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Posts posted by lostoday

  1. <snip>

    and for all the deaths in south american cities, where do you presume most the guns come from? The US of course

    So the US need for a right to bear arms, leads to many deaths in other countries too

    Your presumption might not be spot on, as they say in the UK.

    Here are a few of the larger manufacturers.

    1. Beretta, an Italian company.

    2. Browning Fabrique National, a Belgian company.

    3. Glock, an Austrian company.

    4. Heckler & Koch, a German company

    5. Israel Military Industries, an Israeli company.

    6. Izhmash, a Russian company, manufacturers of the AK series.

    7. Sig Sauer, a German company.

    8. Walther, a German company.

    9. Colt, a US company.

    10. Remington, a US company that no longer makes handguns.

    11. Smith & Wesson, a US company.


    Less well known manufacturers include China's Norinco, Zastava from Serbia and Taurus, which is based in Brazil. Norinco (China North Industries Limited) mass produces tens of thousands of cheap pistols for export.
    Other brands are Spain's Astra, CZ from the Czech Republic, MKE of Turkey and Miroku, based in Japan.
    Now permit me to presume you can provide a link that supports your statement that:
    "and for all the deaths in south american cities, where do you presume most the guns come from? The US of course"

    So you're saying a South American gangster mail orders a Browning from Belgium?

    Why mail order. Why not just go to the gun store and buy one? You do know that Browning exports all over the world?

  2. <snip>

    and for all the deaths in south american cities, where do you presume most the guns come from? The US of course

    So the US need for a right to bear arms, leads to many deaths in other countries too

    Your presumption might not be spot on, as they say in the UK.

    Here are a few of the larger manufacturers.

    1. Beretta, an Italian company.

    2. Browning Fabrique National, a Belgian company.

    3. Glock, an Austrian company.

    4. Heckler & Koch, a German company

    5. Israel Military Industries, an Israeli company.

    6. Izhmash, a Russian company, manufacturers of the AK series.

    7. Sig Sauer, a German company.

    8. Walther, a German company.

    9. Colt, a US company.

    10. Remington, a US company that no longer makes handguns.

    11. Smith & Wesson, a US company.


    Less well known manufacturers include China's Norinco, Zastava from Serbia and Taurus, which is based in Brazil. Norinco (China North Industries Limited) mass produces tens of thousands of cheap pistols for export.
    Other brands are Spain's Astra, CZ from the Czech Republic, MKE of Turkey and Miroku, based in Japan.
    Now permit me to presume you can provide a link that supports your statement that:
    "and for all the deaths in south american cities, where do you presume most the guns come from? The US of course"

    So you're saying a South American gangster mail orders a Browning from Belgium?

    In 2009 I believe they seized 4.6 tons of South American cocaine in Belgium. I don't think they have much of a transportation problem. Although you might want to check out 7

    Self-sufficiency in Latin America.
    My point from above was that the illegal guns in America and South America are because of drugs. Deal with the drug problem and you have dealt with the gun problem.
    However those that want to disarm America of both legal and illegal guns will face a hard road.
  3. Stickman was 'predicting' Nana Plaza's closure since 2000 and every year since hoping to push people into his (or his mate's) interests in Cowboy. It seems like some of the "ITK' members here have been using his rumour blog as their 'facts' here.....

    Highly unlikely Nana Plaza and the surrounds will go the way of Clinton Plaza or Soi 10 when the area brings in millions of tourist dollars annually.

    You may be right with your assumptions or you may not be.

    I dunno.

    But look; soi zero has vanished

    soi 1 has hardly any bar left

    Clinton Plaza has vanished

    Washington Square has vanished

    Parts of soi 22 is wrecked

    looong time ago the bars in Taa ruua vanished

    I think mongers have to get to grip with that shopping centres, hotels and condo blocks offers way more satang than wee red-light quarters.

    The mongers are the one bright spot left for Thai tourism not being afraid of a few bombs and such; they face greater dangers every night at Cowboy, Nana and Patpong.

    As the baby boom swings into travel/divorce status nothing but blue sky for this market segment.

  4. The good thing for our daughters is they don't have to send money home...

    Here lies the problem in Thailand-------greedy families not wanting to manage on their own money----have kids to earn money to support their needs. and not bat an eyelid where it comes from. Or care about the kids future who has not got a cat in hells chance to save. The kid actually will say I love my mom and have to support her.

    This is a tradition that needs to stop. Mothers and fathers that not have enough growing a field of rice GET OFF YOUR <deleted> and go away to find work, if you do not like it then do not expect your kids to do it.

    Girls very young working in Pattaya, when anyone asks mama where is she working mom says Chon Buri, SHY ?? but knows what she does.

    Used to be like that. Now it's mom and pop ya ba.whistling.gif

  5. In Holland several dozen guys appeared/will appear in court for having had sex with a minor prostitute. The kid was lured into the trade by her loverboy. Two of the "gentleman" customers committed suicide. Apparently they couldn't deal with the public disgrace. Quite a few others now are in a divorce process. Young kids of some of the accused do not want to have anything to do anymore with their dads.

    The judges were rather mild in the sentences so far, taking into account that the "social" damage already was high. A few of them lost their jobs as well, more will follow when they have to serve time.

    Public prosecutors will appeal a number of cases as they feel the sentences were too light.

    Nail the sicko's to the wall like this. Perhaps others will control their fantasies better that way.

    The child prostitute must have been really young since the age of consent in the Netherlands is 12 it has been raised to 16 but the old age law of 12 is still on the books according to www.unicef.org/. It is indeed 15 in Thailand.
    18 in Thailand not 15


    Legal age of consent

    15 with a caveat. If under 18 and the act is regretted later, then the child or his/her parents can have the offender charged.

    So in all practicality 18 becomes the age of consent.

  6. Do you think any Americans find mass murder acceptable? I've never met anyone who did.

    The debate is how to stop it not that it is wrong. Everyone agrees it's wrong. That's why the constant repetition of the number of gun deaths serves no purpose.

    No one wants even one gun death or any wrongful death.

    so tyou seem to be running round in circles - do you have any other solution apart form gun control? Because it seems the logical answer to me.

    10 most dangerous cities in the world for gun crime are not in the USA they are in South America.

    Brazil has 19 cities in the top 50.


    Drug crime.

    It's not like the Japanese Americans and British Americans are running drugs and guns into American cities. Not too hard to figure out where they are going.

    Legalize drugs and get the illegal guns off the street then make the cities safe.

    Cities with the Highest Rates of Total Gun-Related Deaths

    (per 100,000 people) Rank City City Rate Metro Rate City/Metro

    Ratio 1 New Orleans Detroit Las Vegas Miami Baltimore St. Louis Richmond Memphis Cleveland Philadelphia.

    I wouldn't worry about the criminals moving to suburbia or Wyoming.

    The most gun crimes come from South America where does America get most of it's illegal immigrants? Not hard to put 2 and 2 together. I believe Mr. Trump has it figured out.

    and for all the deaths in south american cities, where do you presume most the guns come from? The US of course

    So the US need for a right to bear arms, leads to many deaths in other countries too

    Germany makes a lot as do Mexico and Brazil and Argentina.


    I was unaware you also wanted the USA to stop manufacturing guns. That's kind of a new twist isn't it?

    The right to bear arms and the right to manufacture guns are two different things. Are you suggesting to prohibit the manufacture of guns in the USA or world?


  7. The Chinese stock market has no relationship to Chinese industry and/or economic conditions hence it is just like a casino. Even the numbnuts on CNN have reported this, this week. No one with any brains in the West invests in the Chinese stock market.

    Here's one such person "without a brain": http://jimtalksmarkets.blogspot.com/2015/08/china-bought-more-stocks-when-they.html

    He said in that link, "10 years from now no one will be trading in US dollars." Ya right. I like Jim but when he moved to China he must have left his brain in NYC.

    Jim moved some of his investment to China but he lives in Singapore.

    My point was "10 years from now no one will be trading in US dollars" Jim said. You agree or think he left his brain in NYC?

  8. Back to the title of this thread: "Full-fledged western-inspired democracy 'unfit for Thailand'"

    Yep. Western democracies have degraded to where everyone has the vote, and where a voter's choice is influenced by unrealisitc promises -- and where so many voters don't have the ability to separate reality from hype. No, you have to stack the deck to insure only the wisest -- and most altruistic -- get elected. Something like the "managed democracy" of Singapore -- where, yes, only the elite have been elected -- but their altruism has never been in doubt. So what if chewing gum -- and sedition and adverse press -- are outlawed. Singapore is the least corrupt nation in Asia -- and not by accident, but by solid leadership. Is the man on the street upset by these non-Western restrictions to democracy? Nope. Those only annoyed by this lack of "pure" democracy are the non-productive professors in their ivory towers.

    Anyway, looking at the American example: We started out to insure only the educated had the vote (white, male, land owners only). Pretty elite, no? But it did go toward assuring -- hopefully -- that only well thought out decision making was involved in who got elected. Certainly not full-proof. But certainly better than giving the vote to anyone who could stagger to the voting booth. As now. With Congress full of self-serving idiots.

    No, Thailand doesn't need this brand of Western crap. Just hope they can find -- and secure -- their educated and altruistic Lee Kuan Yew. As such, they do need some form of managed democracy.

    You wrote, "We started out to insure only the educated had the vote (white, male, land owners only). Pretty elite."

    • Abolition of property qualifications for white men, from 1792 (Kentucky) to 1856 (North Carolina) ; see: Jacksonian democracy

    The United States Constitution did not originally define who was eligible to vote, allowing each state to determine who was eligible. In the early history of the U.S., most states allowed only free male adult property owners (of any ethnicity) to vote.


  9. I think the thread is about mass shootings and not killing of certain age groups in the population. If I'm wrong let me know.

    OK - comprehension problems? this article is about gun control.....many on the thread suggest that US slack laws about firearm possession are the key to mass shootings - this is part of the overall picture on how easy gun ownership is essentially an all-round bad thing....above someone posted a stat that cars kill more than guns in the States - a stat that is soon to be overturned.....however if you think this is acceptable then I would beg to differ.

    Do you think any Americans find mass murder acceptable? I've never met anyone who did.

    The debate is how to stop it not that it is wrong. Everyone agrees it's wrong. That's why the constant repetition of the number of gun deaths serves no purpose.

    No one wants even one gun death or any wrongful death.

    so tyou seem to be running round in circles - do you have any other solution apart form gun control? Because it seems the logical answer to me.

    10 most dangerous cities in the world for gun crime are not in the USA they are in South America.

    Brazil has 19 cities in the top 50.


    Drug crime.

    It's not like the Japanese Americans and British Americans are running drugs and guns into American cities. Not too hard to figure out where they are going.

    Legalize drugs and get the illegal guns off the street then make the cities safe.

    Cities with the Highest Rates of Total Gun-Related Deaths

    (per 100,000 people) Rank City City Rate Metro Rate City/Metro

    Ratio 1 New Orleans Detroit Las Vegas Miami Baltimore St. Louis Richmond Memphis Cleveland Philadelphia.

    I wouldn't worry about the criminals moving to suburbia or Wyoming.

    The most gun crimes come from South America where does America get most of it's illegal immigrants? Not hard to put 2 and 2 together. I believe Mr. Trump has it figured out.

  10. If a religion claim their god can take anyone's life claiming that it's love, I can't accept it too.

    So I guess that only leaves Buddhism. wai2.gif
    Chinese religions and Hinduism may not be wrong too. They have nothing debunked by science or defied logic too. They don't claim their gods are almighty or take their followers or anyone's lives.

    One of the reasons I find Buddhism acceptable for me is that Buddhists don't pray to a made up entity. Buddhists who pray to an object or for an outcome to me are not Buddhists in the way I understand it.

  11. bit more info on cars versus guns - remember car ownership is too a pillar of US way of life....or should we say death? I've left the sources in .......

    "For the better part of a century, the machine most likely to kill an American has been the automobile.

    Car crashes killed 33,561 people in 2012, the most recent year for which data is available, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Firearms killed 32,251 people in the United States in 2011, the most recent yearfor which the Centers for Disease Control has data.

    But this year gun deaths are expected to surpass car deaths. That's according to a Center for American Progress report, which cites CDC data that shows guns will kill more Americans under 25 than cars in 2015. Already more than a quarter of the teenagers—15 years old and up—who die of injuries in the United States are killed in gun-related incidents, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics."

    I think the thread is about mass shootings and not killing of certain age groups in the population. If I'm wrong let me know.

    OK - comprehension problems? this article is about gun control.....many on the thread suggest that US slack laws about firearm possession are the key to mass shootings - this is part of the overall picture on how easy gun ownership is essentially an all-round bad thing....above someone posted a stat that cars kill more than guns in the States - a stat that is soon to be overturned.....however if you think this is acceptable then I would beg to differ.

    Do you think any Americans find mass murder acceptable? I've never met anyone who did.

    The debate is how to stop it not that it is wrong. Everyone agrees it's wrong. That's why the constant repetition of the number of gun deaths serves no purpose.

    No one wants even one gun death or any wrongful death.

  12. bit more info on cars versus guns - remember car ownership is too a pillar of US way of life....or should we say death? I've left the sources in .......

    "For the better part of a century, the machine most likely to kill an American has been the automobile.

    Car crashes killed 33,561 people in 2012, the most recent year for which data is available, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Firearms killed 32,251 people in the United States in 2011, the most recent yearfor which the Centers for Disease Control has data.

    But this year gun deaths are expected to surpass car deaths. That's according to a Center for American Progress report, which cites CDC data that shows guns will kill more Americans under 25 than cars in 2015. Already more than a quarter of the teenagers—15 years old and up—who die of injuries in the United States are killed in gun-related incidents, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics."

    I think the thread is about mass shootings and not killing of certain age groups in the population. If I'm wrong let me know.

  13. The good thing for our daughters is they don't have to send money home...

    How do you know that? A child paying back a government student loan because family could not afford it or paying back the family for the loan because they could afford it? Give a child a car or home and many folks expect repayment the same as a bank.

    I financed my daughter and her husband's home and they make payments to me at a reduced rate of interest just like the bank only a better deal.

  14. Here's some trivia....I fail to see how people can find this acceptable though....

    More people killed by guns in US since 1968 than in in ALL of America’s wars put together.......

    Here’s a summary of deaths by major conflict:



    Revolutionary War


    War of 1812


    Mexican War


    Civil War (Union and Confederate, estimate)


    Spanish-American War


    World War I


    World War II


    Korean War


    Vietnam War


    Persian Gulf War


    Afghanistan War


    Iraq War


    Other wars (includes Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, Somalia and Haiti)




    And here’s a summary of deaths in USA caused by firearms


    Firearm-related deaths

    1968 to 1980


    1981 to 1998


    1999 to 2013



    (estimated based on rate from 2011-2013)



    (estimated based on rate from 2011-2013)


    TOTAL, 1968-2015


    • Cigarette smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States. This is about one in five deaths.
    • Smoking causes more deaths each year than all of these combined:4
      • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
      • Illegal drug use
      • Alcohol use
      • Motor vehicle injuries
      • Firearm-related incidents
    • More than 10 times as many U.S. citizens have died prematurely from cigarette smoking than have died in all the wars fought by the United States during its history.

    You brought it up. http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/health_effects/effects_cig_smoking/

    So If you really want to save American lives campaign for the elimination of smoking.

  15. The average wage in 7/11 is 9,000 month.

    The average wage for a new starter in a department store for is 8 or 9,000

    A girl working in a department store for a while will get around 12,000. If she's lucky and gets commission for sales she might get more.

    A girl who goes to university and becomes a teacher will earn around 15,000. Same if she becomes an accountant...

    So even after going to university she earns next to nothing.

    The morals and ideas of what is the right thing is different. The right thing to them is sending money home to support their family.

    This girl was earning 500 a time instead of earning 350 for 12 hrs in 7/11

    It's a no brainer to them

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

    Them is our wives and children.
    I know that this is the oldest profession. But I can't help feeling that seeing farangs living in villages with nice cars homes and apparent pots of gold, makes them want the same and they don't have many options to get it.

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

    Try watching Thai TV. Rich Thais with big houses and cars. Many scholarships in Thailand. Work hard go to school and be a success. Far more rich Thais have mia nois than the occasional Farang in the village.

  16. This is the mistake most people make.

    All religions are misused by those who profess to follow them.

    I have a close one whose family was murdered by Buddhists.

    Does this make the Buddha or Buddhism wrong?

    It is not the religion which is wrong.

    It is those who carry out terrible deeds in the name of their religion.

    Only Jesus can represent Christianity.

    Only the Buddha can represent Buddhism.

    Only Allah can represent Islam.

    Do not make the mistake to denigrate based on those who misrepresent their chosen faith.

    As for which one is the correct one, perhaps they all spring from the same well.

    Why do some appear implausible?

    Perhaps many appear deficient because the message was passed on/written by humans who are incapable of understanding or comprehending that which is not of this world.

    Of that which is permanent and unconditioned.

    If the religion says go out and kill non believers I have a bit of a problem with it.

  17. The average wage in 7/11 is 9,000 month.

    The average wage for a new starter in a department store for is 8 or 9,000

    A girl working in a department store for a while will get around 12,000. If she's lucky and gets commission for sales she might get more.

    A girl who goes to university and becomes a teacher will earn around 15,000. Same if she becomes an accountant...

    So even after going to university she earns next to nothing.

    The morals and ideas of what is the right thing is different. The right thing to them is sending money home to support their family.

    This girl was earning 500 a time instead of earning 350 for 12 hrs in 7/11

    It's a no brainer to them

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

    Them is our wives and children.

  18. Jim Fixx died in the 80's.

    Fitness guru, actor and model Greg Plitt has died after being struck by a train in LA. 2015

    It's like this. One may die at any time. One may be fit and die. But there is absolutely no excuse to be so crude and rude and disrespectful to your elders to write, "You just can't do it so many times before your heart gives out and some poor girl has to wriggle out from underneath your sweaty mortal remains."

    Fat and polite is better any day than in shape and crude, rude and disrespectful.

    I'm not playing this game with you again.

    I can understand that, it always ends up the same way!

    Yup. I comment on the topic and a couple of other posters comment on me instead of the topic.

    I commented that a fitness guru died while jogging. Another poster said that because he died in 1980 that was not a valid point. I don't know why.

  19. Thailand. Is the third most violent country in the world regarding homicides per 100.000 population , and the second for road deaths useing the same figures.

    Life here is cheap, no police force, people make their own rules, and no I am not knocking Thailand, I live here love it, but facts are facts and you can not gloss over them and glossing over the truth is a national pastime.

    Why do you think because something is true you are not knocking Thailand. I could say one organization cuts off people's heads and that is bad. May be true but it is still creating a negative impression of that organization.

    Knocking and truth are not related.

    You seem to be arguing with yourself. You say, "Knocking and truth are not related." However, you also say, "Why do you think because something is true you are not knocking . . ."

    Country A is a dirty country. I say country A is a dirty country. True but still knocking country A.

  20. Welcome to Thai Visa - where the mere idea of treating your wife like a human being is met with derision.

    Mrs. SB looking over your shoulder is she.

    Weird comment. It wouldn't occur to you that some men actually like women?

    I would advise the great majority of men in Thailand like Thai women. The subject of this thread is do you bribe your wife. If a man did not like a women he certainly would not attempt to bribe her to restore peace and tranquility in the home.

  21. Get a lawyer as was suggested. Thai Visa is the last place I would go for competent legal advice.

    You get what you pay for.thumbsup.gif

    I lived in Pattaya and used the law firm mentioned above and they sorted out the problem in no time.

    Unless you just want to jack jaw about the Pattaya police and how bad they are.

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