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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. It just keep getting worse for Clinton...

    Number of Hillary Clinton’s emails flagged for classified data grows to 60 as review continues


    And this just in...

    Judge orders State Department to probe Hillary Clinton’s ‘personal’ emails


  2. What Obama the lefty liberal was doing by allowing the millions of illegals to run the US borders and stay adding enormous pressure on the social services that are already over loaded, is to add millions of voters and sympathizers to the Democrats electoral come 2016 elections, why should he care? he's going to be sitting pretty in his mansion surrounded with minders and

    all the perks of an ex president, making millions with speaking engagements.....

    It's called the Cloward-Pivens Strategy... Saul Alinsky would be proud...


  3. Anchor babies are authorized by the US Supreme Court. Does Trump understand to undo that, he has to pass a constitutional amendment or get the US Supreme Court to reverse itself? Trump has just demonstrated that he has no knowledge about constitutional law and the limits of presidential power.

    The US Legal Code and Constitution don't appear to matter to the current administration, so there is precedent for Trump doing whatever the hell he wants to do if elected... See how that works... He who holds the throne and sceptre makes the rules...

  4. I believe if this vote were confined to those alive at the time, excluding Japanese the vote would be overwhelmingly yes

    It is good that younger generations are more moderate, or are they I think the majority would execute those terrorists who behead their victims, I also think the Japanese executed many prisoners

    They all committed war crimes, from the movies i was led to believe for instance the Germans were evil and the Americans angels. Later when i was a bit older i saw documentaries it became clear they both executed other soldiers as it was easier as taking care of them and guarding them. This were US soldiers saying they did this (so the truth)

    All sides are bad in wars

    I have yet to see Japanese civilians kill soldiers, if the bombs were used exclusively on soldiers it would have been a totally different story. To punish civilians for what their army did is not fair.

    This is what un-nerves many when having this discussion... The horror inflicted on civilian populations on both sides of the conflict is often overlooked... Everyone remembers the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan, while no one speaks of the fire bombing of Japanese cities... On March 10, 1945, the US fire-bombed Tokyo, destroying 41 sq km of the city and killing over 100,000 civilians... We often hear about the Dresden fire bombing, but not the 67 Japanese cities the US fire bombed at the end of WWII...



    It is true that Japanese citizens didn't kill anyone, although, the same could be said for the 30,000,000+ Chinese that were slaughtered by the Japanese in Manchuria...

  5. those who know something about the subject know that the Japaneses were desperately trying to surrender, the sticking point was the status of the emperor. Anyone who will say that dropping the bomb saved american lives from having to invade japan is wrong, the Japanese were ready to surrender.

    The bomb was dropped more as a demonstration to the Russians , than a pacification tool towards the Japanese. and as such was a war crime.

    Your assertion is only half correct...

    The Japanese military command would not allow the Emperor to surrender... It was not until the Russians upheld their commitment made during the Potsdam Conference to invade Manchuria did the Japanese military command realize that all was lost and capitulated to surrender negotiations... This was after both atomic bombs were dropped on Japan... They knew that if the Russians and Chinese were to invade Japan from the north, genocide would be inflicted on the civilian population, just like Japan did in Manchuria...

  6. It was this newest hand-me-down Benghazi committee that accidentally stumbled across the emails stuff.

    It probably has something to do with Hillary refusing to produce her emails for years, because of the Benghazi cover-up.

    Ah yes, the Republican party obsessive Benghazi fiction the right recites in its sleep.

    The Republicans running for president give us a peek at the Republican rightwingers that run and control the congress in the US House and in the US Senate, from Cruz to Huckabee to Trump and so on. While Republicans running congress have different names and different faces, most of 'em are the same-o same-o clown bus collection of hell-bent teabaggers as the R's running for president.

    You keep bleating about Republicans this and GOP that... The majority of Americans with an IQ above room temperature no longer identify with either party due to the partisan bullshit they perpetuate, while doing nothing for those that elected them to office in the first place...

    The SOP is well established whenever another Democratic scandal pops up in the media... Their reaction is to whip out Alinsky Rule #5, ridicule your opponent as it has no defense and never address the topic...

    Who do you think leaked the email server news bite to the media in the first place? Clinton was thrown under the bus by the white house... HRC will not be the next POTUS...

  7. I remember a child like this in my son's kindergarten.

    It took a few years but the teacher really worked hard with him and spent a lot more time on him than the others.

    Now, he is 11 years old an totally normal.

    I'd say it took 5 years minimum.

    I would venture to guess it is going to take a special teacher who really cares.

    As well as you and her Mom at home.

    Gonna take lots of love.

    I also think school would be important because she would see how others act, and eat, and go to the bathroom, etc.

    Good luck.

    I suspect you're a good man, but I never would have used that word.

    Having been through this, what this poster says in the last sentence is the solution. I'm sure a lot of love is already there.

    It is also doubtful because, I KNOW this is a beautiful child. That her new playmates, etc. They will not judge her. She will have so much to teach and share with them.

    Many who may not have been more than 50 klicks from home.

    God is with you. That's all the luck you will need.

    Baraka Bashad

    synonyms: tame, tamed, pet, domestic, trained
    1. tame (an animal) and keep it as a pet or for farm produce.

    What is the politically correct term that you would use in this circumstance? At least the OP didn't ask how to house-break the girl...

  8. It's baloney until it's not baloney.

    I would not rule out at this point that there isn't something that can be nailed on Hillary Clinton that she won't be able to make go away.

    There are good reasons to be very concerned about her candidacy now.

    It's not over yet and maybe she can weather all this ... but don't be totally shocked if it becomes over.

    By hook or by crook.

    Oh please, how many scandals have been circling the Dems and the current administration for the last 7 years... Let us count the ways... coffee1.gif

  9. The GOP is trying really hard to push this e-mail issue, but nobody outside of the Republican Party really cares.

    from the OP:

    And Terry Shumaker, a longtime supporter in New Hampshire, said the issue didn't come up during Clinton's campaigning in the state this week. "People were free to ask about anything, and nobody asked about emails," he said.

    There must not have been any reporters from Fox News in the audience, as they love to keep stirring the pot about this non-important-issue. If Republicans could challenge Clinton on issues or policies, they would try doing that. But they can't, so they resort to what they're best at: Slinging mud, and hoping some sticks.

    If/when the email issue blows over, what will Republicans attack next? ....her pants suit cut too high above the ankle? ....Socks the cat has bad breath?

    True. Remember how past campaigns were always about the economy and jobs? Well since the economy has been churning along and the unemployment rate relatively low, the Republicans can't crow about that. So it's about Benghazi and e-mail servers. Funny but even Donald Trump (back in the day) said the economy was typically better under the Democrats. He's actually right about something!

    If you take even a cursory looks behind the curtain, you will find that the economy is not chugging along and that the employment numbers coming out of the BLS are bogus as hell... The true U6 unemployment rate is 10.5% in the US...


  10. And right on cue, the State Department refuses to accept the intel communities assessment that any of these emails were top secret when they were released, in direct contradiction to their own regulations pertaining to sensitive materials...


    The State Department is taking the line of Hillary Clinton’s that material in her personal email server was not classified at the time, and State is not accepting the intelligence inspector general’s determination that some information was top secret.

    “None of them were classified at the time,” Mark C. Toner, State’s deputy spokesman, told reporters this week.

    The assertion flies directly in the face of findings by both the State Department and Intelligence Community inspectors general who concluded that, while the material may not have been stamped as classified, Mrs. Clinton’s server held data that was classified then.

  11. Fidel needs to count his blessing that he is still alive at 89 and has not been assassinated... There are leaders of other countries that have opposed the US over the years that are not so lucky... As far as restitution, Cuba needs to reimburse the US for all the criminals Fidel sent across the straights to Florida when he emptied the prisons... Hell, half of Florida is little Havana... And as the song goes, everyone has a cousin in Miami...

  12. I am always amazed at how many blank stares I get when I mention Thai Visa! I would expect the entire expat community to use is but it would appear to be way under 50% in my experience

    One reason is that so many people prefer facebook now because it is easier to integrate into other apps and is used often throughout the day. A lot of posters who used to be on TV are on the C.M. facebook groups now (which BTW do give lots of info about Immigration procedures). Another reason is that there are a lot of ex-pats here who don't speak a single word of English. I met two this weekend. Fortunately I still remember some German and Spanish and was able to communicate with them.

    Are there Facebook groups where people are posting daily reports about what's happening at Immigration Promenada, complete with photos and reports of what time they run out of queue cards and how many queue cards were distributed that day for retirement extensions? I've looked and can't find any, but maybe I just don't know my way around Facebook.

    Yes Nancy, this story along with the photos have been posted on a couple of FB groups specific to CM... One of them is the FARANG COMMUNITY CHIANG MAI CITY group...

  13. Please, stop with the dis-information...

    The delay / killing of the Keystone pipeline was a reward to the Dems for donations from Tom Steyer, billionaire 'environmentalist' that is profiting from the pipeline not being built...



  14. I am praying that the Chiense economy sinks and collapses. will be fun to see how its arse lickers survive then.

    China's economy is export-centric, no matter how they attempt to shift to more domestic consumption, it just isn't happening fast enough... China is faltering due to reduced exports, which means that the economies of their western customers, the US and EU, are in decline... So sit back and bask in the Chinese meltdown, because it will be coming soon enough to the west... Hell, it would have already happened in the west if the politicians had the balls to call the banksters on their criminal acts and let them fail, instead of propping them up with taxpayer $$$... It's a giant shit sandwich and eventually we are all going to have to take a bite...

  15. I've only been there once and that was early. But Tripadvisor contains some hair-raising allegations:

    x.gifReviewed 27 July 2015

    Me and 2 friends were at Zoeys 2 weeks ago. I assumed that the bar over the road was connected to the main bar, however I was wrong. The main bouncer clicked his fingers and within seconds I got dragged down an alley by 5-6 bouncers and beaten repeatedly, getting knocked unconscious 4-5 times. I had bottles of Chang smashed over my head and even a gun pointed at my head.

    “Disgraceful bouncers, don't ever visit ”
    x.gifReviewed 4 July 2015

    My friend and I went here to drink a few beers for our first night in Chiang Mai. The night was going well and the place seemed good until one bald headed bouncer decided to slam my friends head into a table because he believed he had got his drink somewhere else. He never even allowed my friend to explain that he had purchased a beer from inside the bar. I've never seen such a disgraceful act by the bouncers in a nightclub before in my life. Don't visit this bar, it's run by complete scumbags who is thinks they're above the law and it is the worst nightclub/bar I've ever been to in my life. The bouncer was clearly one of those guys who is way to worried about the size of his own dick instead of doing his own job. There is so many other places in Chiang Mai to see instead!

    Visited July 2015
    “Dangerous Place”
    x.gifReviewed 4 July 2015

    We went for a birthday paty and we were really choked by what we see.

    Most of the staff are there just to fight, and when they don't have anything to do they just assault a random costumer.

    We witness 3 really bad beat up by the so called staff.

    They drag the costumer in a small alley and kick him when he was allready insonscious for 20 minutes.

    The manager was smilling and lafing during this.

    There are many bars in the Zoe area. I wonder which ones these reported incidents occurred in.

    The topic is Zoe in Yellow.

    The tripadvisor reviews are for Zoe in Yellow.

    Maybe you can sense that there is a link there.

    Perhaps tourists become confused when the entire complex of bars is referred to as Zoe Yellow... Which is how many perceive the place...

  16. You know what must thai girls says about farang, that they are sooooo stupid and easy to play/manipulate

    no different or no worse than any other females and it's not unique to Thai girls.

    but you can't hold it against them because it's part of their genetic make up. They only have a relatively brief window of opportunity to fulfil their biological needs and they have to do whatever they need to achieve their goals.

    It's up to guys to give back as good as they getsmile.png

    Thailand has the highest rate of infidelity of any country on the planet, so no, all women from all places are not alike...


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