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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Whilst I love Geoff Carter, I was also in love at one stage with the YouTuber Trevor in Pattaya , forget his YouTube name but I believe he owns a bar Couldn't stand that guy who died a few years ago in Pattaya forget his name but his voice was irritating ,Kev ?
  2. Yes I agree Must be the all the Wine Women & Song he has had over the years 😂
  3. And this is not SEA related but I love watching the AUDITORS My Favourite is DJ Audits where they go to factories and start filming people so they complain
  4. Any interest in the psychometrics of water ?
  5. Geoff Carter is great ...but ..I was quite shocked when he said he was aged 61 ! I immediately wrote to him to tell him I thought he was 71 ! He replied to me in good humour calling me a cheeky bugger !🤣 I'm only 61 you cheeky bugger ! 😂
  6. There's nothing wrong with being housebound and using this forum to address your lonilessness 2baht . I do suggest you start drinking though We are all your support mate
  7. Depends what he looks like Have you ever seen a ugly younger man ? Usually stems from the old lineage 😂
  8. 2baht Especially with your disability where you are housebound I always thought judging by your intelligent intellectual riveting posts you were a drinker 😳,.......maybe ...maybe you should start?
  9. 2baht I must say I did find that a bit ..how do I put it?.....racist ? And look ...I know you never meant it to be ,it probably and hopefully wasn't your intention but your statement did shock me after reading that ! There is other races too , why not pick Filipino or Vietnamese? Why pick Thai people in particular? I do hope you realise the hurt you have caused and personally I do hope you can be man enough to apologise to me .
  10. Yes sell it , you surely dont have long to go now, 😳but then again ...they say only the good die young...so you could be around until 100 😳 ...
  11. Ronstar, As son as I saw your name I heard GARY GLItter , I wonder why I associated him with you ? Love your reports on Cambodia mate, your one of the best posters here Gary
  12. Daddy I disagree Dogs behaviour are a result of their owners just like a son is the result of his daddy Dogs can receive "counselling" too and with proper behavioural counselling that dog can change . Please be more empathetic
  13. Running out of money? Oh well....you haven't got long ,you won't need it
  14. Good on you , it's the gym that's the "in" thing now for guys after work A very interesting topic you bring up about stopping going to the pub particularly after work where all the workers would meet at the end of the day As a academic myself I often think about times changing etc This generation in particular are not the same as our parents Always remember the classic tv lines in the pub "I"LL have half " 😳Remember it's used to be the pub where workers went ,now it's the gym ! Pubs would be closing if it wasn't for gambling machines
  15. Yeah unfortunately your another one , "I have many Gay friends " but.....there's always a but .... Well it's no surprise your homophobic
  16. Well you should know with your high level of intellect & intelligence, you being a former brain surgeon and all As you mentioned in your other posts how you were a former academic and adviser to the government, you'd think that a man of your high standard would be advising this forum on how it should be run.
  17. And Prubang BOY what makes you think I identify as "white" ? Yes I can't help to think what those "old white men " did to you yet you complain & whinge and then......wait for it.... continue to read and reply to my posts ! 😅 You can't help yourself Son , your the type of Karen who watches a sex scene on TV and complains " oh it's disgooooosting isn't it "! Bloody disgooooosting! And .wait for it ... .Then you continue to watch the whole show,sitting there getting off on it , There's a tv off button and there's a block button on here ,use it son ! Or BOY or whatever name you use to make yourself out as a victim to those "old white men" But....you won't , you will continue to rush and salivate over my posts . Now I notice this is your 5th or 6th post about "racist white males" ,"those terrible old white males " ,you seem to have a "fetish against old white males ..I say something in your childhood son and I feel sorry for you I really do , imagine carrying that around with you everytime you see a farang wearing a Singlet AND sandals with socks ! I should be empathetic towards you though ,I have no idea what these terrible "old white males " did to you Son...Prubangboy , they're terrible aren't they I guess your presuming we all identify as white? But for your sake ,put yourself out of misery son and use the block button ! But you won't,you 'll be back 😂 Go and chase those old racist white males ,they're terrible aren't they son ! Prubang BOY , imagine nearly every post writing about old racist white males , I feel sorry for you son something you carrying around,you can always personal message me but as your going to block me ,...but we all know you won't ...you get off on it 😂
  18. So ....I take it ...you don't like my posts???😳
  19. I believe the solution is more pop up ads !
  20. There are quite a few academics here including me. Good debates etc are now rare to find on this forum I use to enjoy debating about the Psychometrics of water ,natural selection and various other intellectual topics ,but unfortunately the "peasants" on this forum (,if I may use that word) have no idea about such thought provoking topics ,
  21. I would have to second that . I find it absolutely atrocious, Please ditch the singlets
  22. Sadly to say and please don't quote me but it seems that your more interested in pop up ads on a website you use that is a business ,we are not a community service Please have some thought for the owners on here who have to pay for full time staff ,rental of premises etc I personally want more advertising!
  23. Thankyou to all the members on here who have confidentially messaged me to talk about mens mental health Some sent me contacts for good Samaritans Pattaya and Bangkok I don't think they are around anymore though Mens mental health is very important 💜
  24. And yet your one of the guys sending me messages You have had a lot of problems so please don't sugarcoat it I often wonder though your personality where you bag others especially in your workplace then behind everyone's back you talk to that person you criticized Stop being a hypocrite Roo .. please
  25. The last few weeks I have gone this "phase" of wanting to be a caring ear and help people with emotional problems Often I get up to 20 personal messages from guys on here who are lonely ,some even post abusive replies to my posts turn send me a personal message to say sorry and the hard times they are going through and that's what I believe I'm here for. Some guys have to write nasty comments to my posts because they are angry in life and I believe it's better to get their anger out at me than some old lady walking down the street They then write me a personal message to say sorry and the bad times they are going through I have met some wonderful guys o n here and met some in Pattaya when I arrived. Unfortunately many have men problems and we don't always click , I love reading books on the Psychometrics of water , Psychometrics of air etc In fact I have taken a big interest yesterday in reading about air quality and the science behind that but that's another day. My point is after being on this forum there are a lot of lonely guys , I'm shocked ,some even live in South East Asia , are married etc just their lives are not balanced and some need a farang to talk to If anyone here needs a caring ear Ask if they are ok ? Ask if you can listen , Be a mental first aider There have been many times where someone has committed suicide and never showed any signs of it ! Mens depression is not a joke , Suicide , alcohol etc is taking over this Generation Play your part in listening , Are you ok ????
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