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Posts posted by lostoday

  1. Good hospitals in Thailand are good and good hospitals in India are good. I go to hospitals in Thailand because I live in Thailand have insurance here and the country is much cleaner than India. I think it is difficult to fly today when you are quite ill.

    What happens when your past 60,cannot get any meaningful health insurance? or do not want to spend a bundle on something that can be provided just a couple of hours away at a small fraction of Thailand exorbitant pricing?.

    To be honest the cleanliness of India bothers me not one jot,just as long as I know the finest medical care is just a short hop away,granted difficulty flying if ill,id buy 3 seats or travel business class to alleviate any discomfort

    Up to you. Why not live there? I wouldn't expose my wife or children to the place let alone me. I'm 70.

  2. 25 million visitors moving 4 times a week for two weeks. Lets see that's 200,000,000 pieces of paper each of those taking 3 minutes to process. That's 10 million hours of labor to accept the reports and then there is data entry of of those 200,000,000 million reports at 5 minutes each (Thai data entry people). 17 million hours. 27 million hours of labor and we haven't added in the storage time for the paper records. 2,700,000,000 baht for labor.

    I'm not much of a logistics guy but what percent of the total with labor and all the new office buildings they would have to build to house the labor force and paper making and storing. What percent of the Thai GDP would this cost them?

    Thai Visa posters have been leading the charge to make this law a reality for some time now so congratulation guys and good luck in your next crusade for home visits for retirement visas and verification of embassy letters. Go get em.

    It is done online. Stupidity of the ignorant reigns.

    Are you calling me stupid? You mean that all Thai authorities (whoever that may be) can enter, Chinese, Russian, Egyptian and Irish into a computer? Let alone a woman renting to an Ethiopian or Turkish fellow and trying to get the name correct.

  3. Lets turn this question around

    According to thaivisa experts, Thais are the most racist and xenophobic people on the planet (TV posters words not mine) and they have derogatory names for people of various creeds and colors who are not Thai's, so if Farang is not intended as generalised disrespectful or derogatory term for the lilly whites, what is common generalised derogatory term used for the lilly whites then in Thailand ? Or are posters going to naively suggest the lilly whites are loved so much and are such hansum man there is no term given its the same lilly whites who state thais are so racist

    Not me but I have heard Thaivisa experts call that term, "anget." I don't know what it means I'm only quoting the Thai Visa experts.

    My experience has been that Farang get paid more than Thai people for almost every job where they compete so I can only think the Farang are more valuable to Thai people than Thais.

  4. This system has been in place for years, even small guesthouses are required to register people who stay on a temporary basis.

    There's a website and it can be done online. Every hotel also does this.

    Sure they do and mom and pop Somchai will have no problem reporting the visiting Farang on line?thumbsup.gif

    Truth is stranger than fiction. When I moved into this rented place a few years ago the woman who owns the houses around here asked me for help with the computer.

    She came to my computer, I logged into the immigration system using her username / password and entered my own passport details on her behalf.

    This was nearly 3 years go and it's been going on longer than that.

    She's learned how to use it herself since then as she only came back to me once for some other guy renting one of the houses....

    And she didn't give you the disk that imm gave her? Sorry I'm such a cynic. I've lived in 40 places in Thailand and no one has ever asked me for a passport.

  5. 25 million visitors moving 4 times a week for two weeks. Lets see that's 200,000,000 pieces of paper each of those taking 3 minutes to process. That's 10 million hours of labor to accept the reports and then there is data entry of of those 200,000,000 million reports at 5 minutes each (Thai data entry people). 17 million hours. 27 million hours of labor and we haven't added in the storage time for the paper records. 2,700,000,000 baht for labor.

    I'm not much of a logistics guy but what percent of the total with labor and all the new office buildings they would have to build to house the labor force and paper making and storing. What percent of the Thai GDP would this cost them?

    Thai Visa posters have been leading the charge to make this law a reality for some time now so congratulation guys and good luck in your next crusade for home visits for retirement visas and verification of embassy letters. Go get em.

  6. Not suprising when firearms can be bought as easy as a coca cola from seven eleven.... A Ban on firearms is long overdue - sure the cowboys will cry its against their freedom and right to protect themselves. But the rest of the World is doing just fine... grow some balls america stop hiding behind firearms, the country is ruled by fear!

    Perhaps you should look at the firearms laws in the USA they vary by state as it is the United States of America. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_in_the_United_States_by_state

    Why are you afraid of Americans having guns? How does it affect you?

    You wrote, "The rest of the World is doing just fine... grow some balls america stop hiding behind firearms, the country is ruled by fear!"

    Among the best countries for gun owners are Finland, Sweden, Canada, Norway and Switzerland.


    Of all of the points you try to make none of them are correct. Even in the old West gun control laws were on the whole rather strict.

    a very petty response - you obviously don't understand figures of speech.

    the fact is that it is TOO EASY to buy firearms in the US - especially high-power military style weapons.......and the laws need to be federal and much more restrictive.

    Because of the ridiculously slack laws the US is awash with old and illegal guns too this in itself presents an enormous problem....on top of any new regulation..

    What is a high powered military style weapon?

  7. Now negative inflation is based on falling oil prices alone? So it has nothing to do with the country's industries going backwards, loosing markets, lower tourist numbers, less income, lack of confidence in the economy and those in charge.

    So if its all because of oil, most other countries will have negative inflation also. News Flash: They're not!

    Everything I am buying lately is increasing in price. Negative inflation is just a crock.

    Cal you all read?


  8. A cross between Dr. Phil and Piers Morgan.

    Its not bashing at all its pointing out a problem based on facts. People don't like it one bit when their country looks bad. They twist and turn call it bashing. Its not hard to admit there is a problem. Can still remember Fox complaining about the drugs laws in the Netherlands now they make weed legal in the US. How the times have changed.

    Bashing is criticizing. It may be true or may be false; criticizing may still be properly be called bashing.

    My mistake, never knew that one I always thought it was bashing when it was not based on something as bashing is so negative.

    I see this as just a debate on the internet nothing more, bashing would be fabricating fact lying and doing whatever to discredit something.

    But learn something new everyday.

    Americans want the bad guys disarmed and to stop gun crime in the USA. Crime is the operative word. No one that I know would mind discussing that.

    The posters in this thread for the most part want to confiscate the guns from law abiding citizens and let them be killed by gangbangers and crooks and illegal migrants.

  9. 14 pages of uncensored US bashing....if this was a ladyboy attack in Pattaya the powers to be would have closed it down by now. smile.png

    Nobody is US bashing mate (hence why the thread has not been closed)

    the second amendment is just a very poor law, that affects many people, and many people obviously feel strongly about it.

    the wikipedia link above shows that the US has the highest homicide rate per 100,000 people in all of the developed world.

    surely americans must worry about this, and want change?!

    A cross between Dr. Phil and Piers Morgan.

    Its not bashing at all its pointing out a problem based on facts. People don't like it one bit when their country looks bad. They twist and turn call it bashing. Its not hard to admit there is a problem. Can still remember Fox complaining about the drugs laws in the Netherlands now they make weed legal in the US. How the times have changed.

    Bashing is criticizing. It may be true or may be false; criticizing may still be properly be called bashing.

  10. 14 pages of uncensored US bashing....if this was a ladyboy attack in Pattaya the powers to be would have closed it down by now. smile.png

    Nobody is US bashing mate (hence why the thread has not been closed)

    the second amendment is just a very poor law, that affects many people, and many people obviously feel strongly about it.

    the wikipedia link above shows that the US has the highest homicide rate per 100,000 people in all of the developed world.

    surely americans must worry about this, and want change?!

    The law was written to keep the British out of America. I wold say except for a brief period during the 1960's and that unfortunate thing with Piers Morgan it's worked pretty well.

  11. No its rude and ignorant and racist.

    Not to me.

    Therefore it isn't.

    Your choice you have freedom of belief , It is racist to many others and myself

    I would like to go to the beach. I'm sorry you can not. Why? They don't let Farang in; it is a Navy regulation.

    I would like to go to a restaurant. Thai or Farang? Up to you.

    Can you assume that the person speaking in the two above examples was racist?

  12. I think you are being deliberately obtuse. The answer to either of those questions is not "the farang"

    I also cannot recall my wife or her family ever referring to me as "the farang". Neither have my colleagues.

    As mentioned above it's about context. Describing someone as farang, like describing someone as Asian is different to referring to them as "the Asian."


    You are taking a tour to a place that only lets in Thai people. The person on the phone asks your wife/GF is your husband Thai or Farang.

    Where is this place that only lets in Thai people?

    Where ever the place is us Farang should boycott it!!

    Thai Navy base and beaches owned by the navy outside of Pattaya. That is the idea. They don't want you to come. How would you go about boycotting a place that won't let you in?

  13. Hospitals in India have a high burden of infections in their ICUs and wards, many of which are resistant to antibiotic treatment, according to the Global Antibiotic Resistance Partnership (GARP)-India Working Group and the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP)
    In Indian ICUs, the rate of vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE), a dangerous hospital infection, is five times the rate in the rest of the world. Rates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Indian ICUs are also high, with one study finding over 80 per cent of S aureus samples testing positive for resistance to methicillin and closely related antibiotics.
    GARP research estimates that of the approximately 190,000 neonatal deaths in India each year due to sepsis - a bacterial infection that overwhelms the bloodstream -, over 30 per cent are attributable to antibiotic resistance.
    There is a high chance that the medicines prescribed routinely may not be helping people as they are just duds.
    In January 2014, at least 32 medicines sold in hospitals and chemist shops across India, including the national Capital, have failed government tests and have been declared 'not of standard quality' by the Health Ministry's Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO).
    The Central government of India informed the result of drug testing which they conducted in the last three years. 4.4% of drugs were found to be of substandard in India: 9092 were found to be of substandard quality out of 2,05,448 samples tested collected from 36 states. In a written reply to Lok Shabha, JP Nadda, Health Minister in India has given the split up values of substandard drugs in the country tested in the years 2012 – 2013, 2013 – 2014, and 2014 – 2015. READ ALSO: Check out the recent biggest drug quality testing.
  14. Negative inflation? I call BS on that!

    The only thing that is cheaper that I purchase is petrol and that even lags behind the market rate.

    Normal supermarket items at Big C, Lotus and Makro, food courts, restaurant and misc items are MORE than last year.

    The petrol is regulated by a Thai government agency that makes price changes less drastic. They subsidize the price when oil goes up and put money in the fund for when it goes down. This idea is to smooth out rapid fluctuations. I believe it is called the Oil Stabilization Fund if you want to look it up.

  15. It is lack of respect when your wife calls you "the farang". You have a name. My wife her friends and family all call me by my name. If my wife say that to me I would for sure make a problem about it.

    Somebody said: "congratulations you are 1 step further than ATM." He maybe tried to make a joke, but I think this is really true!

    I had a Thai husband first but my Farang husband is a much nicer man; more honest and smells better.

    So you're a Thai woman? Hmmmmm.

    The post was a reference to the OP's GF and the Wife in the post I was responding to. The posts I've made in this thread were examples of Farang being used in a positive or neutral way by both women or men.

  16. Always entertaining to hear people whine on about how awful Britain was as a colonial power, as if that characteristic were somehow unique to the sceptered isle. Subjugation and exploitation are *human* characteristics, which means that every culture has either perpetrated such at some point in their history, or has desired to but failed.

    Pointing 100 year-old fingers at the culture which effectively brought overt militaristic colonialism to an end, is about as close to a pot calling the kettle as one can get. A grand coincidence of timing, history & geography just meant Britain was able to do it better than the rest.

    The (Atlantic) Charter stated the ideal goals of the war: no territorial aggrandizement; no territorial changes made against the wishes of the people; self-determination; restoration of self-government to those deprived of it; reduction of trade restrictions; global cooperation to secure better economic and social conditions for all; freedom from fear and want; freedom of the seas; and abandonment of the use of force, as well as disarmament of aggressor nations.

  17. 1. No. American gun laws are by state not the federal government.

    2. No. America is not #1 in mass shootings per capita.

    3. No. America does not have the most gun deaths per capita.

    4. No. Robust gun control will increase gun deaths because only the bad guys will have guns.


    We should compare like with like. Whether we're talking gun-related homicides or suicides, every country on your Wikipedia list with a rate higher than the U.S. is not a developed country. Every developed country on that list has a rate lower than the U.S. Substantially lower.


    Name one country that has the same population demographic and history and geographic size as America and then I guess we could compare.

    I'm a pretty average USA guy and guns have saved my life and property 6 times that I can think of off hand. How about you? Do many bears of coyotes attack your home or family (dogs included). How many businesses have you owned in a slum neighborhood? How many times has your home been broken into by armed robbers?

    You are now arguing against yourself, because it was you that posted the list for comparison. When I point out that the comparison isn't valid, you say that we can't compare the U.S. with other countries because the U.S. is somehow exceptional.

    And if anecdotes were ponies, all our daughters would be actual princesses.


    Taking posts out of order to make a comment is not kosher. (see, you are responding to a post that I did not make in response to a post of yours - trying to trick the Thai Visa readers into thinking you are correct when you are actually wrong) Reversing or changing the order of posts is the same as changing the posts meaning and is not allowed.

    You wrote,

    "We should compare like with like. Whether we're talking gun-related homicides or suicides, every country on your Wikipedia list with a rate higher than the U.S. is not a developed country. Every developed country on that list has a rate lower than the U.S. Substantially lower.
    I wrote,
    "Name one country that has the same population demographic and history and geographic size as America and then I guess we could compare.
    I'm a pretty average USA guy and guns have saved my life and property 6 times that I can think of off hand. How about you? Do many bears of coyotes attack your home or family (dogs included). How many businesses have you owned in a slum neighborhood? How many times has your home been broken into by armed robbers?"
    Now it's your turn.
  18. I couldn't disagree more.......Completely the opposite in my opinion. The Bahts going nowhere but down and its doing it of its own accord with no real input from the Dollar.

    I expect it to break through 36 this working work, hold and then continue its downward trend.

    You may well be right, if any of us could predict with any certainty we would not be here.

    This time last year the dollar was around the 80 mark and within the space of a few months had shot up by 25 percent for no real justification. Stopping QE does not actually change anything so it points more to manipulation and speculation.

    There is a lot to be said for the old sayings, what goes up must come down, everything is cyclic, etc, etc. Gold and oil have already felt the pinch, the dollar could well be next.

    1. Your bias is showing.

  19. I am the same as you I not like it at all tell her you not like it and if she not stop it piss her off and get a new one not as if she is the only lady in thailand not sure how long you have been coming here but Thais are like a mangos on a mango three if you not want that one you have go to a Mago three and get a new cheers

    You talk about how Thai women are interchangeable and replaceable, and yet get upset when they generalise you by race?

    I agree with SoiBiker. If that is how you feel about/treat Thai women, it wouldn't be surprising if they referred to you in some derogatory manner. You should treat others how you would like to be treated yourself. With this misogynistic attitude displayed by so many posters, it is no wonder why we are all painted with the same brush by some.

    So your here because you love thailand or you love thai puss I think it is because of the puss one thing you all have to lean thai women are with you for a good life and your money when you all understand that you will like it here more and I not get upset if I am called a farang not care but if my thai gf called me a farang I not like It I refer to her as her name if I am talking about her that is respect.

    Fail. You have referred to Thai women as "Thai Puss." That is not respectful. I'm assuming English is not your first language so maybe use a dictionary.wai2.gif

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