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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

    Trump is a threat to democracy and rightfully called out by the Dems. You may deny all that but the facts present itself.

    Trump is an autocratic populist that break norms and laws. He exploited every institutional weakness he could find  and have promised retribution to his enemies  if he win. He deepened the divisions of an already polarised society and tries to overturn the result of a free and fair election that he lost. 


    His words that he will be a dictator on day one. I don’t have to try hard to think what he had hinted. Words have consequences. 

    the US is polarised due to the lying, race baiting left activist mainstream media, and all its pundits. like Don Lemon, the cuomos, maddow, jou reid, morning Joe, cnn and all the others.



    'His words that he will be a dictator on day one. I don’t have to try hard to think what he had hinted. Words have consequences'.

    seems you dont think at all, he said a dictator on day one as a tongue in cheek comment about oil drilling, its all here in the main fact checking site snopes.  even if you read it i know you will never change your mind, the acronym you suffer from is too deeply rooted!!


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  2. 1 hour ago, Patong2021 said:


    There is no  actual evidence to support your position.A questionable poll rushed out to help Trump is not reliable.

    On the other hand the hundreds of millions of fans  outnumber the  geriatric fans of  78 year old  Trump.

    Unlike Trump,  Taylor Swift is a real billionaire and recognized as a brilliant business person. No bankruptcies ever.



    haha, another 'Swiftie newbee' gushing over a singer he couldn't name 1 song of.


    you know she has a management team, she doesn't do it on her own. 


    Trump has been around for decades, has multiple businsses, properties and golf courses etc etc

    Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 12.35.12.png

  3. 1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

    A republican shot at him and the latest shooter voted Trump in 2016. He brought it upon himself as a hated man with his incendiary heated rhetoric. Sensible educated voters just see him as typical senile Trump with a vile & foul mouth. But he will attract those nutters who just hate his persona.

    not much is known about the 1st guy as social media was wiped and the whole thing seems to have been buried, but he also donated to a dem fund,  this old guy was a registered Dem, luckily people were able to screen shot his social media accounts before they were removed, so more will come out over the coming days.

    Bizarrely, both appeared in Blackrock adverts though (if one was to get their tin hat out)

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  4. 1 hour ago, simple1 said:


    Has trump toned down his rhetoric....No. Also don't forget he has never apologised for calling immigrants vermin who are poisoning the blood of America, media are the enemies of the people etc etc etc Long past due for trump to put up or shut up, but we know it ain't going to happen.

    referring to illegal immigrant criminals yes, not all immigrants.

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    1 hour ago, proton said:


    So all the hate and nonsense from Biden and Harris calling for a target to be put on him and saying he's Hitler and a threat to democracy has had no effect on the brainwashed sheep who follow them?

    only need to look in these threads to see how easily they're programmed and brainwashed. From  vheamently denying Bidens cognitive decline, then dropping him in the blink of an eye- ardently supporting a candidate that nobody voted for- gushing over a pop singer the many never heard of until last week.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Ebumbu said:


    I called it yesterday. Predictable. Trump is claiming Dems and the "deep state" are behind the assassination attempts. This is stochastic terrorism from two very small men (who hate women, but wear bronzer, hair dye, and eyeliner) and who wish to be powerful. In the case of Trump, he's running to avoid prison. 

    "Trump blames Biden and Harris for apparent assassination attempt."


    "Trump blames Biden and Harris’ rhetoric toward him despite his own history of going after rivals"

    "Trump blames ‘rhetoric’ of Biden, Harris for possible assassination attempt"



    he means rhetoric like this, watch the whole 2.5 minutes



    • Haha 1
  7. On 9/9/2024 at 5:01 PM, save the frogs said:


    Sounds like the cooking school is being cautious about who to issue these visas to.

    I'm guessing a lot of criminals are applying for these DTV cooking school visas.

    If you take cooking classes, you might have some criminals sitting next to you in class. 

    criminals? haha, more likely lots of people that do not do remote work looking to bag themselves a 5 year visa. i think you might be out of touch with reality a bit there.

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  8. 42 minutes ago, RSD1 said:

    This is total BS. It's a lie. Manipulative journalism by splicing things out of context. If you watch the full interview, she goes on to explain #1 about a $15,000 tax deduction for small business startups and #2 tax credits to housing developers to help build affordable housing. She said she has a target for 3 million new homes by the end of her first term. 

    welcome to the world of Trump and his supporters that have to put up with this on a daily basis from the msm!

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