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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. I'll believe it's a good thing when we get to see the size and physical accommodation at the new facility.

    Will it be a spacious area with enough chairs for all individuals waiting for service, have places to fill out forms, and a modern common-sense queuing system -- or will it be a shoe-box sized store front where everyone will need to stand outside in the mall, queues are handed out to a frenzied group of customers once a day in a "he who is the most aggressive gets a ticket" manner, and you can fill out your forms using the floor as a table and a place to sit.

    And, where is the Promanade Resort. Is it a mall or a real resort? I have no idea where this place is. And Floor G? That's 7 stories. Do they have an elevator for disabled / handicapped foreigners?

    One plus, maybe it will actually have A/C.

    The new space at Promenada is no larger than the current location at the airport... If anything, the net total space is smaller...

    Floor G is on the ground floor of the mall, no elevator, escalator or stairs required... In fact, the new immigration office is accessible from the parking garage...

    The mall does not open until 11:00am, although Rimping is open at 8:00am... So it is possible to have an early immigration appointment and still grab a bite to eat at the Rimping restaurant before the rest of the mall opens...

  2. Who did the last amnesty? Some guy called Ronald something or other...

    Did the Sky fall in? Ah, sorry, they were supposed to be the golden years for America weren't they?

    Not for those of us that actually lived through that era...

    Did the sky fall? I don't know, you tell us... When 100% of all new job creation in the last 15 years has gone to immigrants, who is paying the price for this flood of immigrants into the US?


    This can has been kicked down the road ever since the Reagan amnesty... The borders have not been controlled and emigration has not been regulated or restricted... The corporatists want cheap labor and could not care less about native Americans...

    Here are a few facts about illegal Mexicans in the US, which is just the tip of the iceberg when illegal immigrants from other countries are considered...


  3. Trust me, I used to sell cars before I became a lawyer who sold financial services.

    Yes, well I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

    and only the Shadow knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men...

  4. You have to love the spin the various media outlets place on geo-political stories... The AP places the blame on Russia for the failure in price negotiations, while Russian media paints a different picture... From RT.com...


    According to RT, Russian Energy Minister Aleksandr Novak and Ukraine’s Energy and Coal Minister Vladimir Demchishin both admitted to reporters that the negotiations had born no fruit. Demchishin added that there would be a new round of talks in September.

    Meanwhile, Ukraine’s energy company, Naftogaz, will stop buying gas from Russia as of Wednesday, July 1.

    “As of June 30, 2015, the agreement between Naftogaz and Gazprom runs out, and conditions for continued supply of Russian gas to Ukraine have not been agreed upon; Naftogaz will no longer be purchasing gas from the Russian company,” a press release by Naftogaz said.


    Despite Kiev’s purchasing freeze, Russia will continue direct supplies of gas to Ukraine’s southeast, Novak said. It has been doing so since February, when Kiev claimed that it could no longer supply gas to the conflict-torn regions due to damaged pipelines. Gazprom insists that Kiev is still responsible for paying for the gas that goes to the southeast.

  5. The latest scuttlebutt is that the move will take place on July 15th... This is from the GF's 3rd cousin, whose uncle is a songtaew driver in town, that heard it from his daughter who works karaoke on Chang Klan...

  6. Good on you, Trump. The fourth estate is supposed to be reporting the news, not being the news. Univision may find out being 'offended' isn't allowed in their contract.

    Actually it is. Univision is a media network that offers multiservice programming specifically targeted at the Spanish language population in the USA.

    It's viewers are majority Hispanic. It's advertisers are specifically targeting the Hispanic demographic. Trump just made a false statement about the Mexican community. In doing so, he offended Mexicans and Univision's viewers.

    As a for profit company, Univision needs to retain its Hispanic demographic. It is unlikely that Hispanics will want to watch a Trump owned beauty pageant. The purchase of broadcast rights was a discretionary entertainment decision, just as it is a discretionary decision to purchase the broadcast rights to a football match or a soap opera. It would be bad business to continue broadcast of the pageant after Trump insulted Univision's audience.

    What is in their contract will state if Univision is allowed to break their contract between Trumps' company and themselves because of a personal quote. Trump, the company is not the same as Trump the person. Contractually. Making a deal with a volatile company owner was Univisions' mistake.


    On Tuesday’s “AC360” on CNN, host Anderson Cooper asked network legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin about the merits of Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s lawsuit against Univision after the network withdrew its Spanish-language coverage of Trump’s Miss USA pageant on July 12.

    In the $500 million lawsuit, Trump claimed Univision is obligated to carry the pageant. Based on a copy of the contract provided to Toobin by Trump, the real estate mogul may have a case against Univision.

    “I’ve seen the contract,” Toobin said. “And there is no provision in there as there are in a lot of personal services type contracts. You know, ‘We can get rid of you for moral turpitude or embarrassing behavior.’ There is nothing like that.”

  7. The GOP fear The Donald for one main reason, he has the war chest to run a campaign without relying on big-money donations from big business, foreign interests and wall street... He can spend as much or more than any other candidate without a dime in donations... Despite the views posted above his message does resonate with the average American that has seen their quality of life diminish under both mainstream parties... Anyone remember Ross Perot? Same, same, no different than The Donald... If Trump continues without getting laughed out of the race, he could split the GOP vote and hand the 2016 election to the Dems... It's obvious big-money opponents are already running a smear campaign against him, after all, he is such an easy target...

    And THIS crazy sombitch is currently #2 in GOP polls! What the HELL are Republicans THINKING?!?!?

    Has he declared his candidacy under any particular banner? In the past The Donald has been registered as a Democrat, an Independent and a Republican...

  8. The GOP fear The Donald for one main reason, he has the war chest to run a campaign without relying on big-money donations from big business, foreign interests and wall street... He can spend as much or more than any other candidate without a dime in donations... Despite the views posted above his message does resonate with the average American that has seen their quality of life diminish under both mainstream parties... Anyone remember Ross Perot? Same, same, no different than The Donald... If Trump continues without getting laughed out of the race, he could split the GOP vote and hand the 2016 election to the Dems... It's obvious big-money opponents are already running a smear campaign against him, after all, he is such an easy target...

  9. Nightrider is right....and tell the immigration people that you need a document for transfer of a vehicle.

    After obtaining the document from immigration, head for any motorbike shop and they'll do the transfer job for you.

    Probably you'll have to pay new insurance (THB 450) and eventually new road tax (THB 100) and i think that the tranfer fee is THB 800.

    It takes approx. 40 days before the green book carries your name.

    Think about it, Immigration does not have forms for transferring vehicle ownership...

    He will need a Residency Certificate, which is available from immigration, but the transfer documents are from the DLT office...

    The seller and buyer must both sign the transfer documents and present them to the DLT office for the transfer...

  10. Can we guess what African country most or all of them were from?

    you a colonial cousin ?.....do you even know were Africa is ?...let me give you a hint, its not next door to Texas

    No need to get your panties in a twist as the OP referred to them as African...

    Lots of dark-skinned folks in Texas... Does that make them all African?

    Perhaps we need a daily news-feed to advise the current term to use to describe a race or nationality of people because the politically correct bullshit has become so thick it is impossible to refer to a "person of color" without offending someone...

  11. No nuclear fusion reactors are as yet commercially available and would you feel safe living near one in Thailand ??????

    There is very little to no risk with the technology described in the article I posted... The same goes for Thorium reactors as posted above... If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, then do some research into free-energy technology and it's suppression...

  12. I think many of us lose weight after moving to Thailand... The change in climate, diet, daily routine, exercise, etc all contribute to the weight loss... I would not be too worried about it unless the weight loss continued and you began losing strength, stamina and muscle mass... OTOH, a blood workup at the hospital is cheap and easy just to be on the safe side...

    I actually only know people who gain weight in Thailand....that rice and fatty food.

    Yeah, you do see an awful lot of foreigners that are teetering between over weight and obesity... I always thought they brought it with them when they came to Thailand... wink.png

    It is true that a lot of Thai food is cooked in oil, has a lot of salt and sugar and is not that good for you... Like everything in life, moderation is the key...

  13. I think many of us lose weight after moving to Thailand... The change in climate, diet, daily routine, exercise, etc all contribute to the weight loss... I would not be too worried about it unless the weight loss continued and you began losing strength, stamina and muscle mass... OTOH, a blood workup at the hospital is cheap and easy just to be on the safe side...

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