles of the border,were are these people?

    Ahhh he’s been convicted and fined for sexual assault the judge says it qualifies as rape…..he says he wants to be a dictator and certainly sucks up to them hes definitely a full blown racist and has the most violent rhetoric of any politician I’ve been exposed to……he’s just reaping what he’s sowing.

    are you purposely misquoting the dictator thing or do you actually believe that? he said in a tongue in cheek fashion he'd be a dictator on day 1. even the mighty snopes, the top boss of fact checkers proves its false.
    perhaps your hatred just wont allow you to see the Truth and that it was said in jest, perhaps its the delusion thing you suffer from, you know the one

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  5. 25 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:

    Oh, boo hoo. Somebody stole your signs? You were taunted for wearing your hat? Don’t be a crybaby. A person who supports Trump openly favors strongman rule, which is an assault on everything the US stands for, and openly favors the roundup of (20 million?) people who aren’t white and their imprisonment in “camps,” which is barbaric. And much else besides. This is how he says he will govern; there are no secrets. So, I’m sorry, I’m sure that most Trump supporters are good people who have simply been led down an errant path, but I have no sympathy if you’re going to sob about your hat.

    you just proved his point, but totally unaware .

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Evil Penevil said:



    I do say something.  I say 






    Israel has acted on the authority of its 7.2 million Jewish citizens and the other 7.8 million Jews in the world.  Syria and Israel have been in a state of perpetual war since 1948.   Syria refuses to recognize Israel as a sovereign state, so no long-term peace is possible.  Syria's choice, not Israel's.


    Same-same with Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah.  They are dedicated to the eradication of Israel and its Jewish citizens.  And that's only the beginning.  Every day Israel stands against the hatred of two billion Muslims and 450 million Arabs.   Muslims, Arabs, Syria, Iran. Hamas, Hezbollah, pro-Palestinian demonstrators and @john donson and @frank83628 all have to realize one thing:




    This time round, Jews won't walk passively to extermination.  After 75 years, the enemies of Israel still haven't  grasped it.  Palestinians in particular have a  very long learning curve, much to their own detriment and suffering.



    Speaking of long lerning curves ...   No one is labeled an anti-Semite because they question or criticize the policies of  the government of Israel.  Through the years, millions of Jews inside and outside Israel have done just that and they certainly aren't antisemitic.  The test for antisemitism is quite easy;  one single yes-or-no question:  Does Israel have the right to exist behind secure borders as the homeland to the world's Jews?  No evasion or qualification is allowed;  the answer is either yes or no.  If the answer is "no,"  then the person is a Jew hater.  Most Jew haters will either refuse to answer or hide behind a wall of words.


    So I ask @frank83628:  Does Israel have the right to exist behind secure borders as the homeland to the world's Jews? 



    No moral equivalence exists between Israel and Iran.  Israel is fighting to defend its existence and save the lives of its citizens.  Iran is a  theocratic  dictatorship that embodies the worst type of religious fanaticism.  Israel is driven by the need to guarantee a homeland  and last refuge for a group that's been persecuted for centuries and subjected to genocide in the past century.  An irrational hatred of Jews is the driving factor for Iran.

     chat gpt reply from a msm bot

  7. 9 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Given that few tweens or teens constitute her huge fanbase,  would you expect it to be different?

    What exactly is your point?

    that you have never listened to a taylor swift song in your life or could not name 1 without the assistance  of google, yet suddenly you n will be good are her staunchest fans

    • Haha 1
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