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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. These Muay Thai schools seem to be attracting the wrong elements,bringing problems to that area ! Will they be taking responsibility for these guys actions , Doing a rear choke hold on a police officer without any fear of repercussions
  2. Were these two training at the Muay Thai school ? Tiger academy?
  3. But just to add ...and this may sound weird to people who don't have the new age spiritual soul....but the reason I got on so well with the monkeys in Cambodia was I called them Western names as I was feeding them...Kev...John...Ben..etc I honestly believe that the monkeys were /are reincarnation of humans who have died
  4. I can assure you I would be the first to protest if I saw such cruelty. I was in Cambodia in 2019 and actually visited with the monkeys everyday near the river I started to make friends with them and spoke to them like friends, would I turn my back on them though ...no
  5. YouTube in Pattaya ? Or a different topic?
  6. Yes ! But can we age him 40 years and take some hair from the front , keep the ponytail just remove the hair from the front ....and add a pink collared shirt
  7. He has no hair on the front , just a ponytail on the back . You have seen those guys haven't you , no hair on the front and tied in the ponytail on the back ! Prubang boy is actually a nice guy in real life , looks a bit like the older version of John Lennon,you know John Lennon right? I ask that because many Gen Z wouldnt know who John Lennon is ! But can you imagine John Lennon with a pink collared shirt on ! That's PB
  8. No prizes for second best sweetheart ,I got in first 😂
  9. Wow Im a little bit shocked I didn't know that still went on
  10. Of course you do petal , your bending over forwards to help them out !
  11. With due respect you sound a boring old fart My perception of you is a old skinny guy with black glasses with a ponytail and wearing colourful shirt probably pink , walking around with a limp wrist giving dirty looks to white middle aged guys
  12. I believe you mate You keep those stories coming Forget the old bitter twisted men on here ,many are only 60yo but look 80 You keep posting those stories I love it mate
  13. Im Pattaya Lou and I been in Pattaya 20 years mate and I know everythin.....😂 Love you Pattaya Lou 😍
  14. Oh stuff the Russians they are rude ! Whilst I won't get into the intricacies of it , last year I'm sitting in a cafe in Jomtien when a Russian family uninvited decides to sit with me at my table ! Now I would of been ok with it if they included me in their conversation but no ....they ignored me and carried on like I wasnt there ! Ben , I always thought there was a connection between us , a real relationship, we were what I would consider online friends. Now look at what you done! if you could apologise to me I promise I won't block you
  15. Ben I'm sorry I'm going to have to block you , I was nearly sick after reading your post, Its a hateful post from a bitter old man and at 72 you should know better Strangely I can't find your name in the account list to block
  16. I was a bit sad reading your comment about "beating arabs into their holes " Have you always been so hateful and racist ? I must admit myself I have got along with Jewish people having studied the Israeli combat of Krav Maga but I despise racism
  17. Scorecard is not the brightest fish in the tank 😂
  18. Unfortunately the sausage is not a real sausage I love the Cumberland sausages
  19. Why not the Philippines? I don't want to get into the intricacies of your post ,but it is annoying to me when you on here are thinking this forum is Thai centric only Please and I will say this kindly ,please broaden your scope and realise south east Asia is a big circle ., I hope you understand thankyou
  20. Some people write it , some people are full of it , unfortunately your the latter !
  21. Exactly Lou ! Only you would know when a sausage isn't a sausage darl I love the ol German sausage myself , kransky, luv sucking on a German sausage
  22. Well let's all hope it leads to the case of a smiling stiff😅 Yes you go mongering ,I'm going to church , Oh please Lord , please tell us how long you have given him , surely not long now for our Olmate!✝️... Grant him the wish of going out with a smiling stiff😅
  23. Some people need to stop the alcohol to make them less nasty .....in your case you need to start ...
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