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Everything posted by neeray

  1. Perhaps the thief has been watching international news and is copying a very similar snatch and grab trait now popular in USA.
  2. And I am convinced that 2024 will be my year to win a multi-million dollar lottery prize (even though I rarely buy tickets).
  3. I routinely eat about a dozen bananas a week but 5,000 tons, admittedly for a whole country, is a <deleted>e load of bananas
  4. Once upon a time, I had the need to have $10,000 cash on my person, on my way to CM from Canada. I used a money belt, and even at that, I was a bit concerned. Perhaps this naive traveler was on his first trip away from home base and mistook the smiley faces in the travel brochures for honesty.
  5. As an avid follower of all-things-tRump, I fully anticipate that things will "fall apart" in the 11 months before the election. Followers are decreasing, donors are shifting away, legal matters are slowly coming to a head, his mouth continues to spew out lies and wild claims on a daily basis, adding to his lack of credibility.
  6. The ultra rich have no shame, nor is there any limit to their greed.
  7. Trump can (and will) "promise and propose" any plan that he thinks might entice people to vote for him (and keep him out of jail). But whatever he "promises and proposes" is just hot air. His track record is proven. Besides, he won't get the chance to occupy the BIG office. Not a chance. But he will get the chance to meet Bubba (at his NEW home).
  8. Phuket will become THE HUB of tourism safety ................ for a while anyway.
  9. One of the best Thai relationships that I ever experienced was with a lovely lady who came to me on TF. She was looking for a wholesome relationship, not a walking/talking ATM machine. She would never spend my money, in fact sometimes she wouldn't order what I knew she really craved at a restaurant, as she thought it was too expensive. We spent most of my trips together but eventually we drifted apart. As it relates to the OP's question, she sounds like a quality gal looking for a wholesome relationship. He might be wise to accept her offer and see if the attraction by both is still existent, outside of the confines of her workplace.
  10. I think it means that you "float her boat". In other words, she has a shine for you but you've never made any advance so she's taking matters in hand.
  11. I have learned to understand Thai English. Well, a little bit anyway. Speaking of a 'basement' in a western-style house ...... that's the "earth room". Scooter tires needing air ...... "I need wind in my tires". "Lift up my life" ...... Give me financial support (this one might be Filipina).
  12. That sounds like a win/win. Be in the company of a bar girl daily.
  13. (article) " The fortune teller told her to put on pyjamas and sit on his lap to perform the rituals.". OMG, this sounds like that line, "sit on my lap and let's see what pops up". LOL
  14. Maybe if its travel path becomes a risk, one of the super powers will blow it apart.
  15. I find it hard to believe that a simple thing such as Visa-Free Entry could have such a significant effect on tourist arrivals, and so quickly.
  16. "disclosed that he had been battling heart issues and arrived in Pattaya" (from the article). Perhaps Pattaya was a per choice of locations for a man dealing with heart issues.
  17. Maybe it's for the best that the numbers of Chinese tourists have dropped way down. A blessing in disguise.
  18. Now I know why it is advisable to wash rice before cooking.
  19. Thailand seems to be in a competition with USA for gun violence. What! Another hub?
  20. I suppose the original offer of 50,000 by PT was a knee-jerk reaction. Now, perhaps on second thought, not such a good idea.
  21. Too bad that the 13 year old didn't splash some water on his connection (the electrical connection, that is).
  22. He's reported the opposite way of Trump. Prayut grossly understates his holdings (since he can't declare offshore piles of money) and Trump overstates by many billions (in an effort to support his fake business acumen). Both are liars, in the game for only themselves.
  23. Also, the article speaks of "motorbike". In my parlance, that looks more like what I'd call a "motorcycle".
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