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Posts posted by lostoday

  1. There's a lot of deflections and irrelevant digressions in this discussion. If I may, let me attempt to steer back to what I think are the main issues.

    Among developed countries, America is probably the easiest place for an ordinary person to buy firearms.

    There are more guns per capita in America than any other country, developed or otherwise. War-torn Yemen is a distant second. (http://www.stuff.co.nz/world/americas/71560664/study-confirms-that-the-us-is-no-1-in-mass-shootings-blames-gun-culture)

    There are more gun deaths in America than any other DEVELOPED country: 2.97 per 100k population compared to second placed Switzerland at 0.77. ( Guardian link, but the data is from a UN study : www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2012/jul/22/gun-homicides-ownership-world-list#data)

    The discussion, in my view, should centre on whether there is a link between the three above stated FACTS. My contention is that there IS a link, and I strongly suspect that the NRA thinks so as well. That would explain why they long ago successfully lobbied Congress to ban the funding of studies into the matter. (http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/12/gun_violence_research_nra_and_congress_blocked_gun_control_studies_at_cdc.html). I think the ban was lifted after the Newton shootings, but a general lack of funds (and, I suspect, behind the scenes machinations) means that the CDC has yet to conduct any large scale studies.

    I believe that robust gun control will save thousands of American lives every single year.


    1. No. American gun laws are by state not the federal government.

    2. No. America is not #1 in mass shootings per capita.

    3. No. America does not have the most gun deaths per capita.

    4. No. Robust gun control will increase gun deaths because only the bad guys will have guns.


    We should compare like with like. Whether we're talking gun-related homicides or suicides, every country on your Wikipedia list with a rate higher than the U.S. is not a developed country. Every developed country on that list has a rate lower than the U.S. Substantially lower.


    Name one country that has the same population demographic and history and geographic size as America and then I guess we could compare.

    I'm a pretty average USA guy and guns have saved my life and property 6 times that I can think of off hand. How about you? Do many bears of coyotes attack your home or family (dogs included). How many businesses have you owned in a slum neighborhood? How many times has your home been broken into by armed robbers?

    345,031 Robberies in USA 2013.

    ? Robberies in the (your country) 2013

    Mass shootings in the (your country)? Mass shootings are not a reason to disarm they are a reason to arm.

  2. It is lack of respect when your wife calls you "the farang". You have a name. My wife her friends and family all call me by my name. If my wife say that to me I would for sure make a problem about it.

    Somebody said: "congratulations you are 1 step further than ATM." He maybe tried to make a joke, but I think this is really true!

    I had a Thai husband first but my Farang husband is a much nicer man; more honest and smells better.

    I understand your point, but if I read some post over here some people think it is normal when there wife not call them by there name, but call them "the farang" when they talk to family or friends.

    My only point was that some less informed people here think Farang is always a negative word. It's not. It depends on the context. Most of the time it is used negatively but certainly not always.

  3. It is lack of respect when your wife calls you "the farang". You have a name. My wife her friends and family all call me by my name. If my wife say that to me I would for sure make a problem about it.

    Somebody said: "congratulations you are 1 step further than ATM." He maybe tried to make a joke, but I think this is really true!

    I had a Thai husband first but my Farang husband is a much nicer man; more honest and smells better.

  4. I pity all the thinned skin over sensitive foreigners living in Thailand and take exception to being called Farang, it is a every day Thai word that all Thai people use, I have never known a Thai that does not use the word Farang, Thai people living in Australia call Australians Farang, I know because I owned two Thai restaurants at different times in Australia with all Thai staff, my mate in Australia gets call a bloody old baldy Farang by his Thai wife, I introduced them to each other, I wont tell you want he calls her can not be printed here, but they are very happy together, I would advise all the thin skinned Farangs that are not Aussie living here to never go to northern Queensland, they would really get upset twisted bent out of shape there if they don't like what they get called.

    You might find many more posters who pity you and your friends for being treated like mugs by Thai's who refer to them in such a manner on a daily basis...

    Respect is mutual, but clearly those Thai's with whom you associate don't think so.

    My husband's Farang family is much nicer than my Thai family.

  5. why not, if you are not Thai then you are a "farang" = foreigner, but as mentioned above it depends on tone and context. I could call you a name but uness you heard the tone and know the context you wouldnt know if it was in fun, an endearment or an insult.

    NO! "farang" does not = foreigner, it means Caucasian.

    The Japanese are not farang, the Lao are not farang, and the oriental "asians" like Connie Chung that are 100% American are not farang either.

    Farang = Caucasian and yes it's racist but racism is accepted here in Thailand by the Thais, just don't do it to them.

    Do Farang English teachers get paid more money than Thai English teachers? Yes.

  6. Can't understand why anyone would be worried, unless of course as indicated previously, there was a Thai Expletive, preceding the word, Farang.

    Some people are sure, Thin Skinned !

    Nothing to do with been thinned skin, it's about perceived respect within the relationship, does he have it or does he not?

    Absolutely. if you have no respect for yourself and don't mind being referred to in this manner by your own wife, is anybody ever going to hold respect for you.

    Would she like you referring to her as "the Thai"...when talking about her with your relatives and friends at home in your own country?

    That Farang is taller and more handsome than most Thai men.

  7. There's a lot of deflections and irrelevant digressions in this discussion. If I may, let me attempt to steer back to what I think are the main issues.

    Among developed countries, America is probably the easiest place for an ordinary person to buy firearms.

    There are more guns per capita in America than any other country, developed or otherwise. War-torn Yemen is a distant second. (http://www.stuff.co.nz/world/americas/71560664/study-confirms-that-the-us-is-no-1-in-mass-shootings-blames-gun-culture)

    There are more gun deaths in America than any other DEVELOPED country: 2.97 per 100k population compared to second placed Switzerland at 0.77. ( Guardian link, but the data is from a UN study : www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2012/jul/22/gun-homicides-ownership-world-list#data)

    The discussion, in my view, should centre on whether there is a link between the three above stated FACTS. My contention is that there IS a link, and I strongly suspect that the NRA thinks so as well. That would explain why they long ago successfully lobbied Congress to ban the funding of studies into the matter. (http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/12/gun_violence_research_nra_and_congress_blocked_gun_control_studies_at_cdc.html). I think the ban was lifted after the Newton shootings, but a general lack of funds (and, I suspect, behind the scenes machinations) means that the CDC has yet to conduct any large scale studies.

    I believe that robust gun control will save thousands of American lives every single year.


    1. No. American gun laws are by state not the federal government.

    2. No. America is not #1 in mass shootings per capita.

    3. No. America does not have the most gun deaths per capita.

    4. No. Robust gun control will increase gun deaths because only the bad guys will have guns.


  8. No its rude and ignorant and racist.

    Depends on the context where the word is used. I provided a couple of examples where it would be appropriate for a Thai to use the word Farang. At banks and military institutions and hospitals they have different regulations for Farang as opposed to Thai not British or American as opposed to Thai.

    Thinking that every time the word Farang is used without knowing the context is ignorant.

  9. You wrote, "We started out to insure only the educated had the vote (white, male, land owners only). Pretty elite."

    • Abolition of property qualifications for white men, from 1792 (Kentucky) to 1856 (North Carolina) ; see: Jacksonian democracy

    The United States Constitution did not originally define who was eligible to vote, allowing each state to determine who was eligible. In the early history of the U.S., most states allowed only free male adult property owners (of any ethnicity) to vote.


    I say voting rights should be given to persons who pay more taxes than they receive direct social transfers (general rule, with exceptions).

    People living on welfare on paying no taxes should not be entitled to decide the country's policy.

    I believe that is call an Plutoarchy.

    No, plutocracy means government by the rich.

    What I propose isn't plutocracy, since even base wage earners would be entitled to vote.

    You wrote, "I say voting rights should be given to persons who pay more taxes than they receive direct social transfers (general rule, with exceptions)" They would be richer than people on the dole.

  10. You are taking a tour to a place that only lets in Thai people. The person on the phone asks your wife/GF is your husband Thai or Farang.

    Soutpeel won't answer maybe you will.

    Did you read my post? If you don't think farang can be used as a pejorative then there is no point arguing further.


    Boy you guys have a hard time admitting you are wrong. Farang may be a pejorative or neutral or good depending on the context. Why can't you just say I was wrong and let it go?

    Did you read my post? I said it was all about context. Maybe go back and have a read.


    Maybe you better read the above. You wrote, "I think you are being deliberately obtuse. The answer to either of those questions is not "the farang"

    That is not correct the answer to my questions is Farang. Thais would not say "the."

  11. I think you are being deliberately obtuse. The answer to either of those questions is not "the farang"

    I also cannot recall my wife or her family ever referring to me as "the farang". Neither have my colleagues.

    As mentioned above it's about context. Describing someone as farang, like describing someone as Asian is different to referring to them as "the Asian."


    You are taking a tour to a place that only lets in Thai people. The person on the phone asks your wife/GF is your husband Thai or Farang.

    Soutpeel won't answer maybe you will.

    Did you read my post? If you don't think farang can be used as a pejorative then there is no point arguing further.


    Boy you guys have a hard time admitting you are wrong. Farang may be a pejorative or neutral or good depending on the context. Why can't you just say I was wrong and let it go?

  12. I think you are being deliberately obtuse. The answer to either of those questions is not "the farang"

    I also cannot recall my wife or her family ever referring to me as "the farang". Neither have my colleagues.

    As mentioned above it's about context. Describing someone as farang, like describing someone as Asian is different to referring to them as "the Asian."


    You are taking a tour to a place that only lets in Thai people. The person on the phone asks your wife/GF is your husband Thai or Farang.

    Where is this place that only lets in Thai people?

    Why do you want to know? I asked Soutpeel.

  13. You are taking a tour to a place that only lets in Thai people. The person on the phone asks your wife/GF is your husband Thai or Farang.

    What are you bleating on about ?

    As stated i have never heard my wife company or on the phone refer to me as "the farang" or farang, i have heard her one the phone refer to my nationality

    Why so defensive ? Just relating my own personal experiences and asking you a question my wife was asked.

    You are taking a tour to a place that only lets in Thai people. The person on the phone asks your wife/GF is your husband Thai or Farang.

  14. I think you are being deliberately obtuse. The answer to either of those questions is not "the farang"

    I also cannot recall my wife or her family ever referring to me as "the farang". Neither have my colleagues.

    As mentioned above it's about context. Describing someone as farang, like describing someone as Asian is different to referring to them as "the Asian."


    You are taking a tour to a place that only lets in Thai people. The person on the phone asks your wife/GF is your husband Thai or Farang.

    Soutpeel won't answer maybe you will.

  15. It is quite normal for "The Farang" to be referred to in the third party context by family and friends.

    I disagree, I have never been present where I have been referred to as "the Farang"

    Is your wife Thai or Farang? Is your husband Thai or Farang? You have a problem with either of those statements?

    Why so defensive ? Just relating my own personal experiences and as stated as far as i am aware i have never been referred to as "farang" in company whether her family or friends

    but if in company the typical question that my wife gets asked is where is your husband from, not where does the "farang" come

    I'm not defensive. You are the one who didn't answer my simple question. Is your wife Thai or Farang? Is your husband Thai or Farang? You have a problem with either of those statements?

  16. My answer was "ask em". Bc I've met several girls in TH that confessed to working the bars or prostituting themselves as early as 14. And these girls were barely in their 20s. Not sure why someone would lie about that, but there seems to be numerous reports- including the one we're all discussing here- to back them up. Plus, we're talking about a country where kids can drop out of school after grade 9 and the legal age of consent is more or less 15. So why someone would not use caution and at least question the age of a young looking girl in the sex industry here is beyond me.

    To make you feel sorry for them. Rare to see under aged women in Farang bars. Thai bars? Cambodian bars? I don't know. I don't go.

  17. A friend sent me this observation I thought might be relevant here:

    Actor Mark Hamill suggested America should take a cue from Australia in banning certain types of guns. That included a buy back.

    For the cost of just one war in Iraq, America could buy every gun in the United States for $1000 each. And still have well over a trillion dollars left to buy every gun shop including lifetime pension for its owners. Plus buy every gun factory.

    Too bad guns don't kill people the way 9/11 did.


    Would the drug lords and gang bangers sell their guns back to the government?


  18. here is one link that backs up what i said


    part of it states "A congressional report from last year noted that 70% of the weapons seized in Mexico in 2009 and 2010 and submitted for tracing came from the United States."

    Is your point the country that manufacturers the weapons is responsible for the deaths they cause?

  19. Just realized; I've been living in Chiang Mai for seven months and don't have one farang friend. They're all Thai. About a month after I arrived, a Thai friend took me to a expat bar (don't remember the name). I took one look and fled. I told my friend that if I wanted to hang out with old farts I would have stayed in the US!

    I guess your "Thai friend" thought you would fit in good there ...

    Thai Visa friendly banter ya right.thumbsup.gif

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