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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. Massive tax dollars come when they are IN the country.

    and they will ALWAYS be in the country. corruption on the border will ensure it. you cant keep the drugs out and u wont keep the illegals out. but you will create a new industry!

    It would help if law enforcement were actually allowed to ask people for proof of residency or visa, just like is done in Thailand every day of the week... But no, the progressives have deemed this to be unconstitutional, so when a police officer encounters a person of questionable origin, they can't even ask the question... Just like they have pushed the SCOTUS to deem it unconstitutional to ask a person for proof of citizenship to vote in US elections... Pretty sad when a country like Thailand has stiffer immigration enforcement than the US...

    As far as keeping drugs out of the US, that was never the objective of the "war on drugs"... If it were the case then the US government would not be the largest drug smuggler on the planet... Or do you think those poppy fields in Afghanistan mysteriously producing record yields during US occupation is a coincidence?

  2. It's not just the border, which could be sealed. It's inside the country where police aren't allowed to ask for ID if suspicious, they get driver's licenses and some even vote. They get released from jail if caught, they blend among the ones who are already in illegally and it perpetuates itself. There are Americans who actively want them in the country for political gain. They are now a voting block.

    This topic isn't about whether illegal immigration could be stopped, but rather that is isn't and what that is or isn't causing.


    no, the fact is it cant be stopped and all your complaining aint gonna change that. that border cannot be sealed. period.

    The greatest military power on the planet today cannot secure the southern border of the USA? A country that can drone a wedding party in Yemen cannot use the same technology to secure the border? That is bullshit and you know it...

    In the mean time, the current administration in the US has allowed close to 350,000 criminal illegals to be released into the general public in the US... What does that tell you?


    MORE THAN 347,000 CONVICTED CRIMINAL IMMIGRANTS AT LARGE IN U.S Hundreds of thousands of convicted criminal immigrants remain at large in the U.S. and a number have gone on to commit additional crimes.

    According to a March 2, 2015 “ICE Weekly Departures and Detention Report” obtained by Center for Immigration Studies expert Jessica Vaughan and shared with Breitbart News, there were 168,680 convicted criminal immigrants who had final orders of removal but who remained at large in the U.S.

    Another 179,018 convicted criminal immigrants with deportation cases pending also remained at large.

  3. The sideways and peripheral right are extreme in their obsessive and compulsive demand that everyone agree with them. After all, the right are the true and only nativist Americans so how could they be wrong. Or so the right seem to believe. So the right never ever quits; it's also true the lunar right must have the last word everywhere and every time.

    So I would ask readers to at least briefly look in at the longer term studies and research I have cited in my posts and which counter the individual incidents and specifics of crimes that involved immigrants.

    Yes crimes aggregate, however, the research finds that there is no correlation of immigrants to crimes or crime waves.

    No, sane people call for upholding the laws of the land, which includes securing the border, prohibiting illegals from entering the country, for policing the land to expel illegals and to protect the populace that elected governmental officials... The $64,000 question is why this progressive administration is hell-bent on flooding the US will illegals?

    Spin it, we don't demand anyone agree with us... We do demand that our elected officials to uphold the law, which your team seem incapable of doing...

    Why do progressives hate anyone that does not buy-in to their dystopian view of reality? Because the voices in their head tell them to...

  4. Murder and any crime is always horrendous and need preventing and punishing.

    Fact is immigrants in the USA are less likely to commit crime than are the native population.

    The Politics of Immigration and Crime

    Many, if not most, Americans believe that it is a crime to exist in the United States as an
    undocumented immigrant. These contemporary consequences have strong historical roots in xenophobic political discourse, which was often the buffer for major anti-immigrant policies excluding the flow of immigrants to the United States for several decades.
    However, the association between crime and immigration exists solely in the political discourse; when researchers
    evaluate the available data, immigrants demonstrate the exact opposite trend
    (see Sampson 2010 for a review).
    The weak (and generally non-existent) empirical relationship between immigration and crime is
    nevertheless rivaled by the persistent and overwhelming public opinion that immigrants do in
    fact cause or, at the very least, increase the possibility of crime.


    Does Immigration Increase Crime? Nationwide statistics suggest no impact on violent crime


    Surprise! Donald Trump is wrong about immigrants and crime.


    Really? Tell that to the mother of this lady that was murdered by an illegal immigrant that had been deported 5 times, yet allowed to stay in the safe haven city of San Francisco by who? Here's a hint, it sure as hell wasn't conservatives...



    Mother of Californian woman 'shot dead at random' by illegal Mexican immigrant who had been deported FIVE TIMES condemns officials who let him stay

  5. Hmm, Trump calls Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers? Well, if the shoe fits...


    Mother of Californian woman 'shot dead at random' by illegal Mexican immigrant who had been deported FIVE TIMES condemns officials who let him stay


    DHS released another 30,000 criminal aliens onto streets

    Me tinks that the hispanic leaders need to shut the f##k up and check their green cards...

  6. It's down to a series of choices by the people. I see it as a "me first" mentality that some try to explain as part of "Thainess". I don't see any explanation other than selfishness.

    Maybe someone will tell me different.

    its no different than the west was a few generations ago and there it took government regulation to get people to stop littering

    Perhaps, but the selfish behavior in Thailand extends far beyond their propensity for throwing trash on the ground...

    It's kind of ironic, but I have seen some Thais lately picking up trash in public places and throwing it in the rubbish bin, while cursing the Chinese...


    You right of course, in a country of 67 million people, every one of them is the same... coffee1.gif

  7. Man, tough crowd on TVF today...

    There are lots of sweet ladies out there, you just have to get up off your barstool and go look if you are so inclined...

    And the opposite side of the stereotype rears its head. Get off your barstool......

    The main jist of these replies is regarding the 'doting' being a little over the top. It is a common misconception by foreigners that this doting or 'taking care' of a man is genuine and comes from the heart, however it is more of a duty or obligation. Thai women are reared to take care of their fathers in a similar fashion, and to do the same for their future partners. They know all too well that westerners fall so far for this little act that they pride themselves on it, and if it gets over the top there's an easy fallback.......I just care about you!

    If one, such as the OP, finds such a doting partner tolerable and doesn't have to compromise any of his liberties, good for him. Yes there are women out there who fit the bill, but when this sort of intense caring/ doting is present I have found it to be usually coupled with an equally intense level of possessive and controlling behavior.

    OP doesn't mention or (maybe doesn't know) if she goes through his phone every night, sniffs his underwear after he's been out or watches if he's stared at the hottie who just walked past them in the mall.


    Side note, but about perception lost when one is blinded with love.......A 6 year old boy, son of my friend, once gave me a warning I could not understand at the time. I was engaged to a beautiful exotic woman and while out having dinner with some friends, this boy came over to me and asked ' why is she always smiling?'.......I told him because she's happy, he then said 'I'd hate to see her angry'.........this kid took to everyone except my partner who was a warm kind hearted type, always smiling, and fits the bill as the OP described, a wonderful household partner always making me relaxed and well presented (initially). After 6 months and an engagement ring it turned out she was a complete mental case and attempted her life twice as emotional blackmail. Took me a year to peel away from that one...........I should have listened to the kid, he wasn't fooled by the act.

    My reply was for those asking the OP how much he pays his GF and in what bar did he find her, as the barstool seems to be their only point of reference... As you pointed out, stereotypes work both ways... Don't think Thai women don't know it either...

  8. It's down to a series of choices by the people. I see it as a "me first" mentality that some try to explain as part of "Thainess". I don't see any explanation other than selfishness.

    Maybe someone will tell me different.

    its no different than the west was a few generations ago and there it took government regulation to get people to stop littering

    Perhaps, but the selfish behavior in Thailand extends far beyond their propensity for throwing trash on the ground...

    It's kind of ironic, but I have seen some Thais lately picking up trash in public places and throwing it in the rubbish bin, while cursing the Chinese...

  9. Allowed to stay in the EU? Please, who would want to be ruled by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels and continuously screwed by the banksters?

    This is a moot question at this point Scott, considering the Greeks themselves just voted overwhelmingly to thumb their collective noses at the EU, the IMF and the ECB... Look for Italy, Spain, France and others to follow suit...


    who would want to be ruled by unelected ???? bureaucrats in Brussels

    maybe the ones that want peace, negotiations, equal rights & laws, more balance, ...

    Europe has given already billions to greece as support .. I would rather be thankfull than call them screwers ..

    The concept of a unified Europe is noble and just, the problem is that avarice has bastardized the concept for profits...

  10. In my experience, SWIFT transfers from my US bank to Thailand take 2 - 4 business days longer to clear than ACH transfers and the fees are much higher in my case... That's why I don't use SWIFT anymore...

    I'm wondering if there there have been intermediate banks involved in your SWIFT transfers? Particularly in the case of smaller banks, intermediate banks are used to actually initiate or receive the wire transfer because the source and/or destination bank does not have the infrastructure in place to directly process SWIFT transactions. I would think that this may drive up the cost and the processing time.

    As a point of reference, I generally send SWIFT transfers from E*Trade in the US, to Bangkok Bank (BBL) in Thailand. E*Trade charges a flat $25 to send the wire, and BBL charges something minimal, like 500 baht or so and maybe a couple of satang on the T/T rate. Funds are always credited to my BBL account by the end of the second business day (in Thailand) after initiating the transfer.

    The US bank I use is one of the big 5 and BBL here in Thailand... The accounts are the same on both ends when sending $$$ via ACH or SWIFT... When I send funds via SWIFT, it takes 2 - 4 days longer and costs me $45 USD, all in... I can send funds via ACH with next business day delivery for $10 USD... Not sure how the routing would be any different, unless as you stated, they use a 3rd party to broker the SWIFT transfer...

  11. Allowed to stay in the EU? Please, who would want to be ruled by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels and continuously screwed by the banksters?

    This is a moot question at this point Scott, considering the Greeks themselves just voted overwhelmingly to thumb their collective noses at the EU, the IMF and the ECB... Look for Italy, Spain, France and others to follow suit...


  12. refering to post #60 seems like I have been doing it right wink.png ..I have been using SWIFT. If you have a large balance with Vanguard, the SWIFT is free.

    I am finding this to be the case as well, but I am waiting to hear from those to explain why SWIFT is the last thing they would ever use.


    In my experience, SWIFT transfers from my US bank to Thailand take 2 - 4 business days longer to clear than ACH transfers and the fees are much higher in my case... That's why I don't use SWIFT anymore...

  13. The new office is near the Promenade but not within it if I understand correctly so check Google maps before you get out there. It is actually south and west of the Promeande.

    That office has been there for some time to handle residency certificates and Burmese visas... The airport immigration office is moving into the ground floor of the Promenada Mall...

  14. Given that the topic is moving $$$ from the US to a Thai bank account, I have used various methods but the ACH transfer via a Bank of Bangkok account in New York seems to be the least painful for me...

    I also have Schwab accounts and use a debit card to extract funds via an ATM when necessary... No transaction or international fees...

    As for the side-bar discussion on where is best to keep your funds, I used to be in the camp of leaving my funds in the US and only transferring what is necessary for living expenses as an expat... In the last couple years, I have begun moving assets offshore from US banking to jurisdictions where banks are actually solvent... When you consider that US banks hold deposits of over $23 trillion USD and the FDIC is only funded to roughly $63 billion USD, coupled with the fact that US banks have now leveraged deposits by a factor of 97-to-1, along with the current health of the US economy and banking sector, I am not comfortable leaving all my eggs in the USD basket... 2008 was not that long ago, but it appears everyone has forgotten the crisis created by the banks and wall street pimps in the US... Not me...

    One tidbit many are not aware of is the fact that as a depositor in US banks, you are making an unsecured loan to the bank... You deposits are no longer yours, you are loaning your $$$ to the bank... Couple this with the castration of the Dodd-Frank Bill and the banksters can use YOUR deposits in their hair-brained investments schemes... And if they lose it, good luck getting it back...


  15. Keep running Trump. The mud you splatter is staining your buddies' shirts. ...and late-night talk show hosts love it.

    It truly is a sad state of affairs when a populace relies on late-night TV comedians for their political "news"... What's the saying, stupid is as stupid does... coffee1.gif

    It is Ironic that you would make the "stupid is as stupid does" statement in a thread where we discus Trumps stupid doing.

    There is a method to my madness, regardless of what the voices in my head say... wink.png

  16. Keep running Trump. The mud you splatter is staining your buddies' shirts. ...and late-night talk show hosts love it.

    It truly is a sad state of affairs when a populace relies on late-night TV comedians for their political "news"... What's the saying, stupid is as stupid does... coffee1.gif

    Trump is running as a Republican in the Republican party for the nomination of the Republican party to try to be elected president. Trump will gain neither.

    A certain particular public of the United States gets their political entertainment news and humor from television entertainers who are themselves politically oriented. Most Americans do not consider the "late-night" TV entertainers "news" entertainers to be professional journalists of any kind.

    This erroneous grousing against the United States by trying to grab at anything or everything is OTT and it reflects on the chronic and strangely inventive complainers themselves.

    Just as it does for the apologists for those attempting to destroy the US through illegal immigration, secret trade deals, destruction of the constitution and on and on and on... And anyone that dares to question the dialectic being force fed to the public via the MSM is branded as OTT or a complainer by folks like you...

    Trump will not get the nomination as a republican... The real concern is which socialist will be the next POTUS, Hillary or Bernie...

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