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Posts posted by lostoday

  1. Did you watch the video? Everyone of the 50 or so college students were smiling laughing and having fun. No sad faces or anyone forced to do anything. For the most part the girls were on top.biggrin.png Looked like a mild version of that old movie, "Dirty Dancing."

    What would you think if you spotted your teenage daughter forced to put her lips on the flies of a teen boys pants and perform fake oral ex on the boy for 10 minutes.

    Would you just laugh?

    Exact thing happened last year at one uni.

    Watch the video it was fun and I would not have minded a child of mine there. You are trying to bring in another indecent incident that was not in the above video.

    You wouldn't mind.

    But your happy to label it as an indecent incident.

    IMHO many folks would mind.

    Another poster tried to obfuscate the issue by bringing in another video that was indecent and that's what I was referring to. I should have been clearer.

    I do think you are correct though and that's one of the reasons I left the West and moved to Thailand. Much easier to avoid the holy rollers here.

  2. I guess I didn't watch it as close as you as I saw no erections. Makes most parties I went to in college seem rather tame. Ever been to a toga party? High Above a Pi Phi's Garter was my favorite song,

    You completely miss the point. I have no guilt and fond memories of my teenage parties, but hazing IS being forced by threat of exclusion.

    In your dreams but not in that video and we are discussing that video.

    What's with my dreams??

    The video I watched, which is the same one above, was labelled as a hazing ritual, and the OP claims it is a hazing ritual.

    You can either claim the video was not of part of a hazing ritual, or you can claim that hazing is not a form of coercion....either way, you're wrong.

    Some hazing rituals are fun for example panty raids when I was in school. We had to go to a sorority house and ask the girls for panties. It was hazing but something we all liked to participate in.

  3. Watch the video it was fun and I would not have minded a child of mine there. You are trying to bring in another indecent incident that was not in the above video.

    I did watch it. I would have been disgusted if my children were involved as a seniors, and outraged if they were involved as freshies.

    They were told what to do. Someone, some seniors and at least one lecturer, were getting stiffies watching it.

    What was happening was not so bad had it been adults doing it with free will....but hazing carries an implied threat that if you don't do it, you will not be accepted.

    So, you wouldn't mind if your daughter was told to pretend to have sex with those guys, while I watch and get my jollies?

    I guess I didn't watch it as close as you as I saw no erections. Makes most parties I went to in college seem rather tame. Ever been to a toga party? High Above a Pi Phi's Garter was my favorite song,

    You completely miss the point. I have no guilt and fond memories of my teenage parties, but hazing IS being forced by threat of exclusion.

    In your dreams but not in that video and we are discussing that video.

  4. Did you watch the video? Everyone of the 50 or so college students were smiling laughing and having fun. No sad faces or anyone forced to do anything. For the most part the girls were on top.biggrin.png Looked like a mild version of that old movie, "Dirty Dancing."

    What would you think if you spotted your teenage daughter forced to put her lips on the flies of a teen boys pants and perform fake oral ex on the boy for 10 minutes.

    Would you just laugh?

    Exact thing happened last year at one uni.

    Watch the video it was fun and I would not have minded a child of mine there. You are trying to bring in another indecent incident that was not in the above video.

    I did watch it. I would have been disgusted if my children were involved as a seniors, and outraged if they were involved as freshies.

    They were told what to do. Someone, some seniors and at least one lecturer, were getting stiffies watching it.

    What was happening was not so bad had it been adults doing it with free will....but hazing carries an implied threat that if you don't do it, you will not be accepted.

    So, you wouldn't mind if your daughter was told to pretend to have sex with those guys, while I watch and get my jollies?

    I guess I didn't watch it as close as you as I saw no erections. Makes most parties I went to in college seem rather tame. Ever been to a toga party? High Above a Pi Phi's Garter was my favorite song,

  5. In any currency pair there is 2 sides to the story.

    Will the Thai economy continue to slide and push it to 37, or

    has the fed got it wrong and the dollar slide back to where it came form.

    The dollar is certainly in a more precarious position than the baht.

    I couldn't disagree more.......Completely the opposite in my opinion. The Bahts going nowhere but down and its doing it of its own accord with no real input from the Dollar.

    I expect it to break through 36 this working work, hold and then continue its downward trend.

    I totally agree. I look for positives about the baht and I can find none. About the only thing to discuss is how quickly will it lose value.

    Well, that prediction of end August of breaking through 36 and continuing a downward trend didn't materialize, personally I'm with THB holding its own.

    China is on a downward slide and since Chinese tourism and business is at an all time high in Thailand I think we will see further down moves by the baht to 41 and stabilizing at 39 or 40.

    Remember these posts and check back in a couple of months.wai2.gif

  6. Hazing is a stupid custom, devised by bullies to humiliate and to give vicarious or real pleasure, often sadistic, sometimes, as in this case, sexual.

    It should be banned from all universities worldwide.

    Did you watch the video? Everyone of the 50 or so college students were smiling laughing and having fun. No sad faces or anyone forced to do anything. For the most part the girls were on top.biggrin.png Looked like a mild version of that old movie, "Dirty Dancing."

    What would you think if you spotted your teenage daughter forced to put her lips on the flies of a teen boys pants and perform fake oral ex on the boy for 10 minutes.

    Would you just laugh?

    Exact thing happened last year at one uni.

    Watch the video it was fun and I would not have minded a child of mine there. You are trying to bring in another indecent incident that was not in the above video.

  7. Hazing is a stupid custom, devised by bullies to humiliate and to give vicarious or real pleasure, often sadistic, sometimes, as in this case, sexual.

    It should be banned from all universities worldwide.

    Agree, the specific part of all of this that I seriously question is the perceived 'right' or 'entitlement' that senior students should be respected or feited etc., and are entitled to punish junior students, treat them as second class, etc.

    Why? How is any of that justified in any way?

    Watch the video no one was being hazed. It was kids having fun.

  8. In any currency pair there is 2 sides to the story.

    Will the Thai economy continue to slide and push it to 37, or

    has the fed got it wrong and the dollar slide back to where it came form.

    The dollar is certainly in a more precarious position than the baht.

    I couldn't disagree more.......Completely the opposite in my opinion. The Bahts going nowhere but down and its doing it of its own accord with no real input from the Dollar.

    I expect it to break through 36 this working work, hold and then continue its downward trend.

    I totally agree. I look for positives about the baht and I can find none. About the only thing to discuss is how quickly will it lose value.

    I can think of a positive. I got my pension check today from the USA deposited in my Thai bank account. Waahoo clap2.gif

  9. Hazing is a stupid custom, devised by bullies to humiliate and to give vicarious or real pleasure, often sadistic, sometimes, as in this case, sexual.

    It should be banned from all universities worldwide.

    Did you watch the video? Everyone of the 50 or so college students were smiling laughing and having fun. No sad faces or anyone forced to do anything. For the most part the girls were on top.biggrin.png Looked like a mild version of that old movie, "Dirty Dancing."

  10. What was the sentence she used. Without that no one can give you a definitive answer.wai2.gif

    I can answer, if my gf called me 'the farang' ( she wouldnt do,thats why she's my gf) she would be EX gf...i don't care what context it was said...end of. She has a name, and I have a name, if they havent got the respect to use it, then i don't respect them.

    Depends on whether Farang was used as an adjective or noun as has been discussed many times in this thread. Rather than repeat the many examples I would suggest you look above.
    No thank you....i do know the difference thanks....don't need your advice on the thai language.

    From another poster (not my advice). Nouns

    1. I hate farangs.

    2. Why are farangs in Thailand so fat?

    3. Do farangs whinge as much in their own countries as they do here in Thailand?


    1. Do you like farang food?

    2. What percentage of Thai girls has a farang boyfriend?

    3. I had a farang teacher when I learned English at school.

    Used as an adjective, the word is harmless. It's also generally innocuous when used as a noun.

  11. It's not a knee-jerk reaction. It's just a reminder of the existing law which some landlords either don't know about or ignore.

    It used to be the landlords responsibility but the onus was put on the foreigner renting the property some time ago now.

    It must depend on which office you use but the immigration where I live are very strict on it.I even have to re- register my address even if I leave the country for a few days.Pain in the a--- as the landlord lives a long distance away.It's starting to pee him off also, keep filling in forms and copies of this and that.

    Submission of the TM30 is, and always has been, the responsibility of the house master. The Alien is responsible for submitting a TM28.



    Looking at the TM28 . It would seem to suggests tourists should be notifying their every movement. You could do a tour of the country and have to notify your every move.

    Try asking. Start a thread that states I'm going to Nakonnowhere for three days should I file a TM 28 form when I get there and see what happens.biggrin.png

  12. The DOW is about where it was a year ago and quite a bit up from 5 years ago. What's the big deal. China is crashing but that's not the topic is it?

    i wouldn't call +38% of the main Chineses index Shanghai Composite (year on year) "crashing" smile.png

    a similar remark is warranted when looking at the media's sensational reporting of the Chinese currency's "devaluation" which is presently -2.35% not taking into consideration that CNY (Yuan) is UP vs. nearly all Asia-Pacific currencies and of course vs. a bunch of other currencies.

    "are we all doomed?" = coffee1.gif

    The Chinese stock market crash began with the popping of the stock market bubble on 12 June 2015.[2] A third of the value of A-shares on the Shanghai Stock Exchange was lost within one month of the event. Major after shocks occurred around July 27 and August 24's black Monday. coffee1.gif


    if you think wikipedia information is more valuable than facts... up to you!

    and if you can't read the numbers or the lines of this one year chart of the Shanghai A index then find somebody to explain them to you.

    here's a link:

    here's the chart:

    Bloomberg Sept 1

    China's Stocks Extend Rout as Factory Data Adds to Economy Woes

    China’s stocks fell, extending the biggest two-month tumble since 2008, after an official factory gauge slumped to a three-year low and concern grew that government intervention to shore up equities will fail.


  13. What was the sentence she used. Without that no one can give you a definitive answer.wai2.gif

    I can answer, if my gf called me 'the farang' ( she wouldnt do,thats why she's my gf) she would be EX gf...i don't care what context it was said...end of. She has a name, and I have a name, if they havent got the respect to use it, then i don't respect them.

    Depends on whether Farang was used as an adjective or noun as has been discussed many times in this thread. Rather than repeat the many examples I would suggest you look above.

  14. losttoday,

    Are you suffering from PBBAK ?

    TV Admin provides you with a ThaiVisa forum, which has been in existence for a number of years.

    I looked it up and quoted it, for your edification.

    Your reply ("Maybe because they are not the Thai government") doesn't make any sense at all.

    Another member quoted you the Thai Immigration forms website.

    That didnt seem to impress you either.

    Membership here is generally about seeking and offering advice. Please show a modicum of courtesy for others' efforts to advise you

    You seem to have another agenda, which is best summed up by your criticism - "that other posters want to add to the already onerous list of paperwork we have to fill out. "

    I own several properties, so I am stuck with multiple decisions of whether (a) to file or not and (cool.png liase with my tenant, for each property.

    In addition, my wife and I have 90 day and annual retirement filings.

    Why is your paperwork load so onerous ? anyway, it's a free world, file or do nothing.

    Foreign people cannot own land in Thailand so the report is for Thai people. The article in the paper was written for Thai people not foreigners.

    Answer : He/She (The owner of the residence) must notify (by the Form TM.30) to the competent official Of the Immigration Office located in the same area of that house/residence within 24 hours from the time of arrival of the alien.

    If you are talking about a condo in your name alone I don't know. I would follow the advice of the immigration office in your area whom I would consult.

    In any event there are 50 different immigration offices in Thailand all with different rules so to be sure one must ask them. I believe Phuket does not want a TM 30 but wants their own unique form to be filled out.

    If you want me to answer in the future use the quote function on TV that is what it is there for.

  15. Their country, their rules, how hard is that to understand?

    It is pretty hard. In the OP they didn't say where to report, when to report or what form to use or what would happen if you did not.

    They probably thought you would have the ability to Google to here:-


    All the information, and downloads, are on Thai Visa as pinned items.

    From your link. "He/She (The owner of the residence) must notify (by the Form TM.30) to the competent official Of the Immigration Office located in the same area of that house/residence within 24 hours from the time of arrival of the alien."

    1. Why worry about it? It is not the responsibility of the alien. As far as I know only 2 offices, Phuket and KCI have ever asked anyone for those forms.

    2. If they had been serious about it they would have included instructions of how to file in detail and where to file.

    There are two or three posters here that are on a crusade to change the filing requirements from the owner to the renter but I think they are best ignored as your link illustrates.

    PS It is kind of interesting to watch that every question asked about immigration the same two posters will always add don't forget the TM-30 form which is not for an alien to fill out as per above. I don't know why they do it. But they do it for every question about immigration issues. Who knows maybe they will eventually succeed and get the TM 30 added to the already onerous list of paperwork we have to fill out.

  16. The DOW is about where it was a year ago and quite a bit up from 5 years ago. What's the big deal. China is crashing but that's not the topic is it?

    i wouldn't call +38% of the main Chineses index Shanghai Composite (year on year) "crashing" smile.png

    a similar remark is warranted when looking at the media's sensational reporting of the Chinese currency's "devaluation" which is presently -2.35% not taking into consideration that CNY (Yuan) is UP vs. nearly all Asia-Pacific currencies and of course vs. a bunch of other currencies.

    "are we all doomed?" = coffee1.gif

    The Chinese stock market crash began with the popping of the stock market bubble on 12 June 2015.[2] A third of the value of A-shares on the Shanghai Stock Exchange was lost within one month of the event. Major after shocks occurred around July 27 and August 24's black Monday. coffee1.gif


  17. I don't have BUPA insurance. I joined the thread because you were bashing Thai medical care with no documentation and praising Indian medical care with no documentation. Your opinion is fine but both Thailand and India are usually in the top 5 countries for medical tourism. If you want to compare actual costs and treatment facilities I think that would be a good idea.

  18. They could always get a job. You do know that there are 10,000,000 illegal Mexicans working in the USA because the natives won't stoop to do the work?

    I wonder why… or maybe not: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/01/farm-worker-conditions-modern-slavery-video_n_2593772.html

    “For every 32 pounds of tomatoes Leonel Perez picks on Florida farmlands, he says he receives a piece rate of 50 cents”

    “Perez said that he and his fellow migrant workers are forced to endure substandard working conditions, all for an average annual salary of just $10,000”

    “Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that one farm worker dies on the job every day and hundreds more are injured.”

    Not to mention those who have been lured to the United States with false promises and paid recruitment fees so that they start out being in debt, it’s modern day slavery!

    Put up a sign. No jobs. Bad working conditions. Stay in Mexico and starve.

  19. It says nothing about the DOW. The DOW is about where it was a year ago and quite a bit up from 5 years ago.

    If you are implying that the DOW can be predicted by watching the Shanghai Stock Exchange you are out to lunch.

    Do not make things up, I am not implying anything.

    If before a sentence means it is a question. I wrote, If you are implying the DOW can be predicted by watching the Shanghai Stock Exchange you are out to lunch.

    By asking the question you are making something up that is not there.

    You wrote, "Today the Shanghai stock exchange is 3160, this week last year it was 2326. If that is a crash, it does not say much for the Dow."

    That is a comment about the relationship between the DOW and the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

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