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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Well as you have said your father never was around at at the pub every arvo, and you had domestic violence so it may have hit a raw nerve with you mate . Hope your mother forgived your father The 1970's was the worse period I believe Sad in those days with DV ,hope you healed mate 💜
  2. Oh I have empathy for you ,.....but...look on the bright side your 83 so not much longer to go You enjoy what you have left
  3. Probably tax payers , otherwise they get it from "other means"
  4. I feel more sorry for you now 😭 , nearly 80yo your living in a govt housing department studio flat in Perth , Western Australia by yourself!!! With no family support,we are your family mate ,if you need a caring ear I'm here !! 💜
  5. I think you may have mistaken me as as the preacher son , I want more of these guys ! I enjoy thinking about their heartbreak the sad life's they left behind. Last night I'm walking thru the streets in Australia approached by a indigenous homeless guy outside asking for money ,I said I will do better than that and bought him a cheap bottle of wine so he can totally get smashed and cause havoc 😅
  6. No I think he posted ,"wanting" to think it includes him ,he desperately wanted to deny he wasn't And anyway he's not old at 47 !!! As Leo Sayer used to sing *I'm only a boy "
  7. I realise your not the smartest fish in the tank ....but we are talking about mature aged expats who left their own country leaving family behind . As you don't fit into that category then it's senseless to post ,but you desperately wanted to be involved so we all notice you , you felt left out I know , .......and yes your only a boy at 47 !!😏
  8. Still married and travelling to SEA for a good time ? Does she know? Do your kids know what their old father is up to ? Wouldn't they think your a dirty old man?
  9. I have only respect for you,your a older Australian man living in Thailand and I'm sure you have a past story to tell. Because it's hit a raw nerve hasn't it You left them behind, I feel empathy for you I really do,your a older man living in Thailand with family you left behind , I would love to know the details if you would kindly share of your past
  10. Workplace friends? I work the nightshift cleaning hospital administration areas , with people I wouldn't give the time of day to
  11. The tubby guy late 60's I would say but maybe looked older He dressed with a shirt with a collar but not tucked in
  12. I would love to hear of some storiesd on here from guys who left it all behind . Last year I was in a bar in Soi Bukhao I actually bought the bar owner 2 or 3 expensive drinks to hear him tell me how his 2 adult sons( in Belgium) had not spoken to him since 2017 when at the age of 57 he divorced and came to Pattaya. One of his sons was a police officer in Belgium and he spoke highly of him until I made him sad to talk about him ,"you must be proud of him " I said to his smiling shaking head ,yes he said half sad half happy face "Sad he thinks your a failure of a Dad " I said back to his facial expressions turning to sadness , "he will probably never talk to you again " I said to him to watching his sadness , "you must of hurt him a lot as a Dad " I then paid the bar tab his drinks included and he actually thanked me still tears in his eyes as I walked off into the distance looking back he was still sitting at the table staring into his wine glass , obviously reminiscing 😅
  13. I felt , I don't know exactly but a sense of making a difference I guess ,like almost creating a impact on someone', to see their "hurt" side or is the saying to touch a raw nerve ? The fact he just stood there hands under the flowing tap... head turned to the left looking at me ,not moving , it was like ....I made this person think !
  14. When I said hundreds I meant other bars too ,wasn't hundreds but it looked a lot of farang in opposite bars too. I actually felt good though when I left and jumped on a motorbike taxi to leave ,I felt like I had achieved something, but I will never know because I didn't see him leave the bathroom It's hard to explain but I felt like it was me that made a impact on someone's life ,it's almost I feel responsible, I could really see it "hurt" him as he left his hands under the tap as he looked at me stunned ,it felt good for me
  15. My only regret was not staying in the bar to see what he was like after he left the bathroom. Did he leave with sadness or tears ? Did he go back to play dancing with the Thai bar worker?
  16. I sat at a bar and watched hundreds of old farang guys with Thai ladies . I sat and stared at one guy ,late 60's tubby wearing a collared shirt ,shorts and sandals ,grey balding hair . I could hear him shouting to another farang something about his ex wife I watched and studied him ,where are his family back home? I thought ,wonder what his I presume ex wife be doing now? he was gyrating with the young Thai lady laughing as she bent over dancing in front of him. I started to think of this man's past as I sat staring at him , I wonder what his life was like 20 years ago back in farang land ,where his ex wife is ? His kids he had Then he went to the bathroom in the bar . I followed him ,he said hello mate in his British accent I immediately followed with a "where is your ex wife? Did you leave your kids? The shocked look on his face as he stood washing his hands ,his lower lip was quivering stunned as a mullet The strangest thing he said which doesn't make sense was "Oh I didn't see this coming !" did she send you ? I again repeated the question, " you left your ex wife didn't you " You left your kids ! Then I walked out of the bar ,he was still inside I presume quivering hands under the tap bent over looking stunned , stunned as a mullet that a complete stranger would say such a thing to him !! Hard to describe the shocked look on his face in the face as he just went into a shocked look ,it went from a happy drunk *hello mate" to a look like this emoji 😳😳 the little thing I remember was after he was shocked his hands were not rubbing together under the tap ,he just stopped looking sideways at me bent over the sink shocked , funniest thing I ever saw My regret is not going back to my seat in the bar to see if he left that bathroom with tears in his eyes ! And I asked you the sad question too If you live in Thailand Philippines Vietnam Cambodia etc now .....where is your REAL family ? What happened? Did you leave them, did you have a life family kids years ago ? , such sadness What happened between you and your then wife to split up ? Have you ever made contact with her again ? Do your children who obviously would be if adult age ever forgive you ? Do they still make contact knowing you left them and the mother behind ? Does she know where you are nowadays
  17. What teaching qualification do you have ? Does Burma require it ?
  18. And where are you from? Australia? Much worse places in Australia than Jomtien even worse than Gaza
  19. Are you on any blood pressure meds , Amlodipine?
  20. I must add too I stripped down my undies to naked and took off my shorts & undies put the blue gown on before I lay on the table ......now work this out. ... When I woke up in recovery.. lo & behold ....my undies and shorts and my shirt were on ! How does that happen ???
  21. Well just finished my colonoscopy It wasnt as bad as a thought Arrived at the clinic they ask you to dress in a blue gown , leave your t shirt on ,pants and undies off You then lay in a bed ,the guy put in a needle in my top of my right hand and said it's sedation I think he said Then took my blood pressure, then he said lay on your left side and knees up . He asked me like a 100 times to confirm my date of birth and why I'm here ? I could see a pic LCD tv on the wall Anyway he starts talking to me ask me something next thing I'm out I wake up tired with coffee and cake in front of me I eat it , a nurse comes over she says the dr will come talk to me A doctor comes over he says you had a 2mm polyp and I cut it out and sent it to the lab Ok I said. ,he then left ,he didn't say it was a dangerous polyp or anything,just he cut it out and sent it away ? Why would he do that ? I feel tired but it was painless Get your colonoscopy done !
  22. I had to stop using air conditioning as it gave me sickness I love the heat in Thailand it's a moist wet heat not like Australia where it's a dry burning heat . It was so hard to get used to at first ,but no way would I go back to that air conditioning The problem is your body will not acclimatise to the heat if you keep using air conditioning, you will sweat without it , you need to get used to life without it. Use fans even the industrial fans are good ,but please don't let your body become weak by using air con
  23. What about these polyps though? Nearly everyone has them apparently, waiting 10 years is a long time
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