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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. UHRC cannot bypass or overrule Thailand's sovereignty that has the final authority on treatment of alleged asylum and refugee seekers. Thailand makes no distinction between refugees or asylum seekers and other foreigners in the country illegally, facing arrest and/or deportation. Thailand has not ratified the UN's refugee convention.* There is the Thailand 2019 National Screening Mechanism with specific criteria for vetting applicants. But there are "unspecified Interior Ministry protocols" that would bar migrant workers from Cambodia, Laos or Myanmar from the program.* Also, anyone who makes it through the screening could still be rejected for unspecified "national security" reasons and will have no right to know exactly why. An example of national security might be one's political behavior. * Thus, Thailand's judgement might be influenced by its international political relationships, especially with authoritarian regimes (?). The screening process might be a disguised method to identify foreign political dissisents whose acceptance might damage Thailand's foreign trade and security. * ref. www.voanews.com for Oct. 23, 2022.
  2. Likely much more to this story. That might explain the odd charge of overstay. For example. If a person has political "conflicts" with say a Communist government, they would be denied a passport to leave the country. Thus to avoid possible detention by such government, they must flee the country illegally and thus enter another country illegally if that country does not respect political assylum, ie., without a passport in accordance with the UNHRC.
  3. As you have "a material amount of money" in the account, enjoy your trip to Thailand.
  4. Not really. PM's and their apppinted Cabinets change. My case on point occurred during PM Prayut's regime.
  5. Will Myanmar win the bombing event?
  6. I can only speculate. Thus, the high price is probably that the Power Wall 2 made in the US. In Australia sells for $17,000-18,000 without a Solar Rebate (lowers price to $14,000). So the large price increase overseas may be due to customs duty (includes value for shipping and demurrage costs), lack of significant solar rebates, VAT, and lack of trade treaty pricing. There might also be some trade protectionism involved as a similar product is made in China that has virtually free trade with Thailand.
  7. There doesn't appear to be any haze between Thailand and Myanmar. They are in perfect sync politically.
  8. But as we have seen in the past, if a Thai embassy doesn't deliver those absentee ballots to the Thai EC timely, they will not count. No excuse. Case in point was Australia. And who controls the embassies?
  9. If hydrogen is produced from coal or natural gas that created green house emissions, what's the point? Might as well use grid electricity for power. Apart from such hydrogen production is expensive as is resupply and practical use.
  10. I live in Bang Khun Thian, Samae Dam subdistrict. Bank account in same district. Bank directed me to this tax office. There 90 minutes so many taxpayers but at least good aircons.
  11. Just biding time until the next coup. Then they'll be "dancing" in the streets.
  12. Carrions of a feather stick together.
  13. Retired on non O-A at the time of application at Bang Khun Thuan District revenue office (Rama 2). Foreigners virtually unknown here. But no issues with people in the office. Presented filled application form available from counter, passport, certificate of residence stub carried in passport, reason for the tax ID is annual refund of tax on interest on savings account. Given the large crowd of Thais waiting for their tax needs and I don't speak or read Thai, got my ID fairly quick. A surprise however. With all the emphasis by the government on digital e-business, my tax ID, name, address, date is handwritten in a worn out large ledger by the agent and handsigned by agent.
  14. Zero alcohol? Level of alcohol is defined by law for DUI and it's not zero. For new drivers 0.02% and for drivers of five years or more 0.05%. Just enforce the law.
  15. During the Covid pandemic many countries have implemented similar financial aids to citizens of certain income levels: stimulus payments. Paid for from raising taxes on the wealthy, higher government fees, budget cuts on waste, termination or rollback of government spending, etc. EC might argue success for such policies are speculative and not predective. But this is a prelude to a scheduled General Election for not only the Head of State and Cabinet but the whole of the Parlianent House. As such the EC has no business (legality?) to predict the outcome of the Election before it occurs, and thus, the success of such proposed economic policies.
  16. It doesn't matter. He'll claim he wasn't there and the Constitutional Court would agree. Just as he claimed he wasn't PM for four years.
  17. What's there not to like with PM Prayut earning compensation for chairing 52 government panels in addition to his PM salary? ref. thainewsroom.com 7/16/2022 In addition to his military retirement?
  18. Maybe the Mayor can convince the Pranburi Provincial Waterworks Authority at Khao Sawoei Rat to supply Hua Hin. In 2016 it supplied the MahaSamutr luxury property and artificial beach development in Hua Hin with water to fill and maintain a 72,000sqm lagoon.
  19. Nothing was conveyed in the story as to the victim 's personal life other than alien from Laos working as a Gardner. One might speculate given the theft of vegetables, etc. he may have been a migrant worker earning low (if not below legal minimum?) wages motivated by family (ie., contributed to the gene pool) at home? Do the Darwin Awards go to those who try for a better life against social class, poverty, etc.? Especially in a country where a government and/or society doesn't provide livable opportunity and security for migrants.
  20. Six were reserved for the armed forces "top brass" (ie., NCPO connected?). Those from the 10 professional and social groups were selected by panels representing those groups (who decided the panel members during Prayut's "occupation"?). Most "independents" choose a group with approval of the seven Election Commission members who had been (I think prior to the 2018 General Election) selected by the NLA previously appointed by the junta. Recall that before the 2014 coup, the Constitution proved that 50% of senators were elected and 50% appointed. After a new charter constitution written by the junta, elected senators were eliminated - as is the case now. Until the Senate is 100% elected as is the current NLA, a full democracy cannot exist.
  21. In Thailand it is seems the military is not part of the government but rather the government is part of the military and its "elitist backers" when it comes to certain foreign policies. At times the military seems to operate within its own sovereignty outside of the Constitution. What any political party might promise to be kinder is really irrelevant.
  22. Amphur registration - Would this work for any beneficiary such as a Friend cited in the Will, or only for a wife?
  23. If you qualify for the 10-year Long Term Resident visa for Pensioners, much simpler than all other retirement visa types offered.
  24. "Your suffering is my suffering. Your happiness is my happiness." Attributed to the Buddha. "offering shelter is among the seven kinds of offering that may be practiced even by those who are not wealthy." Buddhist teachings. I guess the refugees were just too embarrassed to accept Thailand's LOS hospitality and choose possible injury or death returning to Myanmar.
  25. Throughout PM Prayut's tenure he has organized payout of periodic "gifts" to specified segments of the population. Appearing in person wuth necessary documentation for the "gift" seemed a requirement. These were not legislative funded actions. Each time it's claimed that as a result Prayut's special event "handouts," his popularity increased. Yet despite such political showmanship, income inequality increased in Thailand. Now the PTP proposes a legislated social program as part of its political platform attendant with alleged checks and balances for accountability. How does PTP differ from the government's efforts to influence public support?
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