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Everything posted by neeray

  1. At the ATMs that I use in Canada, the machine doesn't give back the card until I press the button, "transaction complete". And once the cash or cheques (checks) are inserted in the bailer, there's no retrieving, However, different machines all around the world.
  2. It's the same William Barr who months ago was disparaging Trump. Now, that same William Barr said recently that he will vote for him. What is Barr looking for? Oh yes, he has pending charges too.
  3. Whatever treatment Trump has received, he brought it all on himself.
  4. The 50% man! I think I heard Stormy say he was only 50% of what he claimed to be, and unlike the election, he dropped out pretty quick.
  5. I hope there's a good substitute home for his little dog.
  6. The reasons for taking, hiding and refusing to return these documents are blatantly obvious ------ unless you are a member of the cult.
  7. Knives in the right hand, forks in the back.
  8. This will be a great chance once again for Trump to show off his LACK OF debating skills and etiquette. Hopefully they will debate some real issues and it's not just another debate where Trump descends to insults and over-talk.
  9. "Other members" seem to agree about your disrespect, whereas my comments seem to garner respect. I turned 103 last week and still like to get laid a couple times a week, walk my dog vigorously several times each day and go out dancing twice a month. I consider myself a senior or elder, NOT an old guy. 🤣
  10. Some of us find it difficult to communicate with a poster who is so disrespectful of the elderly.
  11. Why must you repeatedly refer to Mr. Mahlev as the "old guy"? Why not the tourist, Mr. Mahlev, the victim, any name with a bit of respect? You must be a young guy. Has it ever occurred to you that you will be 81 one day (if you're lucky)?
  12. With the "flocks" seemingly being primarily MAGAs, they probably think their early settlement in Russia will position them advantageously in the forefront when Brother Trump becomes president again and embraces all things Brother Putin proposes (or orders Brother Trump to do). "We'll see, we'll see how it goes" (DJT).
  13. We shouldn't really knock Anutin's decisions. He can't control which way the wind is blowing.
  14. When the little girl has to go, she has to go. What's the big deal? Where do the street dogs go? Answer: same place.
  15. Perhaps the ropes were inspected but not the pullies. A seized pully would place significant stress on the ropes.
  16. So big deal. The couple get their jollies by being exhibitionists.
  17. Thaksin ........ Truly an example of "fall in a <deleted>e hole and come up smelling like a rose".
  18. It wasn't laziness. It was a brain fart. But at least I took accountability for it. A hell of a lot more than I can say for you. Sorry that you are an unhappy expat (not really).
  19. I read the article but I think my brain might have locked in on the headline where it said "working in Phuket". Excuse me, my mistake. But your sarcastic reply ("If you had read") just reinforces my thinking that there are so many people on this site that thrive on nastiness. Are there really that many unhappy, grumpy expats in Thailand?
  20. "L" ........ He must have rocks in his head. He'd have been better off doing his selling in Canada (my home country) where all he would have got was a slap on the hand and back out on the street the next day, if not the same day. Maybe the competition here is too great for him.
  21. Oh what a tangled web we weave ........
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