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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. The world's superpowers fighting their ideological differences through dirty wars in other countries - hardly a new thing.

    While millions are murdered, maimed and displaced, the only thing that matters is profits for the banks, wars for the military industrial complex and control by the elites... I don't know about you, but this shit is getting old...

  2. Russia is playing the part of the protector and saviour of Syria, did they take in any of the Syrian refugees in? not that

    any one knows of... they're only there to look after their own agendas and interests in the middle east....

    Which is to keep Saudi Arabia and Qatar from using Syrian soil for a natgas / oil pipelines to southern Europe...

  3. I wonder where the US would be on there sanctimonious human rights charts.

    I am reasonably sure that wherever you are from, you can petition your gov't to take the remaining prisoners, if you want. Your free to do with them what you want, but it seems that not too many people want them.

    Just turn them loose in the EU, after all, that's were all their buddies have gone...

  4. "She would love to debate Trump".

    Secretary Clinton would destroy Trump in a debate (particularly on foreign policy), and someone would have to be in a delusionary state of fanboydom not to realize that.

    He is seemingly incapable of providing substantive answers to questions that any legitimate candidate could easily handle.

    And FYI, saying, "I would fix that problem so fast your head will spin" is not a substantive answer.

    He will eventually be exposed in the debates, but it pains me to type that probably not before doing irreparable harm to the Republican party.

    Surely you jest... Name one foreign policy victory on Clinton's resume... Go on, one is all I'm looking for...

    As far as a Trump / Clinton debate, he would rip her apart the same way he is gaining popularity, but attacking her on topics the MSM won't touch or glosses over...

  5. I am reading people are paying agencies for doing a 90 day report? I can understand using an agent for an extension..but this 90 day report is a 5 minute online process...and totally free. Need only log on and have your passport to fill in a few dates. Done it twice.

    why pay 1000 to have an agent make an appointment???

    oh well... up 2 u

    Happy online reporting worked for you as many are not so lucky, including myself...

  6. All versions of Windoze have had more bugs than spring time in Vermont, going back 30 years... W10 is no exception... The most stable desktop flavor was XP... I should know, I've been a MCSE, MCSD and MCA since the certifications were created...

    You want stability, wipe your Windoze partitions and install any flavor of Unix or Linux...

  7. It is not just tailors... After spending the last week in Krabi, it was very pleasant, except for all the Indian touts hawking restaurants along Aonang beach... Pushy, loud and obnoxious, blocking the walkway every 10 meters... I almost came to blows on several ocassions wth these POS's... Here is a tip, never shake their hand as they will not let go...

  8. Bulgaria obviously had it's arm twisted to close their airspace to Russia for flights to Syria... Good to see that this ploy will not stop Russia's intervention into the western created nightmare unfolding in Syria and Iraq...

    It is indeed a nightmare, but not fully the west's fault. Most of blame lies with Assad. Russia is just throwing more fuel on the fire just to make money. Congrats to Bulgaria for not allowing weapons to flow into Syria.

    Perhaps I've missed something, but what lies has Assad told?

    If you are referring to chemical weapons attacks on his own people, that has been debunked a long time ago... The chemical weapons used in Syria had US fingerprints all over them and a trail has been established that those WMD's flowed through Turkey to Syrian (CIA backed) rebels...

  9. GKP. Kurdistan is notorious for bad cement jobs. This story could be the same from any of the operators there and is not surprising.

    Hello STUDMEYER,

    Are bad cement jobs because of the drilling crew or because of down hole pressures etc?

    What's your thoughts on the cores bleeding oil past the OWC that I mentioned?


    You might ask Halliburton, considering they haven't killed anyone for a few years due to a bad cement job...


    I was "packaged out" of RIG last year due to the downturn... I survived 3 previous cuts in 24 months, but got caught up in the 4th round of cuts... I considered pulling the plug myself, but held out because I knew I would get a package to leave... The irony is that 2 weeks after leaving, they called me back to work on-contract because they no longer had the manpower to continue servicing their clients in my area of expertise, which is software development for global deployments, service and support... Having said that, I pulled the plug in Dec '14, moved to Thailand and haven't looked back... In 2008, RIG was trading at $140... Today, well, it's in the shitter at $14 a share... If they scrapped all their rigs, they would get more than the stock price today...

    That's how things are in my neck of the woods... thumbsup.gif

  10. For the OP, if you lived in the US or the EU today, wouldn't you leave as fast as you could? That is if you have an IQ higher than your shoe size and can read the warning signs without being spoon-fed by the MSM... I moved as far away from the US as I could without leaving the planet... It's called self-preservation... Thailand is still basically an agrarian society and the BHT is not heavily speculated outside the country... In other words, there are minimal foreign derivatives exposure on the BHT and it is circulated in-country... When the SHTF, Thailand will be one of the last, best places to be IMO... If you don't think the SWHTF, then you aren't paying attention...

    As far as the odd-balls, yes, I have met more than my share... I find that if you stay away from riff-raff and only associate with people having similar backgrounds, interests and income you lessen the risk of being lumped into the odd-ball category yourself...

  11. I live in a Q House moo baan in CM... It is quite nice, double gated with security 24/7, good construction, quiet, wide streets, large open gardens for walking my dog, swimming pool and small gym on the property... Almost feels like I was back in the west... Having said that, it comes at a price...

  12. I am very much ashamed to see so many ignorant and narrow minded people on this website. Of course it's Europe's duty to take ALL refugees coming from Syria or other bombed countries with war and terror. It's called HUMANITY. If we all times point on our culture then it's up to us to support and help. Not by giving them money to stay away from Europe but help them to find a new home. Nobody of these poor people left their home because of economical problems but of fear. Fear for their lives. Everybody with children try to do best for them having a secure future. But those from e.g. Syria they don't have any future if they would stay there.

    Another point is that all those countries (no 1 is UK) which deny to take a greater number of those poor refugees forget that our society is getting older fast and WE will have big problems in the nearer future with our pensions and social welfare. The number of retirees is growing but the number of working people is declining. It's unbelievable that Cameron can't see it! But anyway we have to take refugees as a big chance for development of our countries not as intruders or enimies. Meet them with respect and not with hate. Help them but don't kick them out.

    By the way, those problems with IS and Syrian war are cuased by wrong American politics.

    Why is it only Europe's responsibility? What about Saudi helping their brothers?
    I have lived in a Muslim country and they hate everything you ( assuming you aren't a Muslim ) believe in and want to make YOU conform to THEIR beliefs. Are you OK with that? Are you going to convert to Islam?
    It is not my, or anyone else's responsibility to give Syrians a future. That is for them to do.
    Many of the so called refugees are illegal economic migrants, not in fear of their lives at all.
    There are millions of Phillipinos, a Christian culture, that will happily move to the west to work and pay taxes, and they will do so legally. Why are you so keen on having people that want to change your culture come to live with you?
    I hope you are volunteering to take a few of those refugees to live in your house with you.

    Before I came to Thailand I invited a Vietnamese family (Boat people 1979) living as refugees in my house. Indeed!! So YOU have no right to tell me anything. Also I lived in a Turkish society for many years as a respected business man. No Turkish did ever cheat me but some of my country. I have nothing against Muslims. There is no difference between them and "us". They have their God we have our.

    And you example with Philippinos is BS. They are NOT refugees if they come into our countries.

    Also Saudi Arabia is not an example. They are no "brothers". Saudis are SUNNIES. most Syrian refugees are ALAWITES

    Your personal anecdotal experience means less than nothing in the current situation... You want to know what's going on? Read it and weep...



    These so-called refugees will soon be classified as enemy combatants...

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