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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Last week I worked in my job as a hospital cleaner with another colleague I hadn't seen in a year. Big Benny I used to call him , big guy 34yo , had just returned to work after a year in India at a spiritual retreat . Ben let me know he is now known as "Krishna"???? About a year ago Ben had a drug problem and various other problems in his life ,I thought actually he had left the job but apparently took a year of unpaid leave . He let me know he was now known as Krishna and had re-invented himself and was not drinking smoking ,now a vegetarian . I forgot to call him Krishna and stumbled sometimes calling him Ben in which he reminded me he was now Krishna! Of course he acted a little different whilst mopping the floors chanting to himself but I thought does tragedy or addiction make you change if you ...."re-invent" yourself? I bet deep down Big Benny is the same person ,so how does changing a name make your future life somehow different? Has anyone been thru a "Life change" experience like this? That situation with Krishna or Big Benny as I call him ,reminded me about 15 years ago I saw a real estate agent in a supermarket that had sold me a apartment &I hadn't seen for years , I knew he was going thru a divorce etc and I went up to him to say hello Gary ,he remembered me ,he was now far different looking in a white suit with purple bow tie and purple leather shoes , he said I'm not Gary anymore ! "I have a new life ,and a new same sex partner" He took out his business card and showed me he was now known as Phoenix Skywalker!! He now sells used cars apparently "After my divorce, said Gary or Phoenix , I went to a motivational college in Mexico and changed my life ! He said excited,even now what I could detect a slight American accent although he was Australian! I am now Phoenix ! Phoenix Skywalker
  2. What about those who work in face to face customer service jobs I only work as a night shift cleaner in a hospital so don't see anyone which is great for me .....but strangely I spoke to a lady recently who works on the front desk who says she enjoys helping people with information etc . How many of us with our miserable personalities can last in a face to face customer service jobs ,not many I'm sure
  3. And what did you do for 7 hours? I recall waiting at that airport last year ,hardly any seats and crowded
  4. Absolutely no offence to you .???? What I am trying to get at is that job just like the Colon surgeon job can only be done by people who have a "interest" in it , it's takes resilience to cope with in seeing things that others don't see. Your job was very difficult emotionally and would take a very strong minded person One can not to such a job for the money otherwise you won't last emotional so there is a genuine interest in that job Who was the Scottish Irish guy on the tv series who used to do this job at crime scenes ,was it Cracker ??
  5. This is not me but I'm wondering where someone who has got to go the "2 year jail sentence" for portability say who is 65 or older can go live cheaply if they just had 2 years to do before they went back to Asia I saw a Aussie guy on YouTube who was 66yo currently living in the Philippines past 10 years asking where he could do the 2 years as he couldn't afford Sydney I'm thinking caravan parks on the Queensland sunshine coast would be ideal for someone ? I'm basing this on someone who say who had live off the Centrelink/ pension and or savings they had rather than a home owner . They would have to be low cost ,safe areas ,close to shops ,medical ,Centrelink etc I guess you could even just buy a van and travel for 2 years??
  6. I agree , but what psychological mind is someone whose job it is to go to crime scenes and enjoys it or someone who works for the police in the " car accident investigation unit" going to fatal accidents.
  7. Is this a form of anxiety. I once saw a middle aged farang, who I must say didn't look drunk ,shouting at traffic that didn't let him cross the road near Tukcom He then bumped into a street vendor and then he started shouting to himself before turning left towards the market area where there are no foot paths where he got a loud beep from a motorcycle taxi and he was shouting " get me outta here !! Is that a type of anxiety??
  8. No disrespect to you....but this is another job where not anyone can do ,so it only leaves those psychological with a fetish if I can call it that with a fetish for going to look at crime scenes wouldn't you all agree ?
  9. Exactly Some of these Condo fees are exorbitant Just saw a post where a farang was saying they were having special levy fees in his condo building to put in new lifts and new management,it was something like a extra 60,000 baht for a one time special strata levy
  10. I agree ,and it's false advertising, particularly see it at ???? traffic lights in Pattaya It certainly doesn't make mine pop up so all I can say is show caution to such claims , I'm now addicted to testereone which is not good particularly with blood pressure
  11. All I can say and being on it myself, just show caution if you start this particularly in Thailand where it's seems more money oriented than your concerning your health. Testereone raises your blood pressure like it has mine ,and if you get too much it has a opposite effect , bitch tits , As I said I had a gym friend who passed away in Pattaya last December, over use of advertising, better to stick with weed in my opinion
  12. Was you "interested" in your job ,was it something you were actually interested in ,and I say "interested" not enjoyed ,there is a difference. Recently I went to a Podiatrist for my feet ,a older fellow in a medical clinic, after he examined my feet he went into a long spiral how he was always interested in feet when he was a kid and had pics of feet up in the wall. I imagine he must get turned on sexually by feet ? Then I was looking at a doctor's resume on a leaflet in a doctor's clinic ,it said the Doctor had a "interest" in colon bags and had done fellowships and university talks on bowel reconstruction and went to New York to further study anuses,and his major interest was anus areas I'm thinking a these people real ,do they have a "interest" in these weird jobs? I always find these people who are Proctologist etc ,how the hell did they have that "interest" in a job ? Do they really or is it just for the money ? So the question is ,did you have a genuine "interest" in your job and I'm not only taking about professional jobs ,I have a friend who works on the long distance Railway because he has a genuine "interest" in railways and loves collecting train collectables etc So was your job a interest or did you just do it "for the money "
  13. I'm putting this in the Pattaya forum. The reason why is because my last 2 month stay in Pattaya the advertisement of testereone was everywhere from Pattaya YouTubers to traffic lights adverts etc Clinics even advertising it. Now I'm in my early 60's and I take it although I cut it down to very minimal amount monthly after growing breasts and getting high blood pressure,I was taking 250 a week sometime more . I got very very scared after seeing a friend in Pattaya that helped me with visa assistance .... pass away sadly Starting on estrogen blockers I got from a fantastic Pattaya doctor who didn't want to put me on them,I noticed shortness of breath ,it went eventually I was lifting weights twice a day at tonys gym Anyone thinking because it's overadvertised in Pattaya and it's the "in" thing please think again ,it's no super thing These clinics are popping up second to the cannabis
  14. Well Im trying to see it from both sides and analysis of the reasons why is needed before making quick decisions
  15. If you don't have business lounge then you will have to sit on the bench seats they have . I wouldn't go out you will get stuck in traffic and heat Better to just sit in the airport
  16. I think if your 67 and get the old age pension too it's ok
  17. As this thread has served its purpose in *education " & awareness " I have written to the moderators to have it closed. I feel more content knowing I have helped those who weren't in the planning stage of life exit
  18. I'm happy in a way that this thread has made a lot of you think and take notice about life . I realise a lot of guys in their 70's that I meet either are ignoring that fact of life or in denial . So I'm happy if this has made you more aware , particularly you guys who are "planners" and will hopefully now get your "affairs in order " I actually said this (jokingly )to another hospital cleaner I was working the night shift with the other night but luckily he misunderstood, a 70's guy original from Yugoslavia,still working still slaving at his age for more money ""hopefully you got your affairs in order " He stopped mopping ,looked at me confused then he replied"yeah I mop stairway already "???? no idea what I was talking about ????
  19. Yes best Australian movies Muriel's Weddings What was the one with the ladyboys in the Australian Desert dancing ? Forget the name now
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