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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. I can't remember the name of this law ,is it Murphy's Law? But is when someone is destined to die because of stupidity ,if anyone knows Give you an example today I was a little shocked to hear a distance friend who was in his 50's as a result of bring hit by a car walking over a freeway , A few years ago he was hit by a bus apparently at bus stop where he was drunk . Well he met his match with a truck apparently taking a short cut walking drunk across a major freeway instead of walking across the bridge walkway Then yesterday I read in the paper the parents of a graffiti artist are suing the government over their sons death who had been graffiti spray painting trains at night when he was struck ,they said there was no warning signs up to tell him to be careful. Reminds me a few months ago when I was in Pattaya a very intoxicated drunk guy was sleeping on the side of the road just outside jomtien gym. It was a weekday early hours and I was walking back to see a old guy trying to pick him up,vomit all I over him I could smell the beer on his vomit On seeing me the old guy said can you help me move him to the pavement ,I said no he should take responsibility for his own actions . The old guy immediately went into a spaz , " you have a f....n Duty of Care mate !!! He doesn't know it's dangerous to sleep here ' He shouted at me before I walked across the road to my hotel. We should of to keep warning people ? You know if you walk on train tracks it could be dangerous,if you walk on freeways etc ,isn't that natural selection , but no one told them !!! I remember watching a video on tiktok a few weeks ago the police chasing a trail bike rider thru some streets ,the trail bike rider a 17yo youth going 180km before slamming into a pole and killed ,the parents angry ,no one told him !!! they shouted to the media ,he didn't know he could get killed
  2. Talking to a guy at work at work about this who has a German background he says he will never be proud of Germany as he is forced to be ashamed because what a past generation did . As for tv shows that are now banned I miss most of them,even hallo hallo is banned, Whilst I detest the racism in the past I think it's ridiculous young middle-aged white men are going on their knees in front of people to apologise for past things
  3. Not sure if the World is going "woke" or mad ???? Just watched the Republicans getting thrashed in America with successful socialist candidate promising to release prisoners to the community so they get counselling???? He got elected John Fetterman beating the republican I then watched on YouTube young and middle-aged white men on their knees looking up at & saying sorry and crying to people of other races & cultures for past generations. The guys standing looking down on them are laughing I even see on Instagram young tattooed hard looking guys who are with pics of lifting weights etc and then see pics of them hugging bunny rabbits and sleeping with teddy bears I then seen young girls in Germany with signs saying they want more mass immigration and fighting police over this,demanding Germany become the refugee nation Then seen on TV children's program playschool a transgender host dressing a boy doll in women's clothes saying this is ok I saw a young guy training at the gym promoting a protest to stop war veterans from marching on memorial Day What has happened? America seems to be the leader now in wokenism , The UK was once the leader
  4. How is that possible? Obviously no rent ,but don't you have utility bills ? Do you live in isaaan?
  5. I don't care where you live in Asia ,how many of you have lived on 600,000 baht the last 12 months ,that's average 50,000 baht a month I say this because I'm wondering those who (are retired) spending more than a million baht a year what are you wasting it on
  6. Im 62 and I just will take a year off from my work to find myself I'm thinking going to Thailand for a few months to live in a temple with monks,can that be done? Somewhere away from life, quiet rural away from people etc .I had a workmate years ago go through a bitter divorce,he went to some place in the Philippines some island I don't know where but lived by himself for a few months . Have you ever had to do this or done this ? I'm also thinking Scotland highlands ? By myself in a cabin in the country mountains Where is a place where on can find their life
  7. Do U ever watch the youtubers fling their drones over industrial estates to get a reaction? Eg PJ audits
  8. What is the story behind that? I noticed you mentioned it on here for years but never get the full story
  9. I checked out Cebu & Mactan island a few months ago ready for my retirement, but not to my liking, too busy , overcrowded traffic etc I need somewhere like a nice island but with the amenities
  10. Philippines is a yes & no place for retirement. It depends on where & what you need close. I'm looking more Palawan or Dumaguete, I couldn't fathom living in Angeles City , I went there last July , unfriendly people.too much traffic ..hotter than hot , junkies everywhere
  11. Let's return to 2002 How has life changed in that 20 years,to where you are now. What has happened in the last 20 years to you ,you gone up in life or down 2002 to now
  12. When I was in Mactan island ) Cebu recently I saw a lot of farang expats no doubt living with their Filipino GF, I couldn't see myself living there ,crazy traffic ,horns beep beep beep continually
  13. Low class Aussies, usually tattoos ,live in housing department areas ,
  14. Borneo ? ???? Doubt anyone has been there , near Indonesia?
  15. Yes a lot of British people retire to Tasmania it seems, I guess because it reminds them of Scotland.
  16. True , I had that feeling in Angeles city , I felt unsafe ,no one did bother me but just strange people looked aggressive,has no smiles on their faces Yes without sounding racist I did find Filipino much much different to Thai people,they seemed more aggressive,maybe it was my imagination,but they seemed a bit rude pushing in front of you in shops etc
  17. They have uber / Grab there nowadays, As I'm getting older I think I have to rule out Cities An island somewhere would suit me , a condo or house near the beach , near shops ,not too expensive, I'm not into Phuket or Bali though Done Cebu in the Philippines too crowded for me too much traffic ,but strangely some farangs luv it,met a few Aussies in Cebu who go there every year ,not sure why there was nothing for me Maybe I should look at the island on the bottom of Australia called Tasmania?????
  18. I guess so,but I just spent a few months there mainly in the outer areas such as Daveo and Gensan and no one bothered me.
  19. A couple of YouTubers for Phillipines one old American guy channel "Every man has a story " has ex Thai expats being interviewed on why they changed to the Philippines.
  20. Wow , Government job? Yeah make sure you use all your sick leave , I remember one of my work colleagues never took a sick day for 30 years and left behind over 2 years accumulated sick leave They never thanked him,no one gave a <deleted>
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