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Posts posted by lostoday

  1. The DOW is about where it was a year ago and quite a bit up from 5 years ago. What's the big deal. China is crashing but that's not the topic is it?

    Today the Shanghai stock exchange is 3160, this week last year it was 2326. If that is a crash, it does not say much for the Dow.

    If you walk into a casino and get 100 pounds worth of chips, one hour later you have 1000 pounds worth of chips and then 3 hours later you cashout for 110 pounds and go home. have you really lost anything?

    It would appear many think that is a devastating loss. Loss of perspective is the real danger here.

    It says nothing about the DOW. The DOW is about where it was a year ago and quite a bit up from 5 years ago.

    If you are implying that the DOW can be predicted by watching the Shanghai Stock Exchange you are out to lunch.

    Do not make things up, I am not implying anything.

    If before a sentence means it is a question. I wrote, If you are implying the DOW can be predicted by watching the Shanghai Stock Exchange you are out to lunch.

  2. On a foundation of feudal patronage you simply cannot build a democratic structure

    absolute consent.

    Democracy also means more equal distribution of wealth and equal rights.

    In the past, in the transition from feudal to democratic forms, there were historically two ways.

    - Revolution, the oppressed against the oppressors. (And after the revolution are not always democracies emerged.)

    - Or transformation in the process over time, where the oppressed increasingly get more rights, more justice and increased wealth.

    Which way Thailand wants to go, is unclear.

    You are confusing democracy with socialism or communism. Democracy says nothing about equal distribution of wealth.

    more equal of wealth.

    Please do not misquote!

    Opposite feudal dominions and more democratic forms, a different (flatter curve) is observed regarding the distribution of wealth.

    Look the list of coutries measured with gini koeffizient of wealth inequality.

    You'll be amazed what countries you'll find there.

    And after you can rate the extent to which countries are democratic.

    OK democracy says nothing about the more equal distribution of wealth. You are talking about economic systems not political systems.

  3. Can i ask you what you do when you travel outside of america, to other countries?

    do you feel safe sleeping, without a gun within easy reach? or does this make you feel nervous and vulnerable?

    Troll. Topic is US is now averaging more than one mass shooting per day in 2015.

    I asked a simple question. Do you want to take all the guns away from all Americans as a way of preventing mass shootings?

    yes. good idea. life will still go on wont it, without you being able to own a gun.

    and many people will not be murdered each year.

    are the gun people prepared to sacrifice their sunday hunting trip with their pals, for this?

    Carnage on a mass scale. The legal guns can be confiscated but not the illegal ones as no one knows where they are. So all the bad guys will have guns and none of the good guys.

    The reason bad guys don't riot and rob homes in the USA is because they know that mom and pop have guns and would shoot them. Ever seen movies of riots in the USA. They don't come to the suburbs or farm country because everyone is armed.

    So, to answer your question life will not go on as we now know it. The USA will become a killing zone. The bad guys will kill all the good guys. Not enough cops to stop them. See Detroit.

  4. The DOW is about where it was a year ago and quite a bit up from 5 years ago. What's the big deal. China is crashing but that's not the topic is it?

    Today the Shanghai stock exchange is 3160, this week last year it was 2326. If that is a crash, it does not say much for the Dow.

    If you walk into a casino and get 100 pounds worth of chips, one hour later you have 1000 pounds worth of chips and then 3 hours later you cashout for 110 pounds and go home. have you really lost anything?

    It would appear many think that is a devastating loss. Loss of perspective is the real danger here.

    It says nothing about the DOW. The DOW is about where it was a year ago and quite a bit up from 5 years ago.

    If you are implying that the DOW can be predicted by watching the Shanghai Stock Exchange you are out to lunch.

  5. Can i ask you what you do when you travel outside of america, to other countries?

    do you feel safe sleeping, without a gun within easy reach? or does this make you feel nervous and vulnerable?

    Troll. Topic is US is now averaging more than one mass shooting per day in 2015.

    I asked a simple question. Do you want to take all the guns away from all Americans as a way of preventing mass shootings?

  6. On a foundation of feudal patronage you simply cannot build a democratic structure

    absolute consent.

    Democracy also means more equal distribution of wealth and equal rights.

    In the past, in the transition from feudal to democratic forms, there were historically two ways.

    - Revolution, the oppressed against the oppressors. (And after the revolution are not always democracies emerged.)

    - Or transformation in the process over time, where the oppressed increasingly get more rights, more justice and increased wealth.

    Which way Thailand wants to go, is unclear.

    You are confusing democracy with socialism or communism. Democracy says nothing about equal distribution of wealth.

  7. The DOW is about where it was a year ago and quite a bit up from 5 years ago. What's the big deal. China is crashing but that's not the topic is it?

    you ask what's the big deal? don't you ever ask what is wrong with this picture? The DOW is quite a bit up from five years ago and yet one out of every six people in America still can't afford to eat without government assistance. They've now progressed to trading or selling these entitlements to raise cash which is illegal.where is the recovery?

    They could always get a job. You do know that there are 10,000,000 illegal Mexicans working in the USA because the natives won't stoop to do the work?

  8. The operative word above was news not heard or read. The poster was making a point that the news media does not use the word Farang.

    And of course he was wrong as demonstrated by our very own news media

    New trend of young, educated Thai women with farang husbands emerges: researcher


    The operative word was 'channel', not 'article'.

    But we're just wasting electrons yet again.

    No the operative word was news. Irrelevant if channel or article or skywriting.

    The point the man was trying to make was that the news media don't use the word Farang and he is in error.

    You are one strange individual. I think most people would associate the term news channel with television.

    I can't believe I got sucked in.

    OB and out

    I'd post a news reader saying Farang on TV but I don't know how to capture it on my computer monitor. Seemed easier to post a trusted news source like Thai Visa using the word Farang proving the same point.

  9. Note the word 'hear', not 'read'.

    The operative word above was news not heard or read. The poster was making a point that the news media does not use the word Farang.

    And of course he was wrong as demonstrated by our very own news media

    New trend of young, educated Thai women with farang husbands emerges: researcher


    The operative word was 'channel', not 'article'.

    But we're just wasting electrons yet again.

    No the operative word was news. Irrelevant if channel or article or skywriting.

    The point the man was trying to make was that the news media don't use the word Farang and he is in error.

  10. "little johnny just requires something small, compact, powerful, easy to use and offload, and that can be concealed easily when entering the church or the swimming baths"

    "oh you have a choice - that's great"

    I hunt bear with a high powered rifle. I hunt wild boar with a high powered hand gun. I hunt ducks with a shot gun and buckshot. I hunt rabbits with a small caliber rifle. Doves I use a smaller shotgun and smaller shot. I hunt fish with a spear gun and gators with a .30-30 Winchester.

    I don't know about little Johnny. My father taught me how to shoot and handle firearms and I was a marksman in the army.

    So sure we have a choice. I don't see what difference it makes if one can conceal a weapon.

    Many mass murderers took place from a long distance where the shooter was hidden from view.

    I believe your point is not to disarm the bad guys but to disarm the hunters and families who are protecting their homes if I'm not mistaken.

    Correct me if I'm wrong. Don't you want to take all guns away from all Americans?

  11. You need to distinguish between nouns and adjectives.


    1. I hate farangs.

    2. Why are farangs in Thailand so fat?

    3. Do farangs whinge as much in their own countries as they do here in Thailand?


    1. Do you like farang food?

    2. What percentage of Thai girls has a farang boyfriend?

    3. I had a farang teacher when I learned English at school.

    Used as an adjective, the word is harmless. It's also generally innocuous when used as a noun. I've met several older men, however, whose (Isaan) wives referred to them as "the farang" or "the bakseedaa". This is disrespectful, but most elderly westerners married to Isaan women are too stupid to know or care.

    If anything, this thread highlights those who can and who cannot speak Thai.

    Why do I NEVER hear the word farang used on the news channels?

    As yes, bakseeda, excellent observation.

    New trend of young, educated Thai women with farang husbands emerges: researcher


    Haven't we already had a whole thread on that? And what does it have to do with the topic at hand anyway?

    The poster that I was responding to wrote, "Why do I NEVER hear the word farang used on the news channels" So I quoted him a news channel with the word Farang.

  12. They count 72 baht of change 7 times at 7/11, take a selfie, make two phone calls, put on lip gloss and then hand me the the change.

    If you want to find someone you might have their name almost never a passport number.

    To have a national stand alone database of 25 passport numbers is worthless.

    Don't kid yourself. We've got Thai people working for us that could set up that entire database system in a weekend. We're all a bunch of numbers now.

    How do you figure they're going to track 60 million SIMs next month?

    The numbers alone are worthless. They need names. How are they going to get names that are not in Thai? A million migrant workers and 20 million Chinese tourists - get real.

    Edit to add were the folks who set up the 90 day reports must have been student interns?

  13. I just asked my wife about this. She says it shows a lack of respect. I would never call her "Asian girl" in a conversation. Only her name or refer to her as my wife. She does the same. Mutual respect.

    You need to distinguish between nouns and adjectives.


    1. I hate farangs.

    2. Why are farangs in Thailand so fat?

    3. Do farangs whinge as much in their own countries as they do here in Thailand?


    1. Do you like farang food?

    2. What percentage of Thai girls has a farang boyfriend?

    3. I had a farang teacher when I learned English at school.

    Used as an adjective, the word is harmless. It's also generally innocuous when used as a noun. I've met several older men, however, whose (Isaan) wives referred to them as "the farang" or "the bakseedaa". This is disrespectful, but most elderly westerners married to Isaan women are too stupid to know or care.

    If anything, this thread highlights those who can and who cannot speak Thai.

    Why do I NEVER hear the word farang used on the news channels?

    As yes, bakseeda, excellent observation.

    New trend of young, educated Thai women with farang husbands emerges: researcher


  14. Are you calling me stupid? You mean that all Thai authorities (whoever that may be) can enter, Chinese, Russian, Egyptian and Irish into a computer? Let alone a woman renting to an Ethiopian or Turkish fellow and trying to get the name correct.

    Passport numbers is passport numbers and pretty much the same on all the keyboards and passports I've seen.

    So do you think there is some magical database that Thai authorities (whoever that may be and I don't know nor does the story say) can types in your name in Russian or Chinese and come up with your location? Or are you telling me Thailand is hooked into a computer that will translate all passport numbers into names that is hooked into every police box (yes you can report to a police box) in Thailand?

    No. I'm saying that it's extremely easy to type in a unique identifying number regardless of what language the name on the passport. Takes about 15 seconds per guest who checks in, and 0.0007 seconds for the computer to search the database for any items of interest related to that passport number. (Like, perhaps 29 people are all using that same Turkish passport number to check into 24 different hotels tonight) Spelling and transliteration are irrelevant- as is the name in the passport to the hotel owner, really.

    I have no clue what they can do with the database they have. But I'd bet it would surprise a lot of guys who think they're a bunch of rubes.

    They count 72 baht of change 7 times at 7/11, take a selfie, make two phone calls, put on lip gloss and then hand me the the change.

    If you want to find someone you might have their name almost never a passport number.

    To have a national stand alone database of 25 passport numbers is worthless.

  15. Hotels but not private houses.

    Your Thai wife has now to report you!

    Not true. She has had to report for years but it was never enforced until perhaps now.

    Do some research on the Thai Immigration website and you may learn something.

    In your research did you find out where they are getting the labor and resources to enforce it now?

    Did you do any research?

    I ask a question and instead of answering my question you ask me another question. I don't think that's fair. If you want to ask me a question fine. Answer mine first.

  16. What is a high powered military style weapon?

    it's a big gun that kills with ease

    "it's a big gun that kills with ease"

    Your vast weapons expertise knows no limits.

    if i was in the states though, that would be enough technical knowledge to allow me to own one!

    Oh really? You have to be a bit more specific as many weapons are against the law to own in the USA.


  17. This system has been in place for years, even small guesthouses are required to register people who stay on a temporary basis.

    There's a website and it can be done online. Every hotel also does this.

    Hotels but not private houses.

    Your Thai wife has now to report you!

    Not true. She has had to report for years but it was never enforced until perhaps now.

    Do some research on the Thai Immigration website and you may learn something.

    In your research did you find out where they are getting the labor and resources to enforce it now?

  18. My girlfriend and I had a little agruement and her friend phoned her and she mentioned me as farang not her boyfriend? Do u think I'm over reacting by going over the top about this?

    So "before the arguement " she call you Darling and " after the agruement "she mention you as Farang ( culture difference )cos she angry with you at that time . i think thats ok .

    And thats the question in a nushell, if she calls by your name, darling etc and then when she has a strop on starts referring to you as farang then it does seem obvious there is a negative, derogatory connotation to the word "farang"

    Do you think Itsmylife is quoting the OP? Because he has added the whole bottom paragraph which was not part of the OP.

  19. I have no input regarding the OP,and what his GF wishes to call him over the phone is her business.

    I was referring to whereby after becoming annoyed Thai people and in the above instance the girlfriend starts yelling Farang this and Farang that due to duress.

    That to me would imply she was referring to him in a more derogatory manner than if she said to him for example will we eat Thai food tonight darling or Farang food.

    There are IMO times and places whereby using Farang can be seen as a slur but not all the time.

    It's much the same if I was driving down the road whereby someone cut me up badly and I yell <deleted> stupid Thais as opposed to <deleted>diot.

    It can become interpreted differently depending on the situation that it is being used in.

    Oh sorry I thought you were commenting on this thread and the topic that you quoted in your response.

    My girlfriend and I had a little agruement and her friend phoned her and she mentioned me as farang not her boyfriend? Do u think I'm over reacting by going over the top about this?

    So "before the arguement " she call you Darling and " after the agruement "she mention you as Farang ( culture difference )cos she angry with you at that time . i think thats ok .

    And thats the question in a nushell, if she calls by your name, darling etc and then when she has a strop on starts referring to you as farang then it does seem obvious there is a negative, derogatory connotation to the word "farang"

    Stoneyboy Given the situation in this instance I would have to agree.

  20. Perhaps you should look at the firearms laws in the USA they vary by state as it is the United States of America. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_in_the_United_States_by_state

    Why are you afraid of Americans having guns? How does it affect you?

    You wrote, "The rest of the World is doing just fine... grow some balls america stop hiding behind firearms, the country is ruled by fear!"

    Among the best countries for gun owners are Finland, Sweden, Canada, Norway and Switzerland.


    Of all of the points you try to make none of them are correct. Even in the old West gun control laws were on the whole rather strict.

    a very petty response - you obviously don't understand figures of speech.

    the fact is that it is TOO EASY to buy firearms in the US - especially high-power military style weapons.......and the laws need to be federal and much more restrictive.

    Because of the ridiculously slack laws the US is awash with old and illegal guns too this in itself presents an enormous problem....on top of any new regulation..

    What is a high powered military style weapon?

    Really ? Really? you think that is an argument!?!?!

    No. I asked a question. Depending on your answer I may agree with you. So, I'll ask again. What is a high powered military style weapon?

  21. My girlfriend and I had a little agruement and her friend phoned her and she mentioned me as farang not her boyfriend? Do u think I'm over reacting by going over the top about this?

    So "before the arguement " she call you Darling and " after the agruement "she mention you as Farang ( culture difference )cos she angry with you at that time . i think thats ok .

    And thats the question in a nushell, if she calls by your name, darling etc and then when she has a strop on starts referring to you as farang then it does seem obvious there is a negative, derogatory connotation to the word "farang"

    Given the situation in this instance I would have to agree.

    Except that is not what the GF said.

    The OP wrote, "My girlfriend and I had a little agruement and her friend phoned her and she mentioned me as farang not her boyfriend? Do u think I'm over reacting by going over the top about this?" Stop.

    That is all the OP wrote.

    The other stuff was made up by another poster.

    Now what do you think?

    The OP has not been back after he wrote the above.

  22. It is done online. Stupidity of the ignorant reigns.

    Are you calling me stupid? You mean that all Thai authorities (whoever that may be) can enter, Chinese, Russian, Egyptian and Irish into a computer? Let alone a woman renting to an Ethiopian or Turkish fellow and trying to get the name correct.

    Passport numbers is passport numbers and pretty much the same on all the keyboards and passports I've seen.

    So do you think there is some magical database that Thai authorities (whoever that may be and I don't know nor does the story saygigglem.gif ) can types in your name in Russian or Chinese and come up with your location? Or are you telling me Thailand is hooked into a computer that will translate all passport numbers into names that is hooked into every police box (yes you can report to a police box) in Thailand?

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