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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. When I found out I kind of half-assed broke up with her.... which led to her crying uncontrollably and hugging me and begging me to stay with her.... telling me shes sorry and she will never do it again... Classic Thai style. But I just cant get it off my mind.... I am just not cool with the fact that she has seen tons of dudes naked.... I know lots of guys dont care about this at all.

    Have you thought to ask your GF why she hasn't invited you along to these parties?

  2. And the backlash begins against Faux News... You know it's pretty bad when a pair of black women take to youtube to defend The Donald... Well worth the few minutes to watch their videos, for a bit of humor if for no other reason...


    If nothing else, the next 14 months leading up to the '16 elections will be very interesting...

  3. No disrespect intended, but why is there no moment of silence for the other 24 unarmed blacks that were killed by US police in 2015? Or better yet, what about the 500+ people that have been killed by US police in 2015, regardless of race? The authorities in the US have a problem and no one is willing to address the brutality exhibited by police on a daily basis... There is something wrong when a routine traffic stop turns into a fatality-shooting with a cop holding the gun...

  4. You've heard of the Manchurian Candidate?

    Well, Donald Trump is the Argentinian Candidate (Greek candidate if you prefer):

    1. Donald Trump has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009. All of these bankruptcies were connected to over-leveraged casino and hotel properties in Atlantic City, all of which are now operated under the banner of Trump Entertainment Resorts.

    Nice try, but the Manchurian Candidate analogy has been used many, many times in the last 7 years, but not for Trump... Guess who is the real Manchurian Candidate was? cheesy.gif

    As far as Trumps bankruptcies, it's called smart business to incapsulate business activity for each property into it's own corporate structure... That way, if one property doesn't perform or fails, it doesn't drag down your other companies...

    But I'll use your analogy for the current sitting administration, which has a net loss in the neighborhood of $9 trillion USD in the last 7 years... You call that "good business"? rolleyes.gif

  5. Trump gets my vote because I'm sick and tired of the same old bull shit from both the Democrats and Republicans that we've been hearing for the past 20+ years. He may not be the "best man for the job", but as far as I'm concerned, he's a hell of a lot better than the tired old cookie cutter politicians we have now.

    Not a very bright way to pick a candidate but Trump does apeal to the lowest common denominator.

    So, if everyone is feeding you bullshit, and then someone comes along and offers you a tuna salad sandwich, even thought it may not be the best tuna salad, you going to turn that down and just keep stuffing your mouth with bullshit?

    I couldn't help hearing what you just wrote in Donald Trump's voice. Comedy gem!!!! Only change I would suggest is that you say "tuna fish salad sandwich" rather than "tuna salad sandwich" - just has a better ring to it.

    Of course, lots of people are so full of bullshit that they don't have any room for the "tuna fish salad sandwich" and I'd suggest that the Donald is one of them.

    And the other just left for a 16 day golfing holiday on Martha's Vineyard...

  6. The best part of using ATV is not having to wait in line at immigration... Just show up at immigration at the appointed time, smile for the camera and sign your name... That alone is worth the fee to me... The last time I used ATV, I was in / out of the immigration office in less than 5 minutes...

  7. ^ Nice try, but the FBI does not conduct "civil" inquiries, only criminal investigations... This spin of words by the media is to protect their darling Hillary... Evidence that the email server was used to conduct political operations, along with transferring secure state department data has already been established... The latest set of Clinton emails released by the state department were heavily redacted before their release, indicating they contain state secrets... The actions of General Petraeus were far less damning and he lost his career and was convicted of a crime... As I said before, the only real question is whether the new AG at the DOJ gets the nod to had down indictments...


    Clinton has more to worry about than the GOP now that the FBI has an active investigation into her email shenanigans... The only question is whether the DOJ would hand down an indictment for a presidential candidate...


    FBI is not investigating Mrs. Clinton or any person or persons in respect of the emails.

    The FBI inquiry is of the private server system and not of any one single person or of any person at all. The FBI inquiry is of a system, not a person.

    Stated additionally and materially, the FBI has no "target" in this investigation, if it is an investigation. A central part of person-orientated FBI "investigations" is that there is a "target," meaning a person. There is no target in this FBI inquiry and no person is being reviewed.

    Moreover, documents or papers presently classified but not classified at the time Mrs. Clinton was SecState present no criminal or illegal activity at the time or going forward.

    Nobody on the right should hold his breath waiting for an indictment because there will not be any indictment because no person is being investigated. On second thought, do hold your breath.

    And one more time, if the choice on election day November 2016 is between Clinton and Bush, voters will choose Clinton. A third Bush will only get clipped.

    The money continues to be on former SecState Hillary Clinton no matter who the Republicans nominate.

    Yeah. That's what Al Capone thought. Didn't work out too well for him. Did it?

    Your explanation comes from the Clinton campaign, not the FBI. It is nonsense to say the FBI is not investigating a person. The FBI, like all investigative services, does not talk about ongoing investigations.

    There are several news sources stating that the FBI investigation is "criminal" in nature... Whoever ordered the creation and operation of this email server is culpable in the investigation... And who do you think that might be? whistling.gif

  9. Rimping opens at 8:00am and the entrance into the mall from the north parking garage is unlocked... There are toilets located just outside the entrance to Rimping and are clearly marked, so anyone that needs to go, can... Not sure what the toilet facilities are like at the airport location for immigration as I have never had to use them, but the toilets at Prom are large and clean, as one would expect at a mall... Unless you're talking about KSK mall...

    I had to do a 90-day report this week... After my report was not accepted online, I had to brave the zoo at Prom imiigration... I arrived at 8:05am and was the 37th person in line waiting for the doors to open at 8:30a... By the time the doors opened and they began giving out queue numbers, there were 70+ people waiting in line for service... By the time I got to the front of the line to receive a queue number, they were already turning people away wanting retirement extensions, saying that they were full for the day... I spoke with a few people while waiting for my turn... One fellow had been back 3 times trying to get his extension... I was number 7 in line for 90-day reporting and was finished and out the door at 9:10am...

  10. You do know that this free upgrade to Windoz 10 comes along with some rather egregious invasion into your privacy, right?


    If Edward Snowden's patriotic exposure of all things 'super secret surveillance state' in America were not enough, Newsweek reports that, as 10s of millions of hungry PC users download the free upgrade, Windows 10 is watching - and logging and sharing - everything users do... and we mean everything.

  11. I wonder how much of the 139M did Bill spend on sex with other women. Hilary can not take care of him so how could she run a country?

    Hillary hasn't taken care of Bill in decades... She bats for the other team anyway with Huma...

    On another note, it appears Bill has another woman on the side, again...


    Interesting site. biggrin.png

    "Michelle a tranny." gigglem.gif

    Merely the first link I could find that had this story... Try goggle for any of the other 42,800,000 links that pop up...

  12. If and when more parts are found, at least it will stop these crazy Conspiray Theorists from causing distress to families, and to stop some jumping on the bandwagon to write a book about how the americans stole it, ludicrous. The mindset about everything is a conspiracy makes me sick, and baffles me how some people brains work.

    Until the wreckage is found and analyzed, any speculation, by any source, is in fact a conspiracy theory... And in this case I doubt whether that will stop the speculation as the root cause died with the crew...

  13. Their personal wealth is not an issue.

    Next ...

    Next.......... would be the Energizer bunny that visits the house every time "hilla the hun" (Bill's pet name not mine), leaves for work. EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton's camp fears a new 'bimbo eruption' will put the kibosh on candidacy - especially from Gennifer Flowers who claimed Bill liked to be blindfolded and tied up with silk scarves and called his wife 'Hilla the Hun' Drudgereport

    Your turn.....biggrin.png

    Hmm, I would say how they acquired their personal wealth is quite pertinent to the discussion... And so does Congress... whistling.gif


  14. Some here have claimed that Israel is a democracy in which homosexuals live safely amongst a moderate society. :-?

    Not a word of that description of Israel is accurate.

    It is a LOT more accurate than any of the Muslim countries surrounding it, but any excuse to hate. rolleyes.gif
    Sorry, trying to find where this has anything to do with muslims. Perhaps I missed it.

    But it does say a lot about Israel when you are forced to lower expectations so much that all you have got is to compare it to extremist muslim areas. Not really a high hurdle to overcomebut does indicate how low Israel sets the bar.

    Reminds me of the but but but Thaksin brigade

    Ummmh...racist much?

    I will give you that you tried to soften your stance with "extremist" (but is there any Muslim country where one can live an openly gay life?) but the implication that it is to be accepted and tolerated due to their faith is looming large in your post.

    And you understand that this was a gay pride parade, a small one compared to Tel Aviv, with government protection that a "lone wolf" attacked?

    And yet another person that doesn't know the difference between a race and a religion...

  15. I wonder how much of the 139M did Bill spend on sex with other women. Hilary can not take care of him so how could she run a country?

    Hillary hasn't taken care of Bill in decades... She bats for the other team anyway with Huma...

    On another note, it appears Bill has another woman on the side, again...


  16. Putin & Sweden sort of getting into it. Putin has already issued threats over the possibility of Sweden joining NATO. 'Guess sovereign nations have to get Putin's permission first before exercising their sovereignty... 'Wonder what'll happen when they find Cyrillic lettering on this thing they've found.

    NATO sell-by date was more than 20 years ago...end of cold war...now serves no real purpose except as a very desirable overseas posting for Western military and political elites...the military version of Eurocrats.

    You might be right; you might be wrong. But what right does Putin have to decide this for Sweden?

    I don't get your point as the same could be said for NATO or the US...

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