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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. that wasn't what i responded to, it was the first part of your comment and your seemingly pompous attitude..... but maybe i misread it. the issue would be solved if the breweries bought the bottles back, but there would have to be some specific deal done with it as the boats have to pay their fuel costs.
  2. its not....fridges were full of bottles last night, none of my bar owner friends have said anything about it either..... maybe it's fake news....
  3. there isn't a 'Singha' or 'Chang' boat that ships it over.... all the supplies for the Island are brought in by privately owned companies, you buy stock for you bar, restaurant etc, you pay shipping....
  4. anyone can edit a wiki page just as anyone can write a story about Tao, whether they're true is a different matter. if you choose to believe these stories then more fool you.
  5. things are handled accordingly, they just don't need to inform barstool `Jo Public with information that is not anyone but the families business. did you know Neils body was sent to Surat for an Autopsy, requested by the police? na, didnt think so, you just read a few lines of a sensationalised story form someone in a different continent that doesn't have any actual knowledge of Koh Tao.
  6. do you think it's impolite and inappropriate to verbally attack the mother of David Miller because your opinion differs from hers? because thats what Su Buchanan & ian Yarwood do regularly when she posts on threads they're both on! it means that i know Ben was Hammered when he drove, after people taking his keys away at first because he was too drunk, there was never any 'suspicion' regarding his death until Su Buchanan got her claws into Mrs Harrington. i feel sorry that she has been preyed on by Su for her own personal agenda.
  7. you can move the goalposts how ever you want, it doesnt change the fact that these 'suspicious death' claims are total BS. but if you are that gullible thats your fault. your comment highlights this.
  8. a list made by whom? Ian Yarwood, a real estarte agent form Perth, WA ,that has never stepped foot on Tao ,who has no first hand information whatsoever. and you believe him, where are you, have you ever been to tao, know anything about the subject you seem so sure about?
  9. ah, so you cant provide any proof but i'm the troll...ok then.
  10. wow.... 9 years....how many tourists per year...you didn't really think that through did you!! apart from the Russian girl who has disappeared? you know Valentinas diary was translated by a fellow Russian diver on the Island right? and that what was written confirmed the most logical scenario? or perhaps Su & Ian failed to print that, or perhaps they didn't know as they have zero first hand information. i think more than 1 died over Christmas period.... i'm surprised there aren't a lot more with the recklessness that goes on. just curious, do you count the deaths in Pattaya? pretty sure there were 4 murders in a month not long back... that's ok though i guess.
  11. i'm blocked from Buchanans page now as she didn't like facts getting in the way of her lies, but if i come across it again i will post it. from memory it was posted by Su miller (Davids mother)
  12. what 6 are they? and please provide some proof, not just repeating posts which are hearsay at best.
  13. that came from Su directly when i questioned as to why she said Bens death was suspicious, of course no proof was given, but thats the same when ever you question either her or Ian. they have no proof, just omit facts to further their 'suspicious death' claims' which people like yourself believe.
  14. but his brother that was with him does!, he clearly stated that on the last documentary that he believes it was a tragic accident (as does everyone else he was with earlier), he even stated he didn't wear a watch which is what su buchanan has based her murder claims on. why his mother takes the word of a wrinkled ol' hag over her son is beyond me. do you know Sus suspicious death claim stems from a road side assumption as to cause of death by the police on the scene to the actual autopsy report, however that report states he died of 'ruptured aorta'. you can google the causes if you like...vehicle accidents is one on the list.. but she claims 'mugging by a motorcycle gang'!! p.s, i was drinking in the same bar as ben earlier that night, i left just before they got on the shots.
  15. you say ' all the numerous suspicious deaths' where did your information come from that they. were suspicious? su buchanan and Ian Yarwood thats who!!, they are solely responsible for these BS stories about tao, and unfortunately with todays copy & past reporting they have been spread far & wide. saying a death is suspicious without offering any actual evidence doesnt make it fact!
  16. with a population roughly 4-8k residents, 1/2 million tourists per year, and 3 murders to date your maths might be lacking somewhat be slightly out.....the rest are purely fantasy claims by 2 people, neither of which are within 3000kms of Tao..or Thailand for that matter.
  17. the main accused must have started a 4 yrs old then...or was it handed down through the generations...or more likely you're......
  18. nothing you say has any relevance. you have zero personal experience with Tao!
  19. serial killer..haha, the case was solved...whether you choose to believe it is up to you....remember practically all your information came from 2 people in this thread
  20. it's lying not reporting, i've been around Tao for 20+ years and i've never hears such BS until she started piping up! i'd agree the case was handled poorly, in part due to the media frenzy that was out of control. The police should have and issued official timed statements to the press instead of trying to counter gossip and social media posts. i watched the whole thing, it was mental how gossip & rumour was being reported as fact by media channels desperate for the 'breaking news' and how Ian Yarwood interjected himself into all this i don't know..... he claims to seek the truth but when given facts & information by people that actually live on Tao he deletes & blocks them....as does Su on her page...it's as if they don't want the truth to be heard....! she's no angel herself, known affectionately by some on Tao as '4x2 su', after whacking a boyfriend round the head with a lump of wood, engaged to a dude that held up a family mart in samui, linked to a fake cancer charity.... 'people in glass houses' springs to mind!!
  21. say's the man who hasn't even been to Tao..... is everyone that knows facts over your BS a troll?
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