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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. I was riding a GSXR 750 on the Blue Ridge Parkway several years ago on a section of road I thought I knew well... Came up on a sweeper, so I did what one does on a sport bike, I laid it over on the centerline... Little did I know (remember) is that is was a decreasing radius turn... By the time I exited the turn and got the bike stood up, I was on the painted line on the edge of the road, looking over into a ravine with no bottom... Scared me so bad I took the bike home and parked it for a while...

  2. I'm sure Jon Stewart does the same...in his quest for comedic material.

    Not likely. He has a crew of interns searching for anything he can twist or distort into being funny. There is nothing honest or truthful about what he is doing, but he is amusing - you have to give him that.

    Just wait until the come for the monuments to your namesake, Ulysses S. Grant since he was a slaveholder... Next thing you know your TVF handle will be mysteriously changed to Kenny G...

    4 of the first 5 Presidents of the United States were slaveholders while they were in office... The current crop of media pundits are so poorly educated as to the history of their country that they are woefully ignorant of their own legacy...

  3. The media has gone completely insane... We now have some "news channels" suggesting that memorials to Thomas Jefferson and Jefferson Davis be removed because they were slave owners... Just because something is not politically correct in the 21st century means that you can re-write history... It's part of American heritage no matter how you spin it...

  4. Much like a person's first foray to Thailand, my suggestion would be to rent a rig for a period of time before investing in a RV... I have several friends that went down this path, invested big $$$ in RV's, traveled the US for about a year before deciding it was too much work and expense to support the lifestyle... All sold up at huge losses and now live regular lives in God's waiting room, Florida...

  5. Comedian Russell Brand was also among the thousands taking part.

    I wished I were there, if for no other reason than to watch Russell Brand get his ass handed to him by protesters...


    Turncoat! The moment anti-austerity protesters turned on millionaire comedian Russell Brand and told him to 'f*** off back to Miliband' (before he was spotted running off to a waiting car)

  6. If the bureaucrats in Brussels want to keep Greece in the EU and Nato, then they should tell Christine Legarde and Mario Draghi to continue to supply Greek banks with liquidity... After all, Legarde just this past week stated that the IMF would continue to extend credit to Ukraine, even in the face of default... What's good for the goose is good for the gander after all...

  7. Yeah baby! More guns! Dammit, where was the good guy with a gun to stop all of this?


    I believe the correct quote of that Republican dude was "good guy with equal or superior weapon".

    And I believe you will find mostly democrats live in Detroit... Whether the shooter legally owned the weapon or not is a different matter, but we know, you don;t care...

  8. You may be in Thailand if you go cycling with locals and everyone is covered head to toe so their skin doesn't get dark...

    You may be in Thailand if your declaration of love and affection with a local often requires a financial commitment...

    You may be in Thailand if it's acceptable to pick your nose in public, but you must cover your mouth to pick your teeth...

    You may be in Thailand if when shopping in a market, the price of an item may be listed as 30 baht each -or- 3 for 100 baht...

    You may be in Thailand if you have finally checked out of the rat-race, learned how to relax and enjoy the passage of time in a place filled with friendly people, interesting places to go and things to do...

  9. Who cares if the land was really sold, it's not relevant. What is relevant is that, apparently, a group of people in their homes felt threatened by the arrival of another group of people making threatening noises and actions. As far as the police are concerned, that's it.

    If the landowner ( old or new, it's not important ) wants people living on the land to leave .. The civil courts or direct negotiation is the way to go.

    You're new here, aren't you?

  10. So you accept when you drive outside the law you are safe. Great. Suppose drunk drivers think the same. Yes I have exceeded speed limits, young and bulletproof.

    There you go with the drunk driving thing again. Look, I don't condone unsafe driving. But this thread is about going a little over the speed limit and getting ticketed for it. Some of you may applaud this, I don't. If you guys want to live in a nanny state where the gov beats you over the head over every minor traffic infraction, so be it. I like the freedom of being able to drive a bit fast and like I said, I'm probably in the minority. Most Thais drive pretty slow, and I suppose you guys are all for that. Whatever.

    By your rekoning everybody in Thailand can drive over the speed limit as long as they think it's ok.Well,if that type of irresponcibility was true,i for one would get off the road.Thank goodness most drivers in this country(Thai) have better responcibility than you.

    Why does it seem that everyone that comes to Thailand wants to turn it into the Nanny State which they just left... Part of the appeal of living in an country like Thailand is that for the most part you get left alone to do as you please, as long as you don't hurt anyone... If you want to live in a society that caters to your every social need, then by all means do so as there are plenty to choose from, but please stop trying to change something that is out of your control... Or are you under the impression that anything you say will make one iota of difference in the enforcement of traffic laws in Thailand? Titling at windmills on TVF doesn't count...

  11. The fact that the text of these agreements is not being released to the general public is enough evidence for me to conclude that they are not in the best interests of the people, but are created for the benefit of big companies, so as to be excluded from the sovereign laws of each participating country... If these treaties are good for the people, then make the content public...The EU suspended voting on their version of the treaty due to pushback from the populace...

  12. The mention of Clinton on TV and the teabaggers go into a frenzy. Better get use to it, boys.

    Meanwhile back at the ranch, Mitt Romney is planning on saving the world by maneuvering to accept the nomination at the GOP convention. He doesn't realize we haven't forgotten the "47%" speech, a classic. Ann will have her 1st Lady title, one way or the other. Lindsey Graham is talking blasphemy, saying the GOP needs to open itself to the young, women, minorities, etc. Good luck with that, Blanche DuBois.

    There is blood in the water and with 17+ candidates...they have to go at each other. The most right wing will get the nod from the delusional base.

    And then it's over.

    Anyone that has done one iota of research into the Clinton family, and for the Bush family as well, know that both are the worst of the worst criminals in American political history... To state that mentioning Hillary "drives the tea baggers crazy" only shows your own ignorance on the topic...

    Perhaps you can do something that no one else has been able to do, including the Clinton campaign, which is to name a single accomplishment Hillary has made during her tenure in political office, with the exception of racking up free flyer miles...

  13. So, who is the counter party for the derivatives risk, Daddy Warbucks? As far as the exposure, you might go talk to the tax payers that ultimately bailed out AIG in 2008 to the tune of $85 billion USD...

    The only way such a huge figure of $75T can be reached would surely be if principals and counter parties all down the line have their whole exposure including to hedges accounted or should I say (very) multiple accounted.

    Any sensible bookmaker hedges to limit his exposure and the hedgee may also hedge and so on. One hope DB limits their remaining exposure to what they can afford, of that I have no clue.

    (They....and any counterpartiee can of course hedge ALL their exposure or even overhedge to take a reverse position.)

    As the Devil's Advocate here I would also hope that that present day derivatives exposure is much better controlled.

    This may be evidenced in the very article cited to criticise DB:

    "While Deutsche Bank, Germany’s largest bank, has the biggest investment bank not based in the United States, some analysts say it can no longer compete at the same level in an age when regulators are cracking down on banks’ use of borrowed money to do business. "

    You are assuming that the "book keepers" are sensible, which is long stretch... Any sensible money manager hedges their positions to offset potential losses, but the investment banks have far exceeded this sensible investment strategy... For one, any hedging that surpasses the original investment exposure is simply a bet... The real problem is that anyone can create a derivative, for any risk investment, with no original investment and no skin in the game, much like stepping up to the craps table in Las Vegas... This is why there is an estimated 26 trillion euros in derivatives exposure on Greece's 864 billion euro debt... These un-hedged bets DO have counter party risk... Now, apply this logic to the over $1 quadrillion in global derivatives and even the curmudgeons have to admit there is a problem...

  14. Manarak is exactly right. Many of the derivative positions will be offsetting to a lesser or greater degree. The resultant exposure will be significantly less than the total size of the positions.

    So, who is the counter party for the derivatives risk, Daddy Warbucks? As far as the exposure, you might go talk to the tax payers that ultimately bailed out AIG in 2008 to the tune of $85 billion USD...

    The two Deutsche Bank co-CEO's resignations this past week was followed closely by a raid on their HQ by authorities to seize documents for a criminal investigation... The stink is about to get worse in Frankfurt...



    No reference in either of those links to derivatives exposure being the main issue.

    Nice diversion from the question...

    You claim there is no counter party risk in the derivatives market... Please explain the logic supporting your position, if you can...

  15. nice alarmist article, yet "$75 Trillion in derivatives bets" sounds very worrying, but doesn't mean anything and certainly doesn't mean exposure.

    I'm not saying DB is in good shape - it probably isn't - but throwing around big numbers isn't good journalism.

    " but doesn't mean anything and certainly doesn't mean exposure."

    On what do you base this statement?

    Manarak is exactly right. Many of the derivative positions will be offsetting to a lesser or greater degree. The resultant exposure will be significantly less than the total size of the positions.

    So, who is the counter party for the derivatives risk, Daddy Warbucks? As far as the exposure, you might go talk to the tax payers that ultimately bailed out AIG in 2008 to the tune of $85 billion USD...

    The two Deutsche Bank co-CEO's resignations this past week was followed closely by a raid on their HQ by authorities to seize documents for a criminal investigation... The stink is about to get worse in Frankfurt...



  16. What's PVR mate? Thanks for the help

    PVR = Personal Video Recorder. In the context of Truevisions, what it means is that you can attach an external hard drive to their set-top-box, and record future programs from the machines built-in TV guide.

    It's the old school way of doing time shifting, except you store the data yourself, and you have to have the wits to have set it up to record in the first place smile.png

    Oh haha. Back home all the boxes are recordable with a built in HD

    You mean like a hard drive video recorder or just an external hard drive?

    It's an external USD HD that attaches to the PVR... Same as in the west, except the HD is not internal to the PVR... You have to buy the HD from True and it's about 3100 baht...

    I have the Platinum package and it serves my needs...

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