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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. A fridgy by trade , does anyone get their fridge fixed nowadays? I remember my kitchen fridge breaking down and cheaper to buy a new one ! But anyway ...we are getting off the point of the discussion mentioning about fridges and how you were a fridge mechanic when it's about air conditioning!!!
  2. Excellent academic article Doctor ! Yes I do believe that when heat spikes as said in the article that ROAD RAGE actually increases ! I always found it interesting in the Philippines the majority of young males without t shirts on compared to Thailand,and that's because the heat is far different!!!
  3. Very good points and I know you have a Doctorate in academia ,so if may address you as Doctor Doctor, But what are the health benefits of Air conditioning? Isn't it better not to use it health wise leading to throat infection possible The problem is this ,ONCE we get used to Air Conditioner we need it all the time ! The same people who made Coca Cola had a say in air conditioning I believed and it's becoming sadly ...addictive ! A addiction I refuse to be part of !!!
  4. Yes very interesting advice , but we must be "versatile" in heat training , putting our bodies thru different types of heat . I do wonder and only those with academic backgrounds would know and find it most interesting the difference in heats ,whether Africa and Asia are for example the same?
  5. I have this fantasy lately of running a motorbike /scooter rental in Pattaya I never see many around anymore as much as there used to be But please only those with academic qualifications, could you explain to me the intricacies on how they may make a profit?
  6. I need to give you advice I'm sorry but you really need to "train" yourself not to turn it on ! Get a feel for the heat ,let your body acclimatise to the heat One thing I did , and I'm not saying you should,but every Friday I went to that markets in Soi Bukhao and purposely stood under those tarpaulins for hours sweating like a horse
  7. I prefer if only people of "academic" background replied to my posts I have nothing against the low educated on here but this is a very important and high intelligence subject
  8. I was going on to mention the standstill fan ....the ceiling fans are not the best for that heat which is a moist damp tropical ( other words to describe) in the Philippines I found the Philippines heat much different from the Thailand heat and the Australian heat which is a very dry burning heat Such as I may say that I may consider retirement to north Philippines such as Baguio or north Thailand such as Chiang mai or further north where one may have a different experiment of heat
  9. Is it possible to get used to living without Air conditioner? I tried to practice today for the future in Australia,so hot this morning I turned the fan on and was still sweating like a giraffe The air conditioning in Thailand and Philippines last year made me as sick as a donkey but especially the Philippines was so hot I was sweating bucket loads like a elephant on heat . But my goal is to live without air con and use a fan , the ability to acclimatise ,to practice,to train ,to get your body used to it ,is the hardest ,to not turn it on ....but to use a fan ...either standstill . Is it humanaly possible one may ask after years of using Air conditioner? .is the pain worth it many scientists and intellectuals may ask ? I wish I was back in Pattaya where I could seek a consultation with the lovely GP doctor who would tell me the answer albeit 700 baht to know .
  10. Omg ..he was using slang " the Lycra" crowd , in other words the new age young type maybe Bangkokians , ever walked thru Lumpini park in the morning?
  11. South Americans are just as arrogant, I think even worse than Russian
  12. More fool you Paid your taxes saved your money and you get nothing ! 😂
  13. I only have another 20 years of life left so I can take risks
  14. I guess profit , he had so many businesses , young ,wealthy ,fit I think he even owns the muay Thai gym. A very nice guy
  15. Well that's not good for me China thanks for the link. It says if your over 60 your not employed What about Vietnam? I just want a part time job so I can retire from Australia I have my retirement fund already so won't need much I can get a TEFL but I have no uni degree Maybe Nepal ? Myanmar? Anyone know where I can go to teach easily ?
  16. That would be hard Even though some bars make millions of baht , there was a young guy in Soi 6 who had many many bars pre covid who was raking in the money
  17. I just was reading about a guy aged about 60 from Australia who went to China to be a english teacher Apparently he had no previous experience It sounds exciting life I like to change my life now I'm 60 and wonder what the requirements are for places like China , Myanmar , Cambodia Is it easy to apply in China ??
  18. Absolutely I think it's not only financial reasons guys head back to their own countries after retiring in Asia disillusioned, it's because they had no lifestyle plan.
  19. Sounds like your discriminating against sexist males? You should treat everyone with respect
  20. Doesn't seem your getting your money's worth being on here all the time.
  21. Sounds a bit sexist ? We must accept all sexualities and genders and being a old PC woke lefty Greenie socialist ,you should say the word "person" instead of "girl" although I'm unsure of the pronoun that "person" may be when you get a "stiffy" Oh FFS tell me to shut up
  22. Ones that will be in Thailand in 10 years 😉 Some won't be 😁
  23. Ha ha ha so funny ..... 🙄🙄🙄
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