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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. i would sat it's normal. but it's acceptable
  2. i didn't realise Rachel Maddow was a TV member.... what time is it over there? you forgot 'white supremacy check. I think 'quotes hitler' was the best of those, with 'performs better for americas enemies' a close second. i presume you believe the Russian collusion hoax then, even after proved a lie form the start. and why does murica have enemies....is that because they push and bully their way around the world? do you knot think it would be better to resolve issues and negotiate things with those so called 'enemies' or you just prefer war, hostility, unrest and people dying.. (you could also have added a few commas here n there)
  3. in your news channels yeah, but the truth is something different
  4. far from it. i don't like everything DT does, they he comes across sometimes isn't exactly 'presidential, i don' t agree with how he supports israel so much and some of his foreign policies, (but thats the US bully tactics in general), but i do like the way so many people lose their minds when it comes to Trump, it's certainly clear on here. you guys will turn a blind eye to everything the democrats do because Trump has to be the villain. you guys should seek out some more independent news outlets for your info because it's become glaringly obvious since 2016 how bias all MSM is, even the BBC and Reuters. but i'm guessing you don't care, unaware you're being lied or mislead to on a daily basis.
  5. i described most politicians worldwide, but the dementia cap definitely fits Joe. wonder why he wouldn't do any debates? put him n trump together and the orange man will run rings around ol' joe. you can all DT corrupt all you want, but he had money from the start, how did JB become so rich on a salary of what 120k? i think it was more likely taking his cut as the 'big guy' as Hunter said in those emails... wonder how many 10%'s brought him all the wealth.... or perhaps he was insider trading like Nancy the Gin fiend does
  6. an innocent mistake...t ... yeah, just sweep it under the carpet yeah, nothing to see here, he copied a speech word for word but it doesn't matter....move it an innocent mistake, move on!! yeah right.. a politician using someone elses words as their own...i can imagine how that would have gone down had Trump said it!! so, if joe's an 'honest guy' yet he copied the speech..(so basically lied), yet trump would be a liar if he did it how you guys can give Joe a pass with all the gaffs that are out the for all to see yet scrutinise Trump to every single syllable is beyond me....guess it's the TDS.... anthing but Trump mentality.... the msm brainwashed you guys so easily..i expect most believed everything about covid, BLM, syria, Ukraine and now israel.
  7. BS if he's had a lifelong speech impediment!!, doesn't show much in his earlier in his political life.... remember when he plagiarised Neil Kinnocks speech from the welsh conference UK..... so a cheat & liar back in 1987.... but but Trump! best performing economy on the planet..haha, what a joke, Biden is only 'tamping' down inflation that rose under him anyway ! and the border, how come the border 'solution' is only being put forward now...after 4 years if it was such a mess under trump?
  8. i see Biden had a nice mumble in his wisconsin speech... but he's tip top condition aye... in no was is dementia setting in! how can you guys defend that, it's blatantly obvious.
  9. i posted the video, yellowtail showed the transcripts.... not going to change their minds regardless, they hate trump so they will never accept it was just talk. thats what high levels of TDS does to people.
  10. apart form it being a deflection, no, i am not concerned by Canadians.... i doubt they are being trafficked in, bringing drugs, or gang members. the figures are minute compared to the southern border, which is where the problem lies... due to Bidens 'open border' policy.
  11. they can, but are they? in the millions like the southern border?? what exactly would a Canadian gain by entering the US illegally are there strawberry picking jobs up that way??. i suppose they could claim asylum from dictator Trudeau !!
  12. well, because i guess you'd have to enter Canada 1st, so not very viable option for someone form South America, but entering from the southern borden via Mexico etc etc is
  13. i think you're over looking a key word there, that being 'illegal', i think thats what people have an issue with. do you support people entering a country illegally?
  14. a change of subjuct was needed....... i would imagine ones that are being impacted by Biden open border policy and the masses of illegal migrants crossing that border
  15. it's pretty clear form the tone and wording..... take off your TDS hat and you'd see
  16. yes, using terms like mini mike, Pocahontas amongst others i find hilarious, it's a refreshing change that he isn't like the rest and that's why he got elected....and 11 million extra voters in 2020! is it very presidential..maybe not...but again..people wanted him, thats why he got elected. with the millions of illegal migration now i would imagine those border states will switch to red seeing as they are the ones dealing with the impact.
  17. yeah, i posted the clip earlier, where does it say... I GRABBED HER BY THE PUSSY?.. its doesn't does it....
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