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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 5 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    You are confusing Putin with Yeltsin. Yeltsin made the reforms, Putin reversed them. Particularly 


    Putin never dropped his desire to re-constitute the USSR.



    re nationalising key enterprises and what?  making sure Russia benefits first rather companies half way around the world. will Ukraine be nationalising those 12 trillion in minerals, or are they already gone to blackrock, ratheon, chevron etc, while the people of Ukraine will suffer for the next 50 years

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 57 minutes ago, Will B Good said:





    The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the COVID-19 pandemic caused approximately 7 million confirmed deaths as of late 2023. However, the WHO also acknowledges that the actual global death toll could be much higher, potentially reaching 15 million or more, when accounting for excess mortality.

    excess deaths are not being covered in any of the msm, covid had drop to that of the common cold in many countries, yet their excess deaths have rocketed, nobody seems interested in finding the cause....the UK even chasnged the way data is recoreded thus disappearing 30.000 deaths. unfortunately posting information other than the CDC and WHO is not allowed on this froum

    • Confused 1
    • Agree 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, JimTripper said:

    I still like wearing my mask on public transit, it just feels healthier. Plus, I don't like people staring at me in crowds so it helps with that as well. Also, my cloth mask it's comfortable going in & out of heavily air conditioned buildings, I don't like the temperature change.


    I don't talk to people much though, so having my mask on is not that big of a deal. I have a comfortable cotton mask though, not cheap, so maybe you just need a better mask.

    you are welcome to do whatever you like. as is ev


    9 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Dr. Yong is entitled to his opinion. But the facts tell a different story.











    why do your charts not so recoveries? t

    from the info above, there were 3256 cases, 709+336+16=1045 are accounted for, what happened to the other 2195?  did they just test positive and told to go home?

  4. 21 minutes ago, Will B Good said:


    The Dutch Safety Board and the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) concluded that the aircraft was shot down by a Russian-made Buk missile system launched from a separatist-controlled area. The JIT’s findings indicated that the missile system was transported from Russia and returned there after the incident.


    and for what purpose, what would it achieve apart from international condemnation ?


    this taken from an article in Feb 23

    Investigators behind the criminal probe into the July 2014 downing of Malaysian flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine said on Wednesday they had not been able to find sufficient evidence that could lead to new prosecutions and are therefore suspending the investigation. The Joint Investigation Team (JIT) stressed, however, that the case will be resumed if new information comes to light.

    “The investigation has now reached its limit. All leads have been exhausted,” said Dutch prosecutor Digna van Boetzelaer as the JIT issued its latest report on the tragic incident.

  5. On 9/17/2024 at 4:45 AM, Patong2021 said:


    Take it up with Putin. Russia funded the violent  Russoethnic militias, the same  people who murdered the innocent passengers onboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 with a Buk 9M38 surface-to-air missile on 17 July 2014.  All 283 passengers and 15 crew were killed.

    was never proven to be Russian that fired, what would Russia stand to gain from this act? NOTHING, what would Ukraine gain by this act..that Russia gets the blame on the international stage!


    Putin is the one who kept raising the issue of Hitler and trying to link Ukraine to Nazis.

     the AZOF is a nazi group, you casn read here in black and white, its and old article, because since Biden took over, the media totally switched and claim AZOF don't even exist.


    Russia initiated the ethnic cleansing.


    that was the civilian people of eastern areas being shelled by Ukriniane missiles, with 14,000 reported dead

    • Sad 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, cjinchiangrai said:

    It has been a common internet nickname for Taylor for many years but she doesn't get much airplay in Russia.

    common nickname for teeny bopper fans,  not retirees on Asean now that have only mentioned her in the last few days, or are you claiming to be a Swiftie, do you have your hair in bunches while tik tok dancing & miming  along to one of her songs you couldnt name ?


    she probably gets air play in Russia, however i am in Thailand, so wouldn't know, you want me to call Vlad and ask

    • Thanks 1
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