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Posts posted by georgegeorgia

  1. 4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Probably get more louts now. I used to be surprised at how little trouble there was in Pattaya, but that was before they needed police in Walking Street.

    I would say there was more alcohol problems in NZ and Australia back in the 80's particularly 90's than now and you should know being a ex nurse ,you must of dealt  with drunks on weekends in the emergency 

  2. 50 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    That happened to me once baht bus didn't want money, fair enough, of course shouldn't pay as 10 baht is to destination 

    In a perfect world yes 

    BUT ...if your intimidated you would 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    Nearly 20 years retired sounds great. I hope to retire in 10 years, aged 67.


    I had a hard life in some regards, 20 years as an alcoholic/drug addicts isn't easy. 


    I feel lucky that after 5 years working in the oil industry, I decided to quit the rat race and come to Thailand, in 1992. 

    At 67?

    Leaving it too long , but as you said your already in Thailand 

    • Like 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    I reckon they would call for reinforcements. 


    A few years ago, walking street Thai bouncers chased 2 body builders, big guys, they ran and jumped into the ocean, scared for their lives. If I remember one of the foreigners was seriously hurt from the incident 


    You'd be surprised how easily and fast the Thais can group in numbers when foreigners are to be taught a lesson. 


    So yes, if Sharkey was so stupid the bouncers would retaliate 

    They were not bodybuilders !

    It was 2012,those 2 young Pommy guys attacked me that same afternoon!

    I wrote a thread on it 

    They were young thugs on a 2 week trip from the UK , actually it was 3 that approached me 


    One was wanted in the UK over attacking a disability pensioner at a bus stop 

    They saw me in walking street and asked what I was staring at before heading off apparently to cause trouble at the market stalls 


    I had done nothing wrong as I was walking past but caught their eye ,that was in the early afternoon 

  5. 16 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    I'm replying to say things should be handled better. It doesn't matter what country this is. Wrong is wrong, and if wrong is allowed to continue, more wrong happens. Media can make or break you. Every foreigner that sees this will think twice about going there. What was allowed was wrong, period. If you can't handle customers that get out of line, you get another job. People who react instead of using restraint only bring more trouble, and possible loss of revenue. You don't take it personally when someone lightly slaps you, as this man did. What was said that made that man slap him? A person that's violent, with childish tendencies, will react to this kind of situation instead of using logic. When someone hits you, and you're a bouncer, you don't respond by going after them after you put them on the ground and kicking them in the back or head. This kind of reaction takes place daily here, with people kicking people when they are on the ground, already subdued. I don't care what you think it is, you're wrong. This was a place of business, and not a ring. This wasn't someone who was hurting your family. This was a drunk man who slapped the bouncer because he said something he didn't like, was knocked to the ground, and was kicked in the back. You can defend this action? If I was there, I wouldn't return, nor would any friends I happened to be with. There are many bars there where this isn't happening, and incidents do happen almost daily from what I hear from regular patrons., of Pattaya bars. This video is now worldwide. You can bet others are thinking the same thing some of us here are. You wouldn't say the same thing if you were back in your home country, but as you say, this isn't the west.

    True ,but unfortunately your dealing with uneducated thugs

  6. 4 minutes ago, n00dle said:

    I agree that it is not worth the hassle, but this is utter twaddle. 

    id probably make him break 1000

    Just give him the 1000 baht and apologise

  7. 1 hour ago, jvs said:

    Yes i would pay,would not be happy about it but i will not get into

    an argument over here over ten baht.

    Fighting over ten baht can get you killed over here!

    Pay,forget it and have a nice day!


    I think so..your right.. ...it's not worth the principle ..but some wouldn't pay I know ,

  8. 23 hours ago, balo said:

    I remember I looked at a room there once, I needed a 1 month stay, and the location was perfect, close to Big C, but before I even entered the building I had to pass the locals staying there and I got the wrong vibes from this place.  I found another place , a bit more expensive but safe.   

    Sounds a bit discriminatory, but as Nirun residents don't read ASEAN forum , who cares ????

    • Like 1
  9. 16 minutes ago, recom273 said:

    To me this is not minimalism - How is minimalism connected with spending, and generally being tight. Why not spend money on one bottle of aftershave that you like? just one simple bottle. For example, why not spend money on one phone that does the job well, that does the job efficiently, uses one cable that is also useful for other devices and does not need replacing on a regular basis. 

    Not actually correct 

    You actually " value ' your items more if you have one of each item 

    Give you an example,today I threw all my tea towels out and kept one !

    Couldn't be bothered taking them down the lift to the garbage room so just threwvthem all out the window!


    Now I have kept ONE coloured tea towel and hung it on the stove .


    I have washed it and iron it neatly folding it up and hanging it in the stove railing ready for use 


    • Confused 1
  10. All you need is a bed , wardrobe, rug  ,chair for your house 


    Deoderants , toothpaste,toothbrush ,comb

    Small amount of clothes that's all you need 

    Of course a mobile phone 


    You don't need all this other stuff , expensive perfumes , brand name shoes etc 

  11. 3 hours ago, shackleton said:

    Would have thought a survey carried out  on who would use the gym

    Tourists  mainly interested in beach bars and girls night life 

    Expats mainly  retired getting on a bit not to worried about keeping in Shape 

    Where's the Market aimed at 



    Well that all depends on where the gym is in Pattaya and you make a great point about exactly who the customers will be .



  12. 21 minutes ago, thecyclist said:

    Not so sure about the "violent crime part ".Probably more scams and crime in general, but LOS is a pretty violent country. I have been biking all over the Philippines and Thailand. Encountered a lot a lot of aggression and an attempted robbery in Thailand. Never felt threatened or in danger in the Philippines. 

    A lot of crime against farangs you don't hear about 


    • Thumbs Up 1
  13. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


    Regret not being in LOS  every day since I left.

    NZ isn't good without loadsacash.


    Never get married so I had enough money to never leave LOS.

    Love to hear your story again , I can't remember exactly,I know you separated from a Thai lady up north if I remember correctly?


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