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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. The Republicans really don't have a prayer of winning the White House for the foreseeable future...make that ever. It doesn't matter which of the idiots they prop against any democratic candidate. Old racist white men are just not going to get you there any more.

    Paul, Cruz, Bush, Santorum, Trump, jeesh...please stop. It's going to be the same cluster "F" it was last time with a landslide victory for Hillary or whoever the Dems put up there. I'd like Elizabeth Warren but at this point it looks like Hillary's turn.

    The most thing for me is never allowing another Republican in there to ever choose another Supreme Court Justice.

    Are you an SJW?

    Obviously not because he doesn't support free speech, separation of the 3 branches of government nor the will of the people... Much like every liberal I have had the displeasure of coming into contact with...

    Americans are starting to wake up as is demonstrated by the recent mid-term election results... No matter how the liberals try to spin it, they had their collective asses handed to them... 60 of the Dem elected officials that voted for the ACA are no longer in office... Seems actions speak louder than words Pinot, but considering you do not support the will of the people, we shouldn't be surprised by your views...

    • Like 2
  2. Is it Fox reporting the Bush will run? Fox is a disgrace and has zero credibility. Hannity and O'Reilly could be from another planet they are so removed from reality.

    And Rachael Madcow, Chris Matthews, Rev Al Not-So-Sharpton, Nancy Grace and the rest of the liberals have any credibility? cheesy.gifclap2.gif

    There are no true news networks any longer... They ALL spin stories based on an agenda... That is why alternative media is now handing all of them their lunch... Trust any information on the boob-tube at your own risk...

    There was a time when "news networks" actually reported the news instead of trying to create it... Alas, those days are long gone...

  3. Begging for votes on an internet forum popularity contest really is pitiful JT... Just goes to show how low a person can go...

    Mean spirited but predictable.

    Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Sorry if I upset your delicate sensibilities JT, but you know I don't pull punches.... Don't forget I've been reading your posts for years too and must say I find your views detestable on a multitude of topics.... Have a nice day...

    1. deserving intense dislike.
      "I found the film's violence detestable"
  4. The problem with most of the out of the box systems (chromecast, apple, FireTV) is they are geo locked for western content.. Rendering them barely useable without extra steps like VPNs etc.

    Well you haven't used the Chromecast or you'd realise it's simply a device for streaming content from Cast-enabled devices and has no kind of "geolocking" whatsoever.

    No geo-lockng, but is performance limited based on network speed / latency... Just because you got it to work doesn't mean it's a sure thing...

  5. more PR garbage this is being caused by SAUDI who are the founding member of OPEC ........the SAUDIS voted only 2 weeks ago NOT TO CUT production..so the UAE are talking out of their collective a****coffee1.gif ...guess it must be russia to blame yet again , at this rate Putin will be the cause of all the cancer in the worldwhistling.gif

    OPECs comments are directed to the US and Russian production... US production surpassed Saudi's a few months ago...

    Now it's a matter of who flinches first...

    • Like 1
  6. There are lies, damned lies and statistics... Take you pick.... wink.png

    You know as well as I do that this move in the RUB was based on the short squeeze when they announced the rate hike to 17.5%...


    Moscow - The ruble headed for a much needed two-day gain on Monday, recovering from a three month slump that led to a 21% depreciation against the dollar, falling 7.1% during the last week alone.


    Russia's central bank made a drastic interest rate move overnight, raising its key rate from 10.5% to 17%.

    The bank said the move was to try to ease the rouble's recent fall in value.

    The rouble has lost almost 50% against the US dollar this year as falling oil prices and Western sanctions continue to weigh on the country's economy.

    what i know "dàmn well" is that the Ruble appreciated from 16dec 13.05 GMT till 18dec 11.50 Thai time exactly 22.47%

    case closed tongue.png

    No, it's not... I concede that I missed the time frame... It was not in the previous 2 days...

    Now check Dec 15th to the 16th... RUB dropped 24.3%... whistling.gif

    I was traveling for 30+ hours beginning on the 16th from the USSA to Thailand and lost 2 days...

  7. The Ruble has lost 21% against the USD in the last 2 days... Over 50% in this year alone... Funny, because it's the USD that should be tanking and not the Ruble... As long as the central bankers can print $$$, they will, to keep the derivatives bubble from popping... This too shall change...

    please show me one currency that did not tank vs. USD in 2014 whistling.gif

    Thanks for proving my point...

    It's not hard to be top dog when you control the global financial system, can print $$$ at will, can impose sanctions and embargo any country that doesn't toe the line of western hegemony... It is the USD that should be tanking instead of the RUB, but the central bankers have gone all in with their plans for world domination...

    I make $$$ on the USDX trade myself, but when the central banks and BIS can manipulate all markets through derivatives to move the markets where they want, it's only a matter of time before the SHTF...

    How long do you think the west can keep up this charade before Russia, China and India tell the west to FO? Not long by the looks of it...

    Russia to launch replacement for SWIFT system in 2015


    China enters currency swap deal with Russia


    I hesitate to share this, but considering the speaker is a former Asst Secretary of the US Treasury, perhaps hearing it from the horse's mouth will add some credibility to the discussion...

  8. Converter failure is due to thrust bearing or welding failure........You will have noise........

    Not to mention that a torque converter is a sealed unit that typically does not have a sensor attached...

    A torque converter is a device that bolts to the engine crankshaft on one side and to the transmission on the other side... The unit has internal vanes a bit like a turbine and is filled with a viscous fluid to aid in smoothly transferring engine RPMs to the transmission without a lot jerking... Given the above parameters, I don't see how an idiot light can be activated by a torque converter failure... Plus, if a torque converter fails, the truck would not move when put in gear and hit the gas pedal...

    Now, if the truck is a 4-wheel drive, the issue may be related to the transfer case...

    EDIT: Read the rest of the thread after my post... Congrats on getting a resolution from Ford... Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets greased....

  9. The Ruble has lost 21% against the USD in the last 2 days... Over 50% in this year alone... Funny, because it's the USD that should be tanking and not the Ruble... As long as the central bankers can print $$$, they will, to keep the derivatives bubble from popping... This too shall change...

    for the record: the Ruble gained 11.6% vs. US-Dollar in the last 1½ days tongue.png


    There are lies, damned lies and statistics... Take you pick.... wink.png

    You know as well as I do that this move in the RUB was based on the short squeeze when they announced the rate hike to 17.5%...


    Moscow - The ruble headed for a much needed two-day gain on Monday, recovering from a three month slump that led to a 21% depreciation against the dollar, falling 7.1% during the last week alone.


    Russia's central bank made a drastic interest rate move overnight, raising its key rate from 10.5% to 17%.

    The bank said the move was to try to ease the rouble's recent fall in value.

    The rouble has lost almost 50% against the US dollar this year as falling oil prices and Western sanctions continue to weigh on the country's economy.

    • Like 1
  10. The ruble fell a whopping 11% on Monday. 48% depreciation on the year.

    Say by by to our Russian visitors.

    Putin is counting on the rebound in oil prices.

    What can he do get the oil price to move? Sink a US Carrier in the Persian Gulf?

    This could be dangerous.

    The Ruble has lost 21% against the USD in the last 2 days... Over 50% in this year alone... Funny, because it's the USD that should be tanking and not the Ruble... As long as the central bankers can print $$$, they will, to keep the derivatives bubble from popping... This too shall change...

  11. Thanks, I'll give the area near Mikes shopping mall a try. Is any time of the day better than another time? Since they seem to have the jet skis fall apart during the ride maybe it is better to get there early as they only scam one person a day and then have to prep the jet skis again?

    I hear so much about this scam and watched enough youtube videos about it to want to see it going down first hand.

    I question how they sometimes can get large sums of money like 2000USD, there are limits on your ATM card, I just don't get how people can get that much cash.

    I would STRONGLY advise you to take your video cam with you and when you see a jet ski scam in preparation, pay your beer, cross the street and start filming... this way you can be SURE that you will have the most fun and the most exciting hours (or maybe only minutes...) of your life... tongue.pngcheesy.gif

    Especially when he gets a thumping... The jet ski guys along that stretch of Beach Rd have lookouts to try and stop anyone filming the take down... I've been hassled for just standing there watching the show...

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