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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. I'm not keen on "old" people either ,but I may I ask your age young man?
  2. Just looking at travel insurance for my upcoming trip later Obviously in all my academic hindsight I wouldn't be without it , But do I really need half this stuff nowadays....."legal expenses" "personal liability etc I have only tried to claim ONCE in the last 25 years and they made it that difficult I gave up. Broke my front tooth slipping over in Bangkok, they wanted a detailed report from the dentist , itemised receipt and wait for it....sent me out a 15 page claim form which I must print 3 times and send 3 different copies to different email addresses. I gave up. But in all my academic qualifications particularly in philosophy I have decided to spend over 3 hours today on Risk management and ratio and in calculating a ....Basic cover without .....yes without lost luggage or cancellations policy included Another thing I must weigh up in my risk assessment is the ability to contact the emergency travel centre at all hours ,after awhile of calling I started to get the staffs voice and name down to pat I did remember back in 2008 buying a cheap policy only to call the emergency number for no particular reason only to find it was staffed in day time Phillipines hours I like to call the number at different times to see if they indeed are a "emergency" number as they claim In other words "Dear chaps "" if I may qoute the great movie great escape, and other War quotes please do ! I only require emergency Medical coverage !!!!!!! Thankyou!!! And ...I will get rid of the "bells & whistles" which we all know in reality we will not get So yes travel insurance is necessary but not the bells ,whistles and anything else !
  3. Just looking on the Royal Thai consulate site Do Australians now NOT require a tourist visa if staying over 30 days but less than 60 days ?
  4. Hey Mr SHU I noticed every single post of yours is putting down people in a "low class way "with abuse. I'm not sure of your age but I imagine you with a turned around baseball cap ,wearing red Nike shoes with no socks, blue Nike T shirt ,white Nike shorts and tattoos The way you come across in your posts calling posters "mutts" "dogs" F,-wits, etc...... would hazard me a guess your from the lower end of society and that's not being offensive,it just tells me your not a lawyer or doctor .....you just grew up in a .....how do we say it.... around more interesting people perhaps with descriptive vocabulary!
  5. I'm sure they love your heart GrandDad ....not your baht !
  6. georgegeorgia


    And I thought Dad you were the "father of Pattaya" as you self described yourself And you didn't know Dolly Parton was playing ! Give yaself an upper cut Dad 👊
  7. Another intelligent Pom I actually saw a bumper sticker in Australia last week, with Grow a Dope ,plant a Pom and had a British flag.,says it all mate ....says it all.
  8. And can you stop playing with yaself too? 😲no wonder your asking about cataracts !
  9. Oh don't make a fool of yourself old man please ! You could always hit them with ya walking stick , lock yourself in the condo GrandDad with a good book about the Psychometrics of Ageing
  10. Even better , I pull my zipper down , you should see the shocked look on their faces !
  11. Have you ever called the emergency line in Pattaya Is it a different number the ambulance? Did they respond ok? I'm remembering a few years ago in Pattaya I helped a farang in a restaurant who was choking , unfortunately after he vomited it out he started abusing me Apparently the staff had called a ambulance in which he was still required to pay
  12. If your married , your wife's property is yours too. AND you can't claim the OAP if your partner is working Your OAP is based also on your partners income and assets they are also half yours She doesn't need to make a Will and even if she did the partner takes it first ....it's a marriage So if he gets the OAP , he can't be married ,she lives at a different address or declared a different address, he doesn't declare he has a partner
  13. Yes ! Dave the owner has been a Pattaya character now for over 25 years !
  14. Your joking right ? Maybe the OP is a debt collector. I had a debt collector recently call me for a credit card debt that was from 2002 !
  15. only you get the joke son ! No prizes for laughing at your own made up jokes that no one else understands!
  16. Nope! ,has anyone else heard of Trev & his bar ,blue oyster or whatever the name is !
  17. Dolf I believe the Rage Academy is in Jomtien near the up hill area ,anyone may correct me if I'm wrong perhaps Apart from that I know only of 2 weights type gyms in Jomtien I was thinking there may be smaller boxing classes around I think Muay Thai would be too hard on my body as a man myself in my mature years , maybe a boxing coach may be better
  18. What other acronyms are there? What about triple B & then J ?
  19. I'm just trying to work out one which will be closer to the Jomtien area where I will stay. I don't want to travel too far Now may I ask in all its simplicity where there is a *park" or reserve , where I can get the BJJ where I can train with a trainer I know up the top of that hill mountain , do you think that would be good area for doing a BJJ? is the only one I know BUT I may have to stay out near that Soi Siam Country Club if need be I guess if it comes to that Kombat group seems to be out that way
  20. 😅You have a dirty mind Mister 😅....love it !
  21. Any guys here know where I could learn Jiu Jitsu in Pattaya? I know Rage Academy does it but is there any more smaller classes you personally know of? Personal message me if you don't want to write on here . Also love to know the experiences of older aged guys when it comes martial arts / fighting training , are you finding Muay Thai even for fitness a good workout or too hard on your body ?
  22. You obviously can't remember your lies. Just last week in a post ...to me...you said you had nothing wrong with you... remember?Il I said you were dying .you said " no I'm not ...I leave for work at 5am and return at 7pm." If your going to lie Son....write it down so you remember! It's no use writing in 2 weeks in another post you bench pressed 200kg at the gym ,ran a marathon ....and forgot you had written you had 3 heart attacks ,4 strokes and a sore bum in a previous post !
  23. Obviously not taking Brahmi for your brain cells
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