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Posts posted by georgegeorgia

  1. 27 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Money is a problem when one lives to make money, and not about using money to live one's life. Why would any human being need more than a billion$?

    Very true 

    A guy at my work 56yo died recently...on the job...heart attack.


    Done all the overtime he could get.

    Rich ,single ,never been overseas , never bought lunch or anything from the nearby 711 

    Dead ,and now his brother gets it all 


  2. 1 hour ago, patman30 said:

    Imagine abandoning a friend in their time of need
    and then go on to criticize the people that actually did help them
    and to try and imply they use some form of mental torture

    Absolutely shocking but so is the amount of sick leave you taken from your job and these mostly were  without medical certificates!

    You never wanted to work especially Mondays ,have the balls to admit it Patman


    So every weekend was a long weekend to you 



    Do you think being carried by others during your work was just selfishness 

  3. Ulcer 

    I think you guys are right.

    All the symptoms suggest that 


    Yet the doctor gives me a Echocardiography?

    And suggests I take Nexium !


    According to google I should be on antibiotics because I have a bacterial according to google of helicopt pylori 


    Gives me Nexium this doctor ...I could be getting stomach cancer says google !!


    These doctors in Australia are useless 


    Can't wait to get back to Pattaya to see Dr Olivier .

  4. 3 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    The OP's description does not sound like GERD.


    In GERD the acid goes up into the throat.


    If it persists, might be gastritis but needs endoscopy to be sure. 



    The doctor I remember said something unusual or maybe I heard it wrong ...I'm sure he kept saying Gord ? Not gerd ..not even sure if there is a Gord?

  5. Thanks guys

    I will definitely have to get a ulcer check and the trouble of a endoscopy 

    It seems to be reflux or Gord or Gerd the doctor called it

    But he didn't give me anything!!!


  6. 37 minutes ago, scorecard said:


    I'm 80 years old coming soon.


    Yes I do take life seriously, I live with my wonderful Thai son and his Thai wife and 4 kids.


    I have been devoted to my son all of his life and he reciprocates.


    My son is totally aligned to the best education and behavioral teachings for his 4 kids.


    I work with him on all of the above and it gives me great satisfaction. 



    I guess everyday is a blessing for you 

    Make the most of it and thankyou for your service 🙏 

  7. 22 minutes ago, Will B Good said:



    Been on the equivalent of Nexium for nearly 20 years.......absolute game changer.


    Acid reflux/heartburn/GERD....can lead to Barrett's esophagus, which leads to cancer.......

    What are you trying to say ?


    Are you saying if I don't use the Nexium I could get Cancer ??


    • Haha 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Doctor Tom said:

    Firstly, go see a doctor, as you don't know who is giving you advice here.  So here I go, giving advice, as I have experienced the same.,  It sounds suspiciously like you may have an ulcer.  Yes, the meds you are taking certainly won't help. Yes I use Nexium and yes, its freely available at a pharmacy. Check on google what dietary changes you can make to ease the symptoms. 

    Here is my disclaimer, I am not a medical Doctor, I am a real one, that is a PhD. 

    Thankyou Doctor Tom

    How do I get tested for this ulcer ?


    Unfortunately I had a bit of an argument with my current GP in  Australia after my recent Echocardiography so he doesn't like me to tell him what to do 

    But I may have to get him to test me for a ulcer 


  9. 4 minutes ago, marin said:

    You may have one of the worst cases of hypochondria ever seen in Australia. Your illness is in your brain and it is getting worse. Doctors may decline to see you for your physical symptoms. 

    I have lost interest in these doctors in Australia 

    I have a very good doctor in Pattaya who I will see a few times on my next visit who takes my health seriously!!! 

  10. 2 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

     I must admit that I have thought I might give it a break or drop it down to 40mg. I started 20 years ago in the UK - yes to all those side effects but mildly. My father had several strokes so I'm extra cautious. 

    You could probably try dropping it down to 40mg 

    See how your BP is in a week


    • Thanks 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

    I'm on Diovan 160mg, which I cut in half - 80mg daily. Without it, I'm 140/95. With it, I'm 126/88. It takes around 10 points of each measure.

    That's a lot 

    Any side effects ?

    Tiredness ? Acid reflux ?.swollen ankles?


    That's not too bad ,do you even need Blood Medication????


    I do have to question that when I see guys taking BP medicine with a mid range BP at say 135/145,is it even needed ,?

    • Thanks 1
  12. I will probably wait until my next trip to the Philippines to see a doctor 


    However I am lately getting a refund burning in my stomach.

    This is NOT acid coming up but staying in the stomach 

    And causing chest pain with indigestion type burning in the stomach., heartburn 

    It usually happens after about an hour after I eat 


    It could be the Cialis 5mg a day I take or that dreaded BPressure medicine 


    I may have to go to get a Endoscopy to rule out stomach or eosphagul cancer 

    Cancer symptoms seem a bit different but I may have to ring up a specialist urgently, probably the same guy who done my colonoscopy and my throat check earlier this year can do a Endoscopy 


     At this stage I'm sick of going to the Doctor who doesn't take my sicknesses seriously 


    Any treatment ? I'm thinking NEXIUM which I can buy over the counter ??


    • Haha 2
  13. 1 minute ago, StreetCowboy said:

    I think some. Left-wing people think that we should try to halt the spread of disease for the greater good.  Even if you don’t directly benefit, we are all better off for motorcycle helmets, and the almost-elimination of polio.

    There’s not many people that say “maybe I should’ve worn a helmet”, but there’s plenty that say “I’m glad I was wearing my helmet”. You can’t really rely on individuals to make sensible decisions about risk and public health.

    And any other time the Left wing is against Government.

    Protesting against Authority....but not against the Covid Vaccine !!

    Very strange indeed 

  14. I really can't work out why the Left wing socialists supported the covid vaccinations 

    They used to protest and call the right wing Covid deniers !


    I'm wondering why a political movement that's is against Capitalism Pharmaceutical company supported Pfizer ?


    Got me stumped ?

    Now if that was the right wing fascists I would understand but it's not...the left wing woke socialists supported the Vaccine!!!!!!!


    You 'd think it would be the other way around..the Greens Socialists would support the Non Vaccination of people but....nope....


    The Greens.. Socialists ..left wing ..whatever you want to call them supported vaccines & isolation 





    • Confused 5
    • Sad 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

    Just look at King Baby Trump...SO rich he claims yet his day exost of moaning and crying 24/7/365.....

    as a person such as myself that lives at poverty level this amuses me.....greed and money corrupts....


    ask those that won the lottery....or the rich that claim 1st world problems and live in gated communities aka self made prisons

    I love you , baby 

    • Like 1
  16. I had to wait until after 60 days to apply for a cash refund so I sent myself a alarm reminder 

    I applied for the cash refund no answer from them


    They are hoping people forget in 60 days thats why 

    60 days wait ...why not immediately 

    • Haha 1
  17. 15 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    It's in the genes, these weak people are not wired up correctly, birth defects. 


    It's how we are made, this weakness is handed down from your parents. 


    Nature loads the gun, environment pulls the trigger. 


    What you should be doing is modifying the DNA ladder before birth. 


    I'm one of the lucky ones, good genes. 


    The only addiction I have is beautiful, Thai women. 



    You have a point, although many may be offended by the way you blatantly said it....and I used that word "blatantly" because I saw someone else write it,I have no idea what it means 


    Are these people that turn to alcohol "weak" or are they going thru a difficult time!

    What is alcohol doing to them?


    • Confused 1
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