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Everything posted by neeray

  1. Thailand ........ The "HUB" of political turmoil and turnover. It doesn't really matter what HUB a current PM wants to create because that PM won't be there long enough to see it to fruition.
  2. "Epstein argues that Trump’s lawsuit is not solely about his personal grievances but is also a stand for the rule of law." (article quote). 555, as if the biggest manipulator of the American political system and the rule of law would give a rat's axx about defending the "rule of law". Give it up Donnie. Grasping at straws won't keep you out of jail or save you from the Harris/Walz team. You dug your own grave.
  3. Seemingly still proud to be married but obviously not committed. Well, the kiddie fiddler has been committed now !
  4. Kamala Harris stands to win on her own merits but the anti Trump vote will create a blue wave. Trump is about to lose his second presidential run this time to a woman, a black woman at that and the daughter of immigrants. This will crush Trump and his MAGA cult. It's about time. Enough already.
  5. Thank you Walker 88. This is a fabulous effort at laying out the facts, and so eloquently at that. Trump getting beaten by a woman, and one of so-called colour will be so fitting.
  6. More Trump blah, blah, blah. It's obvious that his Depends are handling overload as he tries to discredit VP Harris, the VP that people donated 250 million dollars to in support of her campaign. And that's in only 4 days. Maybe the fact that Elon Musk is not going to donate 45 million dollars a month to him, contrary to what Trump boasted, also caused some overload. The game has changed. As Trump likes to say, "we'll see, we'll see how it goes". Yes sir, we will.
  7. Note to migrants: There's no need to rush !
  8. This pile of Trump bullsh*t must have tired him out so much that his speech at the close of the RNC convention was so dull, boring and meandering like a river that it put some of the delegates and attendees to sleep. Or maybe that oversize bandage covering the little nick on his right ear confused his usually confused train of thought more than usual. Noteworthy: Many believe that his closing speech may have just wiped out the gains that he got from the assassination attempt.
  9. I couldn't care less. Somebody posed a question. I answered it. END
  10. I guess you're right! I must be a "genius" to simply asked the question that was answered (based on the article). You on the other hand fail in the genius category, as demonstrated by your reading comprehension skills. As for what was bet on, do your own research.
  11. It's right in the headline of the article, in bold print like this. But here, I'll make it easy for you. It was a 1 pound bet.
  12. This comment reads like first hand knowledge. Kind of like, "been there, done that, got the ....."
  13. Perhaps Orban is picking up more of the classified documents {for Putin) that Trump stole from the White House and was able to hide from the FBI. On the other hand, maybe Orban is delivering a directive from Putin to Trump, telling him to keep his mouth shut about his plan to end Putin's war on his first day in office (or before). 0 0that Trump stole from the White House.
  14. This is no longer the Supreme Court. It is now the Trump Court. "Birds of a feather flock together".
  15. Huh ? Is this Trump speak or Biden speak?
  16. The world's two biggest bluffers have formed a strategic partnership. Hopefully, their bluffs will remain just that.
  17. Bubba is ahead of any and everybody and Bubba says he takes top.
  18. He best not take any airplane trips for a while. Probably best to stay away from massage joints too.
  19. Habba habba doo. She's of the delusion that Trump can win the election and is vying for a top spot in his administration. It's going to be a hard fall for her and many others.
  20. A very nice reminder list. Can never be displayed too often.
  21. I always found hammocks uncomfortable.
  22. Gotta watch those cult leaders carefully. Some even try to take over political parties and then complete countries with goals of turning the country into a dictatorship.
  23. Fake news only started when Trump came along. Melania says he's full of it. Have a great day and don't read too much news.
  24. How the heck did you find out? Here I thought I could keep our friendship as a secret. Sheesh, it was all over the news that she never showed up, I can't figure out how anybody missed that.
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