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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. Ok, someone said that it is "well known" (here on this forum, I suppose) that Ram hospital is so overpriced and stuff. So I have two questions for those people:

    Q1 why there were so many Thai people in there? They didn't look stupid or misinformed, they rather looked like pretty wealthy Thai people. Maybe they do not pay the same prices as farangs do?

    Q2 why was I suggested to go to the Ram hospital by my Thai teacher? She is a University teacher, nothing to do with sick buffaloes, gogo bars and other things most of you people out there associate with the words "Thai women". Perhaps she wanted to help but didn't really know? Perhaps it was because she knew that Ram hospital was so popular amongst farangs (I saw at least 5 of them in there) ? Or maybe because she likes the idea of the stupid farang spending a lot of money for nothing? I don't exclude that, I'm beginning to hate this kind of things which I start seeing more and more around, even since I begin to really understand the language.

    Just wondering.


    It appears you have your panties in a twist because you think you were over charged and didn't receive the service you expected... Just what did you expect for a sore throat, for them to roll out the machine that goes "bing"?

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  2. The dealer is full of it, to put it mildly... How can a part be defective on your truck if it hasn't even been manufactured yet? Have they read the code for the error on the truck? If not, that would be a good place to start... If they won't do it, any competent mechanic with a code-reader can get the diagnostics off the vehicle...

    Thanks for your feedback. Yes, this is what i was jumping up and down about.

    They then went on to explain, this is not a normal part, its a part of the engine which is a gear top, not gear but the top of the gear with some mechanism that interacts with the gears.... and this is never suppose to break thus its not in spare part list.

    They are concluding mine was defective in assembly.

    I have to admit I have never heard of a "gear top" on a Ford, or on any vehicle for that matter... Perhaps the proper term was lost in translation...

    Normally, when the check engine light comes on, the issue is related to the engine, not the transmission or differential i.e.; gears...

    Find someone with a code reader and have them read the error codes off the vehicle... It will translate to a numeric code which you can lookup on the internet to get the real answer... Me tinks there is some face saving going on at the stealership...

  3. Suicide, accidental overdose, chronic abuse, heart condition. That is always the official reasons for dead farangs here. Once in a while they find a burmese scapegoat.

    And what are you think it should be the reason for dead,smart person !?!?

    I agree. I had a friend, 34, drop dead in my lounge room. No suspicious circumstances. He had a heart disease.

    I pray every day that he rests in peace.

    It happens... I was talking with a Swiss fellow in CM this morning and during the convo he told me that he was having issues with the sudden death of his 39 year old daughter... Her aorta ruptured and she just dropped dead...

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  4. The dealer is full of it, to put it mildly... How can a part be defective on your truck if it hasn't even been manufactured yet? Have they read the code for the error on the truck? If not, that would be a good place to start... If they won't do it, any competent mechanic with a code-reader can get the diagnostics off the vehicle...

  5. Here is another little known provision of the new defense bill...


    Congress Authorizes Unlimited Spying on US Citizens

    “When I learned that the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY 2015 was being rushed to the floor for a vote – with little debate and only a voice vote expected (i.e., simply declared ‘passed’ with almost nobody in the room) – I asked my legislative staff to quickly review the bill for unusual language. What they discovered is one of the most egregious sections of law I’ve encountered during my time as a representative: It grants the executive branch virtually unlimited access to the communications of every American. On Wednesday afternoon, I went to the House floor to demand a roll call vote on the bill so that everyone’s vote would have to be recorded. I also sent the letter below to every representative. With more time to spread the word, we would have stopped this bill, which passed 325-100. Thanks to the 99 other representatives – 44 Republicans and 55 Democrats – who voted to protect our rights and uphold the Constitution. And thanks to my incredibly talented staff.”

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  6. Thanks to the OP for injecting his western values into thai society and screwing up expectations of the locals... A decade ago it was unheard of for a Thai to ask (beg) for a tip... Now it is a regular event thanks to farang like the OP...

    Only in the very touristy places such as Patong and Pattaya and lower Sukhumvit. You won't find anyone beg for tipping at local places, it is digraceful.

    You are correct in that once you get away from the tourist areas, this attitude disappears... Just more evidence of western influence on local attitudes... Other countries, such as the Philippines, begging is an occupation...

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  7. Thanks to the OP for injecting his western values into thai society and screwing up expectations of the locals... A decade ago it was unheard of for a Thai to ask (beg) for a tip... Now it is a regular event thanks to farang like the OP...

    And you have a problem with this because?

    Because I do not like some of the traits of western society that are finding their way into Thai culture... The expectation of a tip is one of them, whether quality service is provided or not... Just because it's part of your culture doesn't mean you should spread that expectation to other cultures...

  8. With reports of gold prices approaching 50% over spot price in the east, the paper markets in the west are preparing for volatility in the metals markets...

    Nothing spells stability like having to introduce a $400 wide circuit-breaker on the CME...


    What Do They Know? CME Implements Gold, Precious Metals Circuit Breakers Up To $400 Wide

    With memorandum S-7258, titled "Implementation of New NYMEX/COMEX Rule Regarding Special Price Fluctuation Limits for Certain NYMEX and COMEX Metals Futures and Options Contracts" released moments ago by the CME Group, and set to become effective on December 21, 2014, and which seeks a 5 minute trading halt when "price movements in lead-month primary futures contracts result in triggering events"... "as a measure that is consistent with promoting price discovery and cash-futures price convergence" in order to "deter sharp price movements that may, for example, be driven by illiquid central limit order books prevailing from time to time in otherwise liquid markets", one wonders why now, and what does the CME know about upcoming volatility, or lack of liquidity, in the precious metals space that nobody else does (and does any of this have to do with the "berserk" algo test from November 25?)?

  9. Nothing spells confidence in the financial system other than having the US Congress slip a bill through that requires the US taxpayer be held responsible for the actions of the big banks... Now, in one fell swoop, the US taxpayer is now responsible to backstop $303 trillion USD in derivatives held by US banks...


    Presenting The $303 Trillion In Derivatives That US Taxpayers Are Now On The Hook ForCourtesy of the Cronybus(sic) last minute passage, government was provided a quid-pro-quo $1.1 trillion spending allowance with Wall Street's blessing in exchange for assuring banks that taxpayers would be on the hook for yet another bailout, as a result of the swaps push-out provision, after incorporating explicit Citigroup language that allows financial institutions to trade certain financial derivatives from subsidiaries that are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp,explicitly putting taxpayers on the hook for losses caused by these contracts.

    Thanks Congress for looking out after your constituents as opposed to Wall Street...

  10. Had Ron kept Magnussen, it would have been 2007 all over again... Fernando had a say in who he wanted as a teammate and he chose Jens for a reason... If I were Jens, as a WDC, I would consider a 50% cut in pay as a slap in the face...

  11. Now wouldn't the hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJL if some international court grabbed a US citizen and tried to prosecute him? We're not into that European-lose-your-sovereignty-to-a-group shit.

    "Ring, ring ring." "Hello USA, this is the UN." "Oh really? Get lost."

    Why would that be? It can't be because American consider themselves above international law, is it?

    yes it can.....how many wars did the USA start and how many laws did they break? If you have the biggest gun you are the law.

    The US didn't break any laws that it is subject to. Your "international law" is pie in the sky.

    Even I am surprised by your hubris NS...

  12. About the time of the USS Cole bombing I read an article in The Stars n Stripes, that spoke of the threat from within.

    Now years later its coming home to roost.

    If the truth be told, Uncle Sam backed the wrong horse in this race, he should have put his money on Iran.

    For reasons that cant be discussed on here for fear of being branded an anti ******, Uncle Sam has made his bed and now has to lie in it.

    Its a pity the truth is hidden from the American people, never mind its all about politics and getting Hilary to the White House.

    That has to be one of the most confused statements I've ever read.

    People who would bomb the USS Cole and take down the World Trade Center are the ones who made their beds.

    There is no horse to back in this "race" and if there was Iran would be in last place. They already do everything they can to back terrorists.

    BTW are you forgetting that there were more than 20 nations involved in the war in Iraq? Are you one of those who puts all of this onto the USA without understanding that the UK is still bombing Afghanistan using US drones controlled from London?????

    Can you remind us again what the reason was that so many Nations supported the war in Iraq?

    Because they were told by GWB that either you are with us, or you are against us... Hard to deny the most powerful nation on the planet when they control the purse strings and can strike anywhere in the world militarily within hours...

  13. Now wouldn't the hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJL if some international court grabbed a US citizen and tried to prosecute him? We're not into that European-lose-your-sovereignty-to-a-group shit.

    "Ring, ring ring." "Hello USA, this is the UN." "Oh really? Get lost."

    There is a reason GWB has not traveled outside the continental USA since he left office...

    Former-US President George Bush Officially a War Criminal


    It's odd that since Malaysia convicted GWB of war crimes in absentia, they have been having all kinds of problems...

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  14. I hope that this does not offend--

    Sad though Pearl Harbour was to the Americans--many Brits and Europeans look on it as the horrible, but it seems necessary, final push that got an unwilling American Government to finally come to the assistance of their Anglo/Euro cousins--much has been said about the implications that an earlier entry could have had on casualties. I dread to think what the outcome would have been without this atrocity.

    Anyway, I know that all of Europe was glad that they did decide to come.

    I'm not in any way trying to denigrate the huge help American intervention was--nor the sacrifices given by the American GI's.

    You fell short of exposing the damning truth behind the Pearl Harbor attack, which is that FDR had foreknowledge of the Japanese plans to attack Pearl Harbor and did not inform his commanders in Hawaii... Why? For the very reason you state, to gain support from the American people to join the war in Europe after the shock of the Pearl Harbor attacks... FDR himself imposed sanctions on the Japanese which virtually guaranteed the attacks on the US...



    So, here we are, 73 years after the event, commemorating the loss of lives in this horrendous event, when the fact is it could have been averted... Isn't political expediency grand...

  15. Both sides have their quota of nut cases. It is amazing how little trouble is caused by godless, infidel atheists.

    So many questions in 2 short sentences, I'm not sure where to start, although is does provide some insight into your thinking... coffee1.gif

    As for the rest of the thread, the usual suspects having the usual sectarian debate about the ME... All of you should just meet at the On Nut beer garden for a few pints and/or a dust up to clear the air and keep this crap off TV...

  16. Actually the US government has warned Americans everywhere, not just in Thailand. Ashamed that our government stooped to such lows as torture, but also proud that we as a people are able to admit it our flaws so we can move forward. Don't find that in many other countries.

    I might agree with you if the intent is to come clean on US interrogation tactics during this time, but sadly this is not the case... The CIA interrogation tactics in question were stopped 6 years ago... It serves no purpose to release this information to the world now, unless there is a political motive, which is where we are... The Dems lose the Congress on Jan 1st and this report would have never seen the light of day with the GOP in control... This is a last-desperate attempt by the Dems to attack the GOP in the run up to the 2016 elections... No more, no less... What, you really think anyone in the current administration has any moral compass and would not have done the same? This is just more of the "it's Bush's fault" mantra...

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