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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Great idea Of course it depends which area your operating Have to be in a medium type town like buriam or Koratb But please ...give it a go....but plan...but if you don't do it ....why
  2. Ahh that's not good I may have to retire to the Philippines in that case
  3. Please no more being called a cleaner , we are PSA , Presentation Services Ambassadors I remember last year being in trouble for calling another cleaner a cleaner asking over the 2 way radio if more cleaners could come to level 3 for a spillage , Instantly HR called me saying the cleaners were offended at being called cleaners and I must say Presentation services ambassadors over the 2 way radio ,one guy had gone on workers comp for trauma after that !
  4. We are not called porters or cleaners anymore ! We are Presentation Service Officers soon to be changed to PSA , Presentation Services Ambassadors
  5. Yes thankyou for your intellectual question and if I may proceed . Others may explain it much more academic wise ....and I hope they do But let me explain in all my glory as a academic or amateur academic may I say. I find Filipina "persons" are more caring in regards to cooking ,cleaning ,working hard ,etc the ones who if course indentify as a "she". Does anyone else think that of Filipina ladies ?
  6. We shouldn't mention the gender , people nowadays may get offended. We should say Filipino non gender but anyway please let me reply. I find Filipina girls better caring
  7. Bangkok would be more I think. But guys please TELL me how long you actually have to STAY there for dental implant treatment. Is it 6 weeks?
  8. georgegeorgia


    You must look ridiculous at your age sagging arms with tattoos
  9. Thankyou Treetops , but you shouldn't have to defend this small noodle . He /she/they wouldn't do it for you ! You Treetops are too nice
  10. Very interesting, I will do some research on this . Is this Charles Darwin ?
  11. For some reason indian people same as Filipino men look at me and leave. I'm not Jewish but I used to have a Star of David around my neck and I used to hold it with one hand if I was meeting someone so they could see it Many people (in my workplace) left me alone after that where I would meet a new colleague I would shake their hand and flash the Star of David at them I used to buy them from the markets on Friday in Soi Bukhao What about that young farangs guy who used to stop on his MB to sell you timeshare ,is he still around? I wouldn't call him a scammer ,but there was a lovely farang guy with a macaw
  12. Any evidence or you just trolling again just for the sake of it ?
  13. I'm guessing English teachers in Bangkok too ? I may be wrong however
  14. I'm not quite sure , But I know there are music bands in the bars that may be Filipino nationals I would like a Filipina partner to bring to Thailand but I'm not sure if there is any visa leeways
  15. Do any of you guys have a Filipina partner living in Thailand with you ? I have spoken to guys in Pattaya who have told me they do know if farangs with Filipina partners Is there any bar owners who are Filipino ?
  16. Very interesting This is what you would call a "old" vitamin I remember my Dad taking it 40 years ago I may start this again , I noticed there is Korean ginseng, panax ginseng ,even Siberian ginseng. I may have to do some research
  17. Tribulas didn't do anything for me .,I took everyday for 12 months It's promoted for sexual health and bodybuilding Ginseng, this is a old vitamin my dad used to take ,does it still work? Cialis , I take 5mg every morning and I get more energy and sexual energy, apparently good for prostate ? Vitamin D , I take 2 X 1000 a day I don't know what it does ,but I don't like the Sun Vitamin B complex They say ...it's the MOST important and to tell you the truth if I don't take this everyday X 2 I really feel stressed
  18. Hi Doctor What do you think of taking vitamin D capsules daily I work night shift so don't get much Sun
  19. You ve had a hard life John. I have nothing but empathy for you . You are in Oman at the moment which is near Saudi Arabia I think and I hope there you don't start getting angry with people ,there is no need to be angry to people in the street !
  20. Au contraire mon ami Love those words ,,I have never heard of them before! Apparently means oh my god , oh my friend !
  21. Please don't take this the wrong way but I know you after all these years reading your posts . Sorry to be truthful to you ,but you don't help anyone . Your a selfish man John and you know it . , you couldn't careless about others Sad I know and I'm sorry the truth hurts , thru out your career you thought only about yourself, talking about stabbing a nun you stabbed all your co workers in the back to get ahead or to get favours off the boss ,you know you did ! You hated your co workers!
  22. Just watched a fantastic YouTuber who moved after 7 years in Thailand to Siquijor Philippines He spends less than $1000 US to live Now I have been to all parts of Philippines my favourite place was Davao but the hotels were more expensive than Thailand actually I stated in the Aveeno apartment But anyway what's your experiences of Siquijor and Duamagette ?
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